
Rumored Sister-III

Elise looked at Cynthia with a wide eyes. She could feel that the question was not a rhetorical question. It was as if Cynthia was trying to see whether she like the idea before proceeding to something... to tell her a surprising news.

"I don't think I would know how I feel," Elise answered honestly, "Bit I think I might feel happy. What do you find about me?" she asked.

She saw how Cynthia was hesitant, "I went to the village where you were born at. There, I heard many rumors about your mother and father, there was, however, one rumor about how your father didn't leave alone. He left with a daughter," said Cynthia before peeking at her expression.

Elise didn't know what to say, as she was surprised. "And that daughter could be my sister?" she saw Cynthia nodding her head in response and it had Elise to become quiet for a long moment to process what she heard. To know that she has a blood-related sister surprised her.

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