
Luca Rockefeller

The next morning, Juin woke up feeling refreshed. Unlike the night before, he did not see Lucifer in his dreams at all. And when he woke up, there were no insults or anything from the demon king.

It was up to the point that Juin thought that the whole of yesterday might just be a dream. He would have continued to think so if he did not see Patrick and John turning around and running off when they saw him.

"Hey, why were they running from you?"

Juin turned around and saw the person who asked. Well, he saw the person's chest first. Taking a step backward, Juin looked up and saw that it was a teenage boy whom he had never seen before. Or rather, he felt that he had seen the boy before, but he could not place where.

The teenage boy had spiky, brown hair and had the kind of handsomeness that could be found anywhere. So, in other words, he was an average handsome boy with no particular features.

"Erm, I don't know," Juin replied. He wanted to walk away when the teenage boy asked again, "Where's your girlfriend?"

Juin looked at the boy with a confused expression. "I don't have one."

He felt that the boy was a little weird, and he just wanted to walk away.

"I saw you walking with her yesterday, before going onto a cab," the teenage boy said.

Juin's eyes went wide when the boy's words made him recall who he was. It was the boy from yesterday! He did not have a good look at his stalker yesterday, so he did not recognize him earlier, but now that he thought about it, those spiky, brown hair was the same!

Juin immediately went on alert and took another step backward, clutching the straps of his backpack tightly as if he were about to make a dash for it anytime soon. He gulped as he asked, "Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm new here," said the teenager as he smiled at Juin. "My name is Luca Rockefeller."

He then extended his hand. Juin looked at it for a while. He thought that it would be fine to shake his hand, so he reached out and shook it. However, when he wanted to pull his hand off, Luca gave him a tug and pulled him closer. With a hand clasped on Juin's shoulder to keep him from running off, he whispered, "Are you afraid of me?"

Juin shivered a little when he heard the cold tone in the guy's voice. "I… I'm afraid of everyone!" he blurted out loudly.

To which, the kids who were around them laughed, and one of them said, "Hey, whoever you are, better let go of him before he peed himself. He's truly afraid of everyone here!"

Juin looked up at the boy and nodded with a fearful expression. "P-please don't hurt me…" he stuttered as he looked up at the boy with a nervous look.

"Tsk!" Luca tutted as he released Juin. He narrowed his eyes at Juin as he thought, "Did I get the wrong Juin?"

After a while, he walked away, intending to find someone else to ask if there was another person named Juin who went on the field trip as well.

"Hey, Your Majesty… He transferred here… What should I do now?" Juin mumbled out loud, as he continued to walk to his classroom. However, there was no reply at all. "Your Majesty Lucifer…? Prince Hot… bod?"

Still no reply.

"Damn… Are you really going to give me the silent treatment just because I don't want to sign the contract and give away my freedom?" Juin asked in frustration. He felt that the demon king was behaving more like an 8-year-old than a scary demon king.

Still no reply.

With a sigh, Juin shook his head and went into his classroom. He sat on his desk quietly and read until his homeroom teacher came in with a student.

"Hi, everyone, this is Luca Rockefeller. He will be joining our class," said the homeroom teacher.

Juin was looking down at his book when he heard the name. When he looked up, his mouth went slightly wide open when he saw the person standing beside the homeroom teacher. He wasn't the only one.

Patrick and John, who were sitting at the back of the class, nearly fell down from their chairs when they saw Luca Rockefeller. They recognized him immediately!

"You can sit next to Juin," said the homeroom teacher.

Juin looked at the empty seat next to him and cursed inwardly, "I can't be this unlucky…"

The kid who sat in the seat immediately to the left of him transferred last week, which made it the only empty seat in the class.

Juin glanced back and saw Patrick and John's faces, which had both turned pale. And Patrick was touching his neck as he watched Luca walking nearer and nearer to them. Beads of sweat were forming on his forehead as he kept his head down.

"They didn't send him?" Juin thought with a confused expression as he looked back at Luca. He might be somewhat intellectually challenged, but he could at least make the connection. Why else would a boss be afraid of the person they hired?

"Hey… Juin," Luca said, drawling out Juin's name, causing Juin to feel somewhat creeped out. He then took the seat, and once he was seated, he looked at Juin, wondering if those two dogs gave him the wrong lead.

"He's not affected by my killing intent at all," Luca said as he glanced at Patrick and John, who were sweating profusely as they tried to remain upright. The killing intent that Luca sent out was extremely strong. To untrained humans, they wouldn't even feel it, but supernatural beings with strong senses would definitely be affected.

He looked at Juin, and other than the fact that the boy moved his seat a little further from him, Juin did not show signs of being affected by his killing intent.

His eyes shifted, and a soft, red glow appeared on his eyes as he continued to stare Juin down. In his eyes, Juin's body appeared plain, with no aura around his body. Luca looked at Patrick and John, and their bodies were exuding some sort of shimmery yellow auras.

"Nothing wrong with my eyes," Luca thought as his eyes shifted back to its normal brown. He leaned back in his chair as he stared at the homeroom teacher, who was droning on about some mathematical formula.

However, his mind was elsewhere. His Scrutinizing Gaze helped him identify whether a human was supernatural or not, and it had never failed him, and according to it, Juin's body was definitely human, with no supernatural blood. "Could those two dogs be wrong? How can a human take that sword out just like that without anyone noticing? And even though he was afraid earlier, it seemed that he was afraid of everything, so could that be a coincidence?"

He was at school yesterday when he felt that aura, and he reacted immediately by moving in the direction from where the aura came from. Normally, he would just ignore these waves of auras, as it was no unusual for supernatural beings to use their auras to suppress other weaker beings, but the one that he felt yesterday was unusual. It sent a shiver up his spine, which was a feeling that he rarely felt. And he felt a strong urge to bow down to the aura, as if the owner of the aura was a high being who could trample all over him.

He knew that someone took the sword as well as the book that could be used to summon demons, and he wanted to check if someone had summoned something that should not be in this world.

As an Elementalist, it was his job to find the identity of that person before more harm was done to this world. And he had to figure it soon. That unique aura would have alerted more people like him, and he did not want others to take what was his.

"The sword and the book… are both mine," Luca thought as an evil grin appeared on his face.

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