
Chapter 6.6 - The Great Game

Serin had decided with the other representatives that since the Announcement Rites, the nation of Haven needed to have another office that dealt solely with how the Nation interacted with its neighboring nations. Under advisory from Dana and Edel, Jasmine, partner of Jericho and previous member of the Grand Woods Alliance, was tapped to head up this organization. She had shown Dana through countless planning sessions and covert activities that she had a mind for Diplomacy, but more importantly, had the forethought on how to use every asset available to have Haven get on top.

This Office, the Office of Diplomatic Relations, developed plans and procedures and mapped out future efforts by Haven to ensure Diplomatic superiority over its hostile neighbors.

That was how The Catastrophe at Ston became the focal point of establishing Haven's diplomatic ties to the people of the Northern Kingdoms.

Or as Jasmine put it, 'Hearts and Minds'.

Serin had listened to the plan.

Per Jasmine's instruction, the first thing was to immediately extend an offer for aid to the Northinern Kingdoms before Ston became under siege. Jasmine had correctly predicted it would be outright rejected, since this offer was sent prior to the Grand General knowing what trouble that city was in. Danas reports had told them that the Northern Kingdoms, especially the Frost Territory and Mont Territories, would take several days to mobilize a force large enough to even break through the enemy siege, and such a route might not come in time to keep the walls, and the city, from being overrun.

Upon rejection, Serin had sent an order to Mora, his spy in the Grand Woods Alliance's (GWA) Capital, to drop off an information packet about the catastrophe at Ston to her contact in the Enclave, the GWA's governing body. It took no time at all for the report to make it to the highest levels of their governing body, and when the GWA confirmed the information was accurate, they sent their own outlandish offer.

Serin had sat with his defense counsel, Edel, Dana, and Jasmine, and listened to their explanation.

"Since the previous offer for assistance has been formally rejected, the Grand General will be forced to request aid from us, or face losing territory. Since he will be the one asking, our cost will have gone up, as is expected after he has snubbed our previous offer."

Serin looked at his advisors. "How sure are you that he will ask for assistance?"

Jasmine smiled, "Honestly, I don't care whether he does or doesn't. But he will. Our offer, no matter how much we up the price, will not be as bad as losing territory to the GWA. plus, the offer they will send will most assuredly be an offer of a temporary peace for territory, which is 100% in the favor of the Alliance."

Serin nodded, then he saw a notification.

[The Northern Kingdoms Requests Humanitarian aid at the Frost Capital of Ston]

Northern Kindoms offers

Temporary access to territory by land military forces

Purchase of all aid supplies at 1.1x the market price

Serin laughed. It was as if Jasmine and Dana had predicted the future. Serin looked at the request and submitted an amended response.


[Amended response from the Nation of Haven]

Haven offers aid supplies at no cost to the citizens of Ston

Haven offers military aid to subjugate the monster forces in the territory of Ston until Crisis has ceased, and can arrive within 24 hours

All corpses and battlefield plunder belong to Haven

Haven requests Consulate permanently established at the City of Ston for furthering diplomatic ties to the Northern Kingdom

Haven requests unilateral Visa waiver for all Haven citizens that belong to the adventurer's guild.

Since the previous offer was rejected, this is Haven's final response.

Marcus looked at the request and turned pale. Every single line of this message carried a heavy meaning. They could give away supplies said 'we have more than enough food to withstand any siege'. Their troops being able to arrive within 24 hours said 'we can invade in hours, not days'. The remaining requests made one thing clear. Haven would beat the Northern Kingdoms, either by the Pen or by the Sword.

Consulates were buildings that were like embassies, but could be established in non ally nations. This meant Marcus would be giving the enemy a diplomatic foothold in one of his largest capitals, protected by divine decree. Shedding blood in a consulate was considered a unilateral act of war. Giving a Visa waiver to adventurers meant that they could enter the Northern Kingdoms territory and would not be considered invading forces, and therefore would not trigger an act of war.

And their last statement. Haven didn't care. If Marcus accepted their offer, they would come out in the long run. If Marcus refused, He would either lose Ston, or lose territory to the GWA. Either way, by denying Haven, Marcus would become weaker either in his nation's production or military might. Or both.

Marcus was shaking with Anger as he tapped his Kingdom Management Screen.


[The Northern Kingdoms Accepts your response]

Serin smiled, "Edel, Have a faster ship ready for any volunteers that wish to visit Ston. I will personally be going to assist in their aid. While I am gone, I leave defense of Haven to you. I am not expecting an attack from the other two nations, but I am ALWAYS expecting an attack from the other two nations." Serin winked.

And with that, Serin had a message sent to the entire town, letting them know the plan.

In all the monster subjugation forces came in two waves. The first wave was the Archangels numbering at 28, as well as the Longshots, which were primarily Marksmen trained in defense of urban environments. Then Liza and her team of practiced healers, medics, defenders, and druids had volunteered. Due to their battlefield prowess and expertise in medicine and life magic, their team had earned the callsign 'Witchdoctors'. Serin noticed that when a team earned a name, it was always a boost to morale so he just smiled and went along with it.

The second wave consisted of Serin, Olma, and roughly the 40 highest ranked changelings. To catch up with the first wave, they were travelling in three faster sloops, with nothing on board but weapons and ammo. Another ship was being prepared to tote a Consulate building for dropoff. Unlike the one built in the Kingdom of Thul, this one's sister portal would be at the emigration office in the Merchant Quarter of Haven. Two sets of armed security would be used to ensure only designated people were authorized to travel via gate, and a locking stone was prepared to go in place at any time should the future consulate be overrun.

The third wave, if needed, would contain 200 medium ranked protectorate. Serin predicted no need for a 4th wave, but had one on standby just in case. The remaining protectorate were to remain in Haven to ensure that lands were more than adequately protected. Serin was fully aware that both his neighbors might take advantage of Haven's good will, and Serin knew of at least one nation that was prepared to attempt it at any time.

With that, three large airships left Haven to catch up to the first wave, which would be landing soon.


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