
Chapter 5.4 - Growing Pains

At the behest of the society of explorers and Serin's own initiatives, Serin called a meeting to discuss infrastructure planning and expansion. To ensure each of the different government organizations were present, Edel was present as well as by special invitation Josef Blomst, the artillerist, and Jorvik Brai, the homunculi expert.

"With a week before the mid-winter festival, I wanted to bring in everyone that plays a vital role in our city. First I want to wish you all a wonderful Midwinter. Elder Merrin has definitely taken the role to heart in creating a heartwarming festival that celebrates our unity in diversity."

Serin bowed and motioned to Elder Merrin who stood to give a small address.

"We may all be of different places and different cultures, but together in this town, we are united in our mission to create a life for our people here. Winter may be about survival, but for us it is about family. And even though we come from such vastly different origins, we are all united in our goal not just to survive, but also to grow together. That makes us family."

Elder Merrin's address was applause. He continued, "For this inaugural mid-winter festival, we will have two events. The first is a grand banquet, not provided by Lord Koni, but instead provided by all of us. Each person who attends will bring a large dish, and a stack of paper that is inscribed with instructions how to make your dish. This event is about sharing and giving, so as you sample dishes from others you can take a copy of the recipe if you enjoy the dish. I personally will be cataloging every recipe in the celebration, and will make a book for it each year."

This led to murmurs, laughter, and clapping. The Demis beamed with pride, as these traditions were from their own history.

Elder Merrin then continued, "The next tradition is somewhat similar. Each person who wishes can participate in a gift giving ceremony. This will represent the normally fickle nature of the winter weather. Each person will bring in an object they have crafted, gathered, or otherwise made with their own hands. It should be wrapped and a number will be assigned to it. Then a matching numbered slip of paper will be placed in a large basket for each of us to draw."

Elder Merrin smiled, "It doesn't matter what is put in as long as it is handmade. Someone could place a homunculus into the pile and receive back a wicker basket. This event is not about what you can receive, only what you can give. So everyone is encouraged to participate with the best of their ability, not so they can gain, but rather so they can give."

Serin smiled as he understood the sentiment. It was a chance to help out those who were less fortunate without giving a hand out. With the stratified caste system of the Grand Wood Alliance or the Northern Kingdom's obsession with wealth and opulence, this sort of celebration would never work. But here, Serin had seen neighbors help neighbors on a regular basis. This is the sort of celebration he could get behind.

Serin smiled, "Thank you Elder Merrin. Representatives, please disseminate the information to your peoples, and I hope that we can have as much participation as possible."

Serin let everyone settle down, "Now, to the more serious topics of tonight's meeting. I want to discuss the possibility of expansion."

This caused an uproar of whispers and murmurs. Serin motioned for them to settle down. "It is not my intent to perform the announcement rites until we are ready, however after discussing with Shurik and the Gole, as well as Edel, we have found the answer to how to expand without drawing a lot of attention. It will not be easy however. And there is always the risk of discovery should we expand past our current settlement.

Serin then showed the spell. Terra-Sculpt

"The Gole had gleaned from their fragmented memories that there was a high magic spell that could move mountains. However this was beyond the power of most to cast, as the amount of mana even to activate the spell was immense. However, if activated, it can move mountains."

Serin displayed a map of the current town in its current region. The region was protected on all sides by high mountains. Serin then brought up a zoomed out map.

"Just as we have natural barriers around this land, we will mirror this twice, creating two territories that mirror our own. After surrounding them with mountains, I have discussed how we will make them different."

Serin then brought up schematics, "The first will be a region dedicated to production. After working with Shurik, and especially the Homunculus expert Jorvik, We can create a region that will be dedicated to the production and automation of Technomancy."

Serin looked at the crowd, "Although we do have a lot of space, our capital is quickly filling up. We could of course cut down the great forests to make more space, but that creates its own problems, as regions that do not live with nature tend to attract danger."

"So I want to hear out what the other representatives think, and what your ideas might be."

Edel stood, "We of the protectorate stand ready to defend our nation, but even we feel we will be hard pressed to defend against giant armies. Is there a way we can use homunculi to guard our boarders?"

Shurik started to speak, "The Gole are not aware…"

Jorvik, invited by Serin then cut Shurik off, "Technically, but it would be a bit invasive."

Shurik, looking surprised, handed the floor to Jorvik. Jorvik then began. "Homunculi are still quite simple devices. We can enforce our external borders with Homunculi that are instructed to shoot anything that enters its zone of engagement and does not have a tag."

Serin then asked, "What's a tag?"

Jorvik then pulled out a small stone, slightly glowing. "This is a tag. It identifies you as a "friendly" to the homunculus. It can be worn as jewelry, but to ensure that it is not forcefully removed, I recommend placement inside the body. We can have homunculus built that protect the wall of the planned territories as well as stationed along the sheer mountains in case saboteurs attempt to cross that way."

Serin then asked, "What would be the materials cost?"

Jorvik then brought out his calculations. "From my estimate, to ensure that the homunculus were given alternating fields of fire at their maximum range, I recommend 4000 Homunculi will be required to guard our current mountain range as well as the additional ranges for the two new regions. The northern gate can be setup with Homunculi built into the walls. I recommend at least 50 per wall. Since it would not be our primary entrance, minimal staffing by sentients for early warning, would be recommended."

The representatives were in awe. Serin then looked, "Without the foundry we discussed, how long would it take to build this many homunculus in your shop?"

Jorvik blinked, "Maximizing production by specializing the shop for production of these embedded defense models, it would take roughly 200 days. If i had other shops reworked to build the pieces i need, as well as a team of 4 or 5 crafters assigned to post production assemblies, i could be done by spring, assuming I could get all of the materials I needed, and that everyone was on board with getting tagged."

Serin then spoke, "I know the state of the treasury, and I know the cost of your homunculi. The nation could not afford this effort for several years. Is there a different thing I can offer?"

Jorvik smiled, "I want autonomy in my creative measures. I would prefer to work, answering only to yourself with my creations, and have the adequate facilities. If possible, I would prefer to be in charge of the new Foundry Region. I don't want to manage any of the citizens, I just don't want anyone to interrupt my craft. As I continue to work, new designs come to mind, and if I have to constantly focus on churning out models for the nation, I won't have time to test my newest designs."

Serin thought. He had not thought of how each territory would be governed.

Serin looked towards the crowd, "What are everyone's thoughts?"

Bilol looked, "Since the mass introduction of homunculi into the various systems, we are all working more efficiently. I feel that it will allow for a higher specialization in our crafts if we do not have to worry about the minor, meager, and manual tasks that fill our day to day. However," Bilol looked, "We still have a few dozen townsfolk that work those odd jobs as a living."

There were a few murmurs of agreement. Serin smiled, "I will not halt progress because a few might get left behind, however," Serin smiled, "I am sure that there is a way to find employment for every single one of these outliers."

"Even an old shipcaptain?" Hassan spoke. He was curious but cautious by Serin's statement. "Many of the shadow planetouched were shipwrights and stevedores prior to moving here. We are experts when only planks of wood separated us from the depths of oblivion. Even a few years later, many of us including myself find it difficult to find enough work, and if it wasn't for the government rations we would have perished long ago."

Serin smiled, "Shurik, how is progress on the Albatross Project?"

Shurik, previously embarrassed because of his lack of expertise with homunculi, beamed. "We have finished two prototypes, but as predicted, nobody can sail them."

Serin smiled and looked at Hassan. "Hassan, Gather a crew of your 10 best sailors and report with them to Shurik. We need sailing expertise."

This had Hassan intrigued, "As you wish, Lord Serin."

Serin then asked, "Does anyone else have objections to the plan?"

Master Restin stood, "The Dhamphir would prefer not to have the tags internally embedded. We understand this puts us in danger, but you will also not find us exiting the borders of our town on the surface, as the harsh light of midday is painful to the strongest of us. I would recommend that the homunculi are trained to fire not at what moves, but at what continues to move after the homunculus sets out a warning. Maybe using an extra limb to ring a bell? Or set off a bright flash. Something our citizens can use as an indicator to stop moving. It would also help us identify when sentient intervention is required."

Serin smiled, "Excellent recommendations. Any other suggestions?"

Master Restin smiled, "The third district. Two of our Races are dependent on major adjustments to our living conditions to survive, and we don't know what the future holds. I recommend that we establish this area like our greenhouses. Biospheres built specifically to the needs of its residents."

This brought up murmurs of agreements. Serin then understood. As much as this place was supposed to be home, it wasn't. There were too many differences between the races for anyone to truly feel at home.

Serin looked at Shurik again, "Have you solved the exposure problems yet?"

Shurik shook his head, "Not yet for the Gole. We have a viable solution for the Dhamphir that can be implemented, but we need to test it. If we could have a few volunteers it would be perfect."

Serin looked at Master Restin, "I agree to the Biosphere issue. But if possible, Shurik might have found a solution to the issue with your difficulty with sun exposure. Would you be willing to assist him with that?"

Master Restin smiled sadly, "We have a few that are able to spare the time. Just let us know and we can spare two males but no more."

Serin was confused by the statement but continued, "That should work."

Serin then looked at Josef Blomst. "What is the ETA on the King of the Mountain?"

Josef smiled, "I said a year and meant a year. It will be ready by the Spring Solstice."

Serin then looked to Dana, "I will be giving you a few boxes of materials to send to our embedded hunter seeker teams. It will be a risky mission, but necessary for our survival."

Dana bowed, "Josef has already brought me up to speed. I recommend we designate a target for shock and awe within sight of the primary target groups. Maybe a large hill or empty field. Something that will do no damage but will still make our point be heard."

Serin smiled, "I leave it up to you, as well as the designation of targets. I do not want the civilian populaces to be targeted."

Dana smiled in agreement. If their announcement rites were forced upon them Serin only hoped it wouldn't happen until spring.

"With that, everyone has their assignments."


Hey everybody!

Thank you for being a reader. I got sick last night due to the food here in Cairo. (weak american bodies, am i right?)

I am very tired today as I am also working about 14-16 hours each day this week.

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When we have a large enough fanbase, I will open up a discord chat. But for now we are still too small. I as the author can only hope my luck score is high enough to garner attention from people finding the book randomly. It is up to readers like you to make the book a success.

So if you help me reach new readers, you will be just as responsible for the book's success as I am. Without readers, my writing is words on a page, floating through oblivion. It is your imaginations that breathe life into these characters.

As Always,

Stay Boundless Friends

Srinlifecreators' thoughts
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