
Sexy Yun and pretty Juan

Yun was still in a very foul mood by the time he left his office that evening and was driving home. The only thought that kept ringing in his ear was the fact that Lijuan had said she was in love with someone and it wasn't him.

How could she do that to him after all they had been through together? How could she even think of loving someone else after the kiss they had shared just last night? To think she had even gone ahead to kiss him herself, what had she been thinking? That it was an experiment? She was probably trying to learn how to kiss using him so she could kiss the idiot she was in love with.

''Aish!'' Yun exclaimed irritably and eyed the direction to her house, wondering if he should just go over to her house and confront her, strike that! Knock some sense into her. That was probably going to be a bad idea, Yun decided shaking his head. How was he to explain that he was Sexy Yun?

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