
Chapter 6.16 - Grand Design

Creating angry mobs is not a hard task. Inciting riots, magical spells of berserk, even paid partisans, all were well known methods. The real task is causing a people to find their own anger, to split a populace on something they both agree is a divisive issue. And to do so in a way that leaves the true instigation a secret and the instigators blameless.

That is what has been taking place over the last few months.

Ston, still recovering, had mixed feelings on their new aid bearers. To the common folk, the efforts of Haven were what was keeping the people of their city alive and healthy, providing food, supplies, and medical care at all hours of the night since the establishment of the consulate. To the nobility of Ston, Haven was a nuisance. Most of the nobles ignored the truth of the situation on the streets of Ston, preferring the fluffed reports of their 'yes men' underlings. It was because of this that Judias initiated his Ston redevelopment decrees.

The first move was to ban the use of Haven tools and construction supplies during reconstruction. Haven had been giving out tools and materials to the commoners, empowering them to fix and repair their own dwellings in preparation for Winter. The leader of the builder's guild had expected a certain amount of work for his union, and with most commoners having access to tools, they were able to complete minor repairs and such without the need of the guild. Since the guild had a habit of using small repair work as their large profit margin jobs, the builder's guild guildmaster demanded that Ston ban the use of Haven tools and supplies for work, so as to monopolize repairs at their exorbitant rate. Judias realized that if the union went on strike, the larger reconstruction jobs would be halted and not finish before winter. So choosing the lesser of two evils, Haven tools were banned, and their use punishable by lashings.

This was the first nail in the coffin of the Ston Nobility.

The next was an issue of vanity. Wilton made sure during a council meeting to mention the higher quality of Haven's knit wool clothing, especially with the incoming winter. He went as far to laud it as 'better than anything that came out of this backwoods country.' Judias himself made a request of the Grand general, and had an approved care package of clothing ordered.

When the shipment arrived, the guards of Ston went door to door and demanded exchange of Haven clothing for unmarked clothing from the Mont Kingdom nearby. The only issue was that the clothing was summer clothing, and not thick enough for the colder weather of Frost Kingdom, let alone the coming winter. Regardless, Judias decreed that wearing clothing emblazoned with the identifying markers of Haven was punishable by lashings. Repeated offenses would lead to the clothes being burned while the offender was still wearing them.

The warm wool clothing supplied by Haven was collected in piles and burned, which took considerable magical fire, since it was enchanted to withstand simple flames of the torch.

This was the second nail in the coffin of the Ston Nobility.

The divide was being driven farther and farther between the common folk and the nobility, and Wilton enjoyed driving his wedge. To Wilton the best victory was one where the opponent was sure they were winning the entire time.

At the next council meeting, Magistrate Judias commented about getting by without Haven's assistance, about their construction efforts and clothing deliveries. Wilton, this time enjoying a plate of tea and fresh biscuits from home commented, "Yes. I saw your pride swell when you took away your peoples' agency to repair their own homes. And you must have felt powerful burning away high quality wool clothing and replacing it with cotton rags. I am sure those will stand up to the harsh northern winter. Especially for those that could not afford the outrageous repair rates of your builders' guild, and will have a partially demolished home to try to survive in." Wilton sipped his tea, a slight hint of ginger wafting from the drink. "And while I would love to argue with your genius plan to remove my vile influence from your tinpot kingdom, you can't argue the fact that I feed and cure your people. So unless you can pull thousands of meals out of wherever all your big brain ideas come from, I am still necessary."

Wilton dipped a honeyed biscuit into his ginger tea, and munched down on it, a permanent smirk on his face

It was then that another decree was sent out. All food and medical aid will be provided by the Cleric guild. Judias, having never had to eat a magically produced ration, did not understand that he had made a critical error. First the temple demanded 70% of a petitioner's mana pool to use their services immediately after walking through their gilded doors. They ensured your wounds and infections were treated, but disease was not cured. Cures did not lead to repeat customers. Then the petitioner left with a summoned box meal, containing the entirety of the nutrients he would need for that day. It was water, nutrient tac, and a portion of protein gruel. There was no way to make it taste better. It was meant for survival, and had been shown to have physiological and psychological detriment after months of use. The worst part of how the temple operated, is they pulled so much mana the person would suffer brainburn exacerbating any negative condition that the petitioner was already dealing with. And if that condition was animosity at objectively terrible leadership, even more so.

This was the third nail in the coffin of the Ston Nobility.

The most surprised person so far was Wilton, and by extension Dana. Regardless of how obedient a population was, the commoners of Ston should have revolted by now. Wilton had made sure that commoners of Ston had their daily cooked meals replaced with rations and headaches, their soft enduring wool clothing replaced with scratchy thin cotton, and their agency to repair their own homes and shops taken away and replaced with price gouged union rates.

Wilton commented in his report to Dana 'I am not sure what else we can do to make the nobles cause life to be more miserable for the citizens of Ston. Living here is definitely "not a good time"'

The response from Dana was priceless, 'For the harvest festival, I am sending you extra staff. Ensure the nobles take away the opportunity for "a good time"'

Wilton smiled.


The next Council meeting was taking place a few hours before the start of the harvest festival.

Wilton arrived at the meeting with no meal, wearing his finest cloak and golden threads. He carried with him only a stack of fliers, the same fliers that had been secretly passed around at every bar, restaurant, tent complex, and inn. They had been handed out in shops and back rooms. The only place they were not openly posted was the streets.

The meeting was relatively relaxed and quiet. Normal conversation on topics. No interruptions. No scents of exotic meals. Judias was surprised. Wilton sat quietly during the meeting, where the builders guild was flaunting record profits, the cleric guild was explaining how many rationed meals they had dolled out, and captain of the guard had spoken about rounding up the last of the 'Haven Trash garments' and how they had a surplus of clothes they could sell to the poor, now that the 'base necessities had been met.

Through it all Wilton was quiet. Almost too quiet. Judias wasn't one to let his perceived victory not be revelled in. He interrupted the fluffed reports from the council to poke at Wilton.

"What is wrong, diplomat Wilton? No sarcastic quips? No thinly veiled threats? No steak and egg dinner?"

Wilton snapped to. It was if he had been focusing on something else entirely.

"Oh, sorry Magistrate. I am fasting this evening. I have to look my best." Wilton replied with a quick smile. Judias, ever wary of Wilton's antics, replied, "And what, pray tell, is the reason for looking your best?"

The trap was sprung. "Oh. It's our yearly harvest festival. It is Haven's most important holiday after all. I wouldn't have even come to your little council meeting had it not been for the fact that i was 'required' by my leadership to invite the entire city, and somehow despite your complete lack of awareness, you are somehow still qualified as a part of it."

Wilston then started handing out the fliers, he explained. The flier was decorated with smiling men and women with accentuated attractiveness, as well as various dishes, and barrels with the symbol of a bee and a pixie sitting on top.

"You see, Haven understands that the bounty of life is the most beautiful thing to be celebrated. So every year revelers join in a grand celebration of dancing, drinking, and enjoying life's bounty together. And this year we are going to have more revelers than any year prior, so more partners to choose from."

Judias was starting to figure it out. "What do you mean by 'enjoy life's bounty'?" Wilton didn't miss a beat. "Magistrate, both the existence of your wife and offspring, as well as the evening visits to your office by destitute courtesans leads me to believe you know what I mean. Unless you just 'cuddle', in which case I'll invite your wife to the festival as well."

Judias was speechless. "Not only are you monsters, you are morally bankrupt! To have such wanton celebrations outside of a committed relationship! It is all wrong!"

Wilton chuckled, "I am going to ignore the obvious hypocrisy of that comment coming from you specifically, and address it on its own. As for the revelers, some decide to bond afterwards. Marriage, Bonded, Paired, everyone calls it something or other. Everyone else just wants to use the night to have a bit of revelry. We have a Spring Rut festival for the more traditional dance and matchmaking for the less boisterous members of our Nation."

Judias was spitting yelling. "But children out of wedlock! They will be destitute! They will live off table scraps and die of disease!"

"In the entire history of Haven, no person has ever gone a night without a full belly. We produce so much food we can feed your people for months and not even feel a dent in our production. And I am sure your citizens would kiss my feet for those 'table scraps' again after the slop you have pushed on them from your temple." Judias began to argue but Wilton in a rare show of anger cut him off.

"As for the children, A Child of the Harvest is a badge of honor, as their mere existence is a celebration of life. Haven has no orphanages. We have a 100% enrollment rate for our Academy, where children of the Harvest are given a full scholarship for all 9 to 12 years until plated, and job placement afterwards as well as apprenticeships and housing. In Haven it is your merit, not your pedigree, that determines your excellence."

Wilton, having shocked and rattled the assembly, "Now if you will excuse me, I am a very meritorious man beloved by his country that plans on siring a few Children of the Harvest over the next few days. I bid you good evening, and best of luck!"

Judias then called to the captain of the guard "Surround the Consulate. No person may enter the Haven Consulate without express permission of myself!"


It was by far a strange sight. The Commoners of Ston, dressed in the cleanest dresses and tunics they could beg, borrow, or steal to acquire, were not rioting. There was a beautiful banquet of the finest foods, most delectable meads and wines, and the most handsome men and beautiful women of every exotic variety all present for their consumption. All just a stone's throw away. The consulate was surrounded by its high fence, which had its large gates opened wide. Just outside the fence was a ring of guards, weapons bare, with the guard captain barking out commands.

Wilton and Dana sat from the 3rd floor office. "What do you think will break first? The Guard Captain, the row of guards, or the people?"

Wilton smiled, "The people. If those guards continue their stance, it will mean their death."

Dana laughed, "Is that why you needed the pixie mist?"

Wilton, "Caught me red handed. There are thousands of citizens, with heated cheeks and blood pumping, being kept from possibly the best night of their lives by the remaining guards who survived the siege of Ston by running away? I predict it will end in wine or blood, either way tonight will be passionate and rivers will run red.``

Dana smiled, "I bet it will be the captain that breaks."

Wilton laughed, "What's the wager?"

Dana, "Bragging rights."

Wilton smiled, "Deal."

"Then you lose." Dana then sent a message spell to one of her subordinates below, a fairly powerful Lancer Gole that usually worked the Gate. Wilton saw the magic being cast, and he knew Dana was correct. The spell was one he had heard of but hadn't planned on using, as in the game of creating unrest and anarchy, he felt it was cheating. That spell was a Lancer Gole Specialty, one that removed all vestiges of responsibility from one's mind, and left them to their desire. The spell called. [Subversion]


The Guard captain was calling out formal decrees one after another. "Entering the Haven premises will be met with harsh penalties. Those that lay with a monster of Haven will face execution. Children conceived this night will be killed along with the mother." The riotous people couldn't take anymore of it. The captain was going to begin barking orders but he was suddenly overcome. He knew behind him were the most beautiful women he had ever seen. It took all his willpower to not turn around.

[I see you] The Captain heard a whisper and a giggle in his ear. A beautiful girl with bright pink hair came up and gently held him around his waist. She giggled and smiled. The captain was enraptured. He felt powerless to his mounting desire. The rules and regulations, commands and decrees burned away by the passion building in his chest. This unnamed girl smiled, took his hat off and put it on herself. She was a full 40cm shorter than him, but to him she was perfect. She took a large swig from a mug, handed the mug to him and then kissed him, forcing the drink from her mouth to his. It was strong sweet alcohol with a spiced aftertaste. It made him feel euphoric. He started into her eyes, sparkling like the beautiful jewel in her forehead.

The crowd watched as the captain let out his next command. "All troops are to stand down and enjoy the celebration. This farce has ended."

The small girl smiled and kissed him again, then pulled him into the consulate, leading the crowd. The celebration spilled out into the streets as dozens of tables of food, fancy dresses and suits, as well as several more pairs of revelers came out of the gate and into the Ston embassy. That night, the commoners of Ston celebrated with their friends of Haven and Thul.

That night the nobles of Ston failed, and would find three days later after the celebrations, the citizens at their doorstep, dragging them out to the streets for execution.

But tonight, Wilton sipped a bit of tea with Dana. "You win again, I see. I guess there is a reason you are in charge."

Dana smiled, "Congratulations are still in order. Out of all my assets, you have exceeded expectations yet again. You should take the evening off. There are no more cages in Ston to rattle tonight, however there will be a bedframe or two." Wilton smirked at the Joke. He was aware that the harvest festival was primarily meant for the changelings, although many races participated. Dana followed up as if reading his mind. "All of the revelers here came with the express purpose of bearing children, and have nothing more planned. Are there any that catch you eye?"

Wilton smiled as he saw one. "There is that Skygge Lass. She is quite the dancer."

"Ah Luna. She is quite the person. Fierce member of the protectorate, she has made quite a name for herself with her exploits both fighting in the dungeon and out of it. She even landed here in Ston even, as she is a member of the Archangels."

"So I guess by her exploits her level is a little higher than mine."

Dana laughed, "Much. She may be young but she is a powerful shadow mage."

Wilton nodded, "Fine by me. I care not if my children of the harvest have my looks. I only hope they inherit my sharp tongue."


Since it's friday and many people will have to wait to learn where the story goes, i am dropping a 2nd chapter. Enjoy!

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