
Was it also a test?

"I'm okay. I'm sorry I got you so worried. Are you at the meeting venue already?" Lijuan asked Shan as she got into the car while Jinhai stacked the damn biology textbooks into the car's backseat. 

"I just got to the venue, I can't wait to be done with this already." Shan said with a sigh. "So tell me about last night, you passed the night with him didn't you?" Shan asked excitedly.

They were both past the stage of talking about her embarassing episodes. Besides, that wasn't something she was going to talk about over the phone or in the presence of a stranger. 

Talking about stranger, Secretary Chu tried not to make it obvious that he was staring at her. He kept wondering where he had seen her face before.

"Come on, you know how the situation was. Let's just talk after your meeting, you can come over later." Lijuan said with a small smile. 

"Okay, wish me luck." Shan said with a smile. 

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