
Running an Errand (2)

Nana sat down while removing the blanket that covered her face. Nana stared at Lion while blowing her hair out of view. "You really pissed me off Kim Lioooonnnn ..."

Hearing the sharp and shrill voice Lion was surprised while holding his chest. Then he glanced at Nana, "Oh my goodness ..."

"Hey snake girl, why are you lying on my clean floor? You are also very noisy?" Lion continued with an annoyed expression.

Nana really lost her temper, she didn't want to be late for work just because of Lion, Nana quickly got up and pulled Lion's hand.

"Iyyaaahhhhh ..." Nana kept trying to pull Lion's burly hand. However, instead of being attracted to even being pulled.

Lion pulled Nana's hand and Nana immediately fell right on the chest Lion field. "Auuu ..." Nana screamed as she fell and crushed Lion's body.

Lion hugged Nana while kissing the unique aroma of Nana's body greedily, as soon as Nana's heart beat fast, she felt the warmth of Lion's arms.

After she realized Nana hit Lion's chest, and tried to free herself from the Lion. "You're a jerk duck, you dare to hug my body" Nana shouted in annoyance while hitting Lion's body.

"Auu ... sick" Lion winced in pain when Nana hit him. "Feel it ..." Nana said as she stood repairing her clothes.

"You better take a shower and get ready, before you make me late for work, now I will come out and wait for you at the dinner table, I'll give you 30 minutes otherwise I will leave you" After saying that Nana immediately turned around and left Lion's room .

Lion could not understand, among all women why did he have to meet a terrible woman like Nana? Isn't she too cruel for a woman's size? is there a man who can stand being her partner Lion doesn't think there will be a man who wants to be with a steel woman like Nana, really poor.

A moment later, Lion came out of his room in neat clothes and a charismatic face. Seeing that Nana thinks that Lion is indeed on the list of Korean handsome guys, fortunately she's not a K-Pop fan if she can't be in martial arts. It could be that he entered the list of women who are willing to throw themselves into the arms of Lion.

"You have to pay every sassy look on my face," Lion said as he sat across from Nana.

Nana looked at Lion with a bitter smile, "Whatever you want to do, I don't care"

Regardless of Nana's words, Lion immediately ate his breakfast, this time he did not protest with Nana's cooking, and got used to it.

"It seems that you are familiar with Ms. Nana's cooking?" Whispered one of Lion's servants.

"Maybe this is the time we should treat Miss Nana better, so that she can remain as lion's servant. Because I am really tired of seeing you angry every morning," said another waiter.

"You better get back to doing your job, don't gossip here" suddenly the voice of the servant Gong sounded scary in the ears.

The servants immediately left, while Gong's servants smiled at Lion and Nana who looked harmonious even though they often argued.

They are very sweet, I hope someday they can become a happy couple and have children who are funny and adorable. Inner servant Gong. She really wanted to see the boss who she served lived happily.

After having breakfast together and taking care of Lion, Nana immediately rides her motorbike to the Star Magazine office regardless of whether Lion wants to leave or is still languishing in his office.

»Office Star Magazine«

"Morning everyone, sorry a little late" Nana said as she walked to her desk. "Morning" answered all the employees who had come.

"Morning too!" Yuri was suddenly beside her, smiling at Nana meaningfully. Nana immediately glanced at the person beside her. "Yuri, did you just come?"

Yuri shook her head. "I arrived 15 minutes ago"

"Ohh," Nana nodded her head. "Why is it late? Didn't you leave the house before me?" Asked Yuri probing.

Nana looks nervous. "Mmmm that. I have a little business"

"What are you hiding from me?" Yuri is still suspicious of Nana and doesn't believe Nana's words. "Nothing," Nana answered.

"Alright then I'll go to my desk first, but beware don't try to hide anything from me." threatened Yuri while pointing at Nana's face.

With respect Nana said, "Ready ... Mrs. boss, hehe".

Yuri smiled and turned around, but her steps stopped when she saw Joon came, for a moment Yuri was silent and enjoyed the beautiful scenery in front of her.

Joon the more I feel you are more handsome day after day. Yuri thought as she smiled an unclear smile.

Nana smiled when she realized that Yuri looked uncomfortable when she saw Lee Joon. "Don't even look at him like that," whispered Nana. "What is it?" Yuri felt ashamed of Nana's temptation.

"Morning boss!" Say hello to all employees. As usual Lee Joon nodded and waved his hand. After that he stopped right in front of Nana's desk and glanced at Yuri who was still standing next to Nana.

"Why are you standing here?" Joon asked. Hearing Joon's voice, Yuri realized and immediately said, "Ahh yeah, I just greeted Nana".

"Oh," Joon said. After that he saw Nana "Nana how are you developing with Ceo OneSoft? Have you managed to meet him?" Joon asked.

Nana smiled enthusiastically. "This time everything went well, and today I can interview him."

"Are you serious?" Yuri was surprised as well as several employees who heard it.

"It's good then, but make sure you don't make trouble like the time when you faced the CEO of KI Group because it was really troublesome," continued Lee Joon.

Nana nodded. Even though remembering it hurt him because of Joon's assignment he was finally made a servant by Lion, and that was for the sake of Lee Joon's company again.

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