
OP zerg and ... fate?

" Hello. what are you doing here? " I asked, while looking at them waiting at the entrance of my house.

" We arrived here when news about your awakening appeared " One of the scientists said.

" Emm. An Ton? " Qui-gon asked, as he didn't know that I could look like that.

" Yes. let's get in. We shouldn't talk outside " I said, as this planet was one of the few where outsiders were allowed.

Yes. I was doing experiments on the public planet.

Yes. Because of Qui-gon and laziness of cleaning the tail all the time, so no unnecessary information would leak out.

" Here. sit down, I will go get my costume and then we will talk " I said, while ordering a drinks to be brought in.

As I walked to my bedroom and got the nanocostume, I decided that for now I would wear women's clothes, as I was in a woman's body. And it would look better on me.

As I returned, I saw flying platforms with drinks that were around one of the servants of this place.

She was a human who was saved by one of our teams, and after some time she began working as my maid.

Well, she was just a young girl, and nothing special. But currently, she was learning the classic school's course.

Let's not get distracted.

" So, what brought you all here? " I asked, as I sat down on the couch and looked at them drinking.

" emm. First, could you explain why you look different? I heard that you might look a little bit different, but I didn't think that you could become different gender? " Qui-gon asked.

" Well..." I was thinking about it, but should I be called ambigenderous? I can be man and s woman.

And repulsion that I had before, was already gone. Well. yes.

" You could call me ambigenderous being. I don't really have a defined gender. Do you have any really important questions? " I asked, not wanting to explain it, as I never thought about too deep.

What kind of being am I?

" Oh. yes. sorry, you just surprised me " He said, to what I just smiled.

" now, we were watching the stability of cocoon that you were inside, and it seems that with time, I began to feel force emitting from you. " He said.

" In the last year, even Yoda... " He was talking, before I rudely interrupted him mid-sentence.

" Wait. A Year? I was there for a whole year? " I asked, too emotionally.

" Yes. a year. And as I was saying, Yoda had to come and hide you in the force, otherwise you would be in dangerous situation. " He said, tiredly.

" And in the last months I had to restore the cover weekly. " Qui-gon mumbled, as other scientists and medical stuff began talking and checking my new body.

My height was now two meters, and now again I had plates all around my body.

Last time, they were there for couple of years, until my skin became even more resistant.

Well, currently I felt hardly describable feelings.

In one moment I could feel the world around me, and the world of energy inside me.

And looking at it, it seems that my chest will be storing psi energy again.

I hope it wouldn't become enormously huge, as it would be uncomfortable. At the very least.

Well. after basic checking, we went to the facility where we would begin testing my body completely, in any way they thought possible.

And while waiting for the result of the midichlorians test, I went in.

After leaving the testing facility, I could definitely say that my body keep getting stronger for no reason.

Concentration of midichlorians reached 20k, what was really high and surprised Qui-gon, as he thought that number couldn't change.

Also, now I know that my body could be unharmed and not overheat even when it reaches 1000 degrees by Kelvin.

While 1.200 Kelvins would be painful, and might damage my body in time.

With cold, it was worse. But much better then before, I could be safe at around 220 Kelvins, and not feel cold. At 200, though, I would begin falling in hibernation and slow all functions down. It was unknown how long I could spend in hibernation, as testing it would be too dangerous.

Physically, my legs changed their shape to more optimal, like Tyrannosaurus Rex with additional joint.

It might've made me look strange, but at least my legs were not really shaped like Tyrannosaurus Rex's legs. They were much more straight, and joints were much stronger then before.

Currently, I was faster and stronger then before. And it really satisfied my ego.

After leaving, I finally began training under Qui-gon to feel the Force consciously.

After few days I heard from him that Anakin and Obi-wan visited him once, and by the news that I read, conflict inside the republic grew, and Qui-gon was concerned.

I was not really interested in this war, as my known planets were all on the outer rim, but my business was disturbed few times by thus war. And Dooku even tried to force Us to join him.

Even though he gave up, after couple of tries, as we were not really that important to him, but it was still bad.

Our shops were being destroyed as collateral damage, our ships were being unsuccessfully attacked by pirates that began appearing much more frequently, and we were even not allowed on the planets whose rulers joined Dooku.

Well. after thinking and looking through many things in last few days, and not seeing Palpatine becoming the Grand Chancellor, or creation of the clone army, I was not in a hurry.

So, next year was spent on making me learn the basic control of force.

What surprised him, was the speed of learning, as he was used to the speeds of young kids, not adults.

He tried to make me join the Jedi or accept their creed, but after not being successful, he just accepted that it was useless for him to even try to change my thoughts about this theme.

About all the calm and no attachment bullshit.

Even Yoda joined us once on our debates on this theme, successfully making me bash my head on the wall at his way of talking.

And on his last visit, I sold him exoskeleton that would help him with his hunched back.

Also, one of my medical teams was sent with him to help and heal him up.

He was against it at first, but after being convinced by me and assured by Qui-gon, he finally was checked.

And oh boy....

He had such a broken body.

So much wrongly healed fractures, malnourished body that made him even smaller then he could've become.

And much more.

Malnourished part was strange, as it seems that he didn't think so and anyone from his race was like that.

But from the data that medical workers collected, it seems that his race had ways to adapt to malnourished disposition.

This led to him being even smaller then he could.

There were a lot of things unknown about his race, but currently he agreed to get his back straight.

He was even eager about it.

Well, back to me.

I am currently finishing my last training session, as Qui-gon was finally called back to the council, as situation became more heated with time.

Currently, my training was not really about strength, or using force offensively.

I had psi energy for this stuff, and force was much harder for me to use, as it was not really part of my body.

First half a year, I was being taught how to feel and understand how force react.

Foe example, sense of danger, premonitions, feeling of something good and so on.

I was taught to interpret what force speaks.

Only after that, was the main training about using it in coordination with my body and passively feeling it.

I was not really good at feeling it passively, without thinking, but I was getting closer with time.

currently, I could feel things around me pretty detailed. I wouldn't say that i felt everything, but I could feel from where danger would come from.

But not exact point. I couldn't defend myself from blaster shot of sniper rifle.

From close proximity shot of simple blaster.- yes.

So, after saying goodbye to Qui-gon and agreeing to let him use research on psi energy to be used by him, and promising him to continue following training, I returned to my home.

In case of anyone wondering - I didn't drop my training with psi energy, and yes. They grew.

But slower and slower, making me hope that they wouldn't grow too big.

They are already pretty big I would say, far from limit of my acceptance, but still.

I fear the worst.

Well. nevermind.

Currently, my company saved enough money to start original business, not just trading and selling something out of this world.

Some people were eager to try and introduce modified versions of cinemas. For now, it was decided that new technology need to be introduced for more enjoyable experience.

Especially as there were no new technology in this stuff for tens if not hundreds of years.

It's like they accepted that it was the best and just went with it.

But after looking deeper, it seems that currently available technology was introduced by race that was eradicated, so any way to create something new, based on it, was not really easy.

And as any other analogue was really far off from it, attempts were just stopped.

Currently, the best available way to watch in cinema, was low quality version of 3d environment, where they could enjoy it from one perspective that was created by the filmmakers. Well, I mean you couldn't move far from the main camera and sometimes could not even do that.

And it could only work with small groups of people, as for bigger - you wouldn't be able to even move, just look from only one view.

For bigger groups, only one realistic angle was available, with glasses adaptable to any type of species.

Different species made it harder to film anything, so there were different types of cinemas.

For native species, that was predominant in the area, and alien species. There existed some species-oriented types, that were extremely different from others.

And this industry mainly used films that were filmed years or even tens of years before, as technology in this didn't change. And filming one of them was hard and tedious process.

Currently, process of researching the projectors was almost finished. There were just couple of things not yet identified, so soon it will be possible to replicate and even modify them.

I hope.

Well, so. yes. I was preparing to change the world. in some ways.

This was not the only direction protoss were making progress, but the most successful one.

best thing of it, is that protoss have much better optics then any other available on the market.

~ month later. 4 months before 2nd episode ~

It is finished.

Research about currently available technology is over.

And let me say it straight. These species were far above and beyond anyone else considering this device. Currently available version was extremely modifiable and it seems that original creators released only the most basic one, as projectors could potentially show images of much better quality, but materials of lenses, cameras and such things scuffed the result.

Making currently available movies to look like abomination.

Really, it's like comparing 360p and 3600p. at the very least.

So, it was just inability to understand that limited moat of all.

Other things that became knows, were that every detail and mechanism in projectors could be replaced.

In the code of the computer, there were defined access to the modifiable structure of the system, allowing to use many such projectors at the same time, not just one.

And the only thing missing is way to connect them and use appropriate software.

And this were the things that specialists began working on.

As almost all the races used closely related programming, it was just a matter of time.

The most problematic thing was that recordings that currently existed, were filmed only for one projector, and in low quality by themselves.

And without ability to watch classical films, it would become hard for fast growth of our technology.

Well, globally. In our cinemas, that were being built - we were already using some ways to try and simulate the view from multiple projectors, and increase their quality using AI.

"Sir, we received reports that attacks on our ships increased, some small trading ships were even destroyed by pirates." One of the butlers brought me report about it.

" How did they do it? Weren't we using warp engine and not hyperdrive? " I asked, as it was interesting.

" From reports, it looks like they began camping the exit spots of our ships, and began ambushing them " He replied, looking at the report.

" They could just change the exit point. And well, appoint some patrols to travel through the usual trading routes and destroy these bitches " I replied, as I was trying to wear my shirt. Fck. need to change them again.

" Understood, I will send your command " He replied, trying to leave.

" Oh, and ask maids to order clothes. I grew out of these again" i said, making butler stop for a second, before leaving completely with a nod.

After getting my new clothes, I again wore T-Shirt and shirts. And as I was highly resistant to heat, I had no reason to wear more.

Currently, five planets were officially under my rule, so I was invited to join the Republic. I really was conflicted about it, so I just pushed this decision for later.

I should've stopped before colonizing one of the planets in middle rim.

it's really annoying. I know that many systems decided to leave republic and join some kind of United resistance, and looking at their reasons - their side makes sense.

Republic is corrupted, Jedi are trapped by their own actions, bribery and power are the deciding factors, where people's voices should be...

I don't tell that I agree with everything that resistance does, and their leaders are pretty bad people, but their public goals were good.

At least for now.

I better look at their actions, and if I remember correctly, this all is just a manipulations of sith to create army. And with army under their control, empire could be created.

I didn't want to interfere in their war, but with current flow of events, Yoda might ask for my help.

And as they helped me a lot in Past few years, I would be bad idea not to help.

The thing that I would definitely do, is save Anakin from becoming twisted idiot.

How could force change him so easily? I understand that he is scared of losing loved ones, but I can't understand his unwillingness to follow the code and then radically changing to the opposite in couple of months.

I understand that he had some bad feelings, but it shouldn't matter.

And oh. fuck.

I remembered what happened in the second episode, even though I read these memories couple of years ago, I better re-read them again.

I should've kept Shmi safe all the time.

Now, I don't know how much time do I have, I never watched series that were depicting stuff that happened around that time.

I don't even know how long Shmi waited for Anakin until dying.

And looking at current situation, even though movements of resistance began earlier then they should, second episode still didn't start.

So, my main mission was now getting Shmi to safety, as I really didn't want Anakin to be too sad.

I met him two or three times while trying to feel the force, and let me say - he is good kid. But in my opinion, he need to develop in feelings department.

He doesn't know anything about them, as he is always limited himself. And everyone around him were doing the same thing.

Well, at that time I tried talking with him and Obi-wan about it, but I suppose they didn't think about it too much, as every time issue was becoming stronger and stronger.

Well, I didn't want to interfere in it, but currently, with hundreds of systems under zerg's control, I would say that 'nothing could stop me now'.

( read it like In the song :D)

the world-sized Leviathan was already born, currently it was being genetically corrected and modified so it could live longer and produce resources for colony to grow and evolve.

There were plans to place artificial sun lamps on it. Also, earth would be brought there to allow ecosystem to be independent from outside sources.

Currently, a lot of manpower was used in creating adequate systems for this project, as it was one of the most important things.

On this Levi, with potential length of over hundred kilometers, and currently sized at 50 by twenty by five kilometers, protoss decided to create Arc, that would travel through space with protoss in stasis, allowing for protoss to survive if for some reason they wouldn't be able to.

Arc ships existed in protoss history, and they were sized at 70 or so km in length, but they were created using only protoss technology, limiting possibilities.

Well, this project was still far from being done, but I could definitely say that Zerg grow scarily fast.

And the longer cerebrates live, the better they are.

They learn, they work, they have their own interests, and they are loyal.

What else would I want?

I already had no reason to be scared of empire, so fck them all.

Anakin is good boy!

And I will save him and his family.

I don't care!

~ After watching memories of sw episode 2 and 3 ~

Fucking Palpatine.

I suspect that he is the one who manipulate Anakin all the time, and he must be the reason for his sudden absurd change.

I need to look out.

And, as I don't need to hide anymore, let's use all my forces to look for Shmi.

~ A week later ~

I returned to the Hive's corporation main planet and released order allowing hive to spread in the universe, but only on the planets where currently no civilization existed.

On all the planets where space civilization existed, I ordered land to be bought and to build there.

Obviously, as last two years no new protoss were brought by the system, All the available resources were spent on spires.

Spires that would allow to spread everywhere.

As I began spreading, in few days protoss contacted me.

" Anton. right? " Rohana asked, as we met on Aiur, previously known as Rakata Prime.

' Yes, it's right. finally you learned how yo pronounce it ! " I said, answering absolutely different question.

I was asked if it was me, not if it was right, but I didn't care. They finally understood how it should he pronounced.

" Didn't we have an agreement for you not to spread in? " She asked, a little angry at me.

" Well, it was said - until I could collect enough zerg that republic wouldn't dare to carelessly attack us. And so, I mostly spread out as fast as I could " I replied, omitting that I could've done it faster if not for Levi's production.

" Really? so fast? How? " She asked, surprised.

She should know about my progress, as in past years protoss united again, and currently there were a lot of protoss living with zerg peacefully.

The best drive for it was zerg's similarity to protoss. Protoss could even feel the zerg, if they tried. Their feelings and emotions.

And all of this is because Khala and hive mind were not absolutely different concepts.

The only difference was that they were not always connected to different connection from their own.

They tried connecting to hive mind, but currently it was hard. But some eager guys tried to understand how they could do it.

Strangely, it seems that protoss began accepting me as someone important.

Currently, some of protoss began thinking about merging of our groups and creation of singular force.

They didn't mean sex between protoss and zerg, they meant joining their specialties.

There were some extravagant protoss who were thinking about mixing protoss and my proto-zerg genes, to allow protoss to live indefinitely while they had access to creep, but they were minority and didn't have any success yet.

The only reason they didn't stop, was me. I accidentally, at one point, said that it was possible ( system confirmed it ).


Oh some news!

" Sir! we found Shmi's trail, and it is recent. We need to land on a planet to find more information " One of officers said to me, as I was sitting in a seat and drinking Pepsi Light.

~ one and half months before second episode ~

Well. isn't it strange.

The place where I found Shmi is Tatooine.

The only place where I didn't expect her to be.

I don't know reason for her being here, but lets see.


I arrived at the compartment where she lived as free woman, no Adriana in sight. Only C3PO that I modified long ago.

He need new style. I was too busy making him protected, and forgot about aesthetic part.

He was moving agilely, bud still. Why the hell he is so bulky? No. it is not right.

Should I wait until Shmi is back?

Yes. I should, it is not good to visit someone without their knowledge.

~ 20 hours later ~

It is strange.

" Search for her. I hope she is alright. I really thought that ot was sad that she died originally. " I said to the Dark Templar team, as zerg were too memorable and were not good at what I wanted to do.

Dark Templars are using void energy, and let me say it now. This feeling of emptiness around them while they are invisible is really strange.

It is not strong, but this nonexistence is strange.

I would've missed this feeling of I didn't know about them previously.

Also, I should visit Sith's research facilities.

I heard that Siths themselves began changing with time.

They were no longer so aggressive, and were beginning to cooperate more willingly.

Definitely need to visit them, as it might prove to be useful, as I can use force now.

" Sir, we found her. She has been captured by raiders yesterday. " Dark templars reported after half an hour of search.

" Did you save her? Is she alright? " I asked, Hoping that I was not late with my actions.

Fck fck fck.

I would feel bad If I didn't save someone I wanted to save.

" She is alive. Beaten and hurt, but alive. She is currently being brought to the ship fir complete medical check " He replied, calming me down, as they knew that I wanted her to be saved.

I don't know why, but even normal protoss agreed to help me in what I wanted to do with main storyline. It was strange, I should talk with them about it.

" Let's go and check her out. And I would need to talk with her. She wouldn't know what happened. I would need to calm her down a little bit " I said.

" Oh, and bring C3PO, and all their stuff on the ship. It is not safe there. I think that some things would happen if I don't interfere actively." I said, saying too much by accident.

I hope it is not some kind of world correction shit.

If something like that exists, I would have a lot of troubles if I would want to do anything.

As I arrived at the medical room and saw Shmi's body being repaired, I was thinking. how long were she there? I don't think it was just one day.


Were these animals such a cruel bunch?

Her teeth were broken.

Hair ripped with skin.

Brows cut off.

Cheeks were pierced in multiple places.

Her body had a lot of scars and burns.

Nails were broken or nonexistent.

Tongue was burned.

Eyelashes were ripped with roots.

One eye was taken out.

And much more details that I didn't want to speak about.

" Save a full body scan of her body. And make a full description of damaged and possible reasons and pain that she suffered." I said.

This need to be done. Anakin have to grow up and stop following Jedi codex completely.

Also, ai would need these documents to show Council why Anakin would do this.

I don't know why I want him to grow so much, I didn't know him for long, but I somehow got used to him.

He is like small brother to me. Really.

I spent time with him on his visits, and these days were enough.

Is this MC's ability? lol. nope. He is just a good boy that I got used to.

And am sorry about his future.


" Bring all of their tribe here, alive. I want their confessions recorded " I ordered.

I was even angry at them This was a cruel and sad sight.

Why people enjoy such things so much?

I won't say there are a lot of such people, but there are too much in my opinion.

After compilation of damages was completed, and I read through them, I was angered.

Outside damage was just small part. And I didn't see everything, as I didn't want to watch it.

" Send request for Anakin to arrive at Tatooine asap. I won't just wait until he would come by himself " I said, and went to my room to take a drink, as I would need a lot of it for Anakin after he arrives.

As I drank a little and thought about why I changed my opinion on non-interference policy, Dark Templar reported that Anakin was currently protecting Amidala, and that she was attacked.

" I see. So time has come. huh. " I said, before I heard a sound of ship landing right at the entrance of mine, and Anakin leaving it with Amidala.


It would be pretty difficult talk.

ehh. I drank one more glass of Vodka and left to meet him.

Here we go again.


Thank you [ Grey Knight ]



` Author's note `

`` 99 +- words ``

``` 4390 words in chapter ```

Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

Well. This is beginning of his travel with his powers.

I finally decided to intrude upon main story and well, I better begin watching more animated series.

It is really hard to watch it.

Boring kinda. I will try to get in the mood to watch more. ;)

So, what do you think about current progress of our mc?

Is S/HE ready to travel and fight in battles without her army?

And would she even need to?


Chapitre suivant