
Chapter 36: Just a Mere Business Relationship

"Uh, no offense but like are all your family members like bat shit crazy?" I asked jokingly to Louie.. he shook his head. "I guess they can be quite a handful... considering our situation. We are in the prime of our company... we have a lot of pressures."

"Anyways... please follow me so we should discuss a few things in my room." He said in a cold voice.

WAIT! WHY IN HIS ROOM?! I start blushing bright red...

"Oh, what's wrong why are you blushing?" He crossed his arms.

"Remember what your brother said about the women you bring home... Ya, I guess that really just made me think..."

"Don't listen to my brother. He always tries to psyche me out before an important presentation." He shrugged it off. "Don't think this is something like a relationship. It's a mere business relationship. That's why I require your full participation." He said sternly to me.

Ugh.. here we go again... although I am curious... what's up with his younger brother?

"Actually I wanted to ask... what was that about? When you guys were young... well when we were high school students he was just a cute kid... but now he's like a bit of a douche."

Louie sighed loudly... "He's just jealous that my father chose me to present... he wanted to inherit the company but since I was the first son. Father gave it to me."

"Oh.." Honestly, I can't help but feel bad for him... he's got this fiancee of his that's so bat shit crazy... and then we have an arrogant little brother... What mess did I just get myself into...

We continued walking to this big mansion for a rest house this is pretty big... my house is legit so small... so I'm not used walking so long just to go to my room... IF I HAD ONE. My house literally has two rooms...

"This is my bedroom." He opened the door, I entered and sat down on the chair.

He tried to sit down on the chair... his eyes widen as he saw his legs were not reaching the ground when he sits. I can't help but hold my laughter... it was rather silly...

"That's why I don't buy really large chairs.. my feet don't touch the ground." I giggled.

"Ugh... anyway... the reason why we are here is to discuss a few things... firstly... in order to do flawlessly in your presentation... I'll give you this ear communicator." He stands up and takes something from one of his big drawers.

"Oh! That's pretty smart..."

"With this, I can coach you and give you tips... or honestly just tell you what you need to answer... So we don't need to study the PowerPoint furthermore... Actually I am quite curious about something." He settled down...

"What? What are you curious about?" I sat down on the bed.

"We need to share information about one another... frankly if you are going to pass off as me.. you are going to have to act like me... You did acting before right? Pretty sure you'll do good."

I licked my lips and looked at him with pride. "Of course... I'm confident with my acting ability."

"Great. Why don't we exchange information about each other's life? So that you can easily expect what to say and you'll know what to say when you see that person."

I guess it's a good idea to tell him about how we act, our family and friends and such. Honestly with his life being this crazy... I keep getting jump scared.

"I will start first... Since you will be going to the company for your presentation. Proper posture is a must. You must not look slump as so." He stood up, chin, and walked straight.

"HAHAHA! Not gonna lie that fits you but seeing someone like me... who is like so small acting like that is pretty weird itself." I burst out laughing.

He rolled his eyes... "Be serious... you have to act appropriately and strict in my company or people will just rip you apart... I guarantee you I'm doing you a favor by teaching you this."

"Alright... although why? Why do you get ripped apart at your own company? Aren't you suppose to be the boss? Like the one that's suppose to be respected?" I asked him.

"You see.." He sat down. "Not everyone is fond of me being there because no one liked my father... although they worked for him... no one liked my father and the fact of me inheriting it. They focused all their anger on me... I have no choice... they all set to try to humiliate me any chance they get. You know what they say. The business world is a dog eat dog world."

"Oh... I guess we are really totally different..." I said timidly.

That's horrible... why would they do that to him...

"Anyways my secretary, Ms. Fletcher ... she will always send you a schedule of things and will always remind you of things so no need for a reminder... although I hope your secretary Ms. Tan can keep up with me demands. People don't call me the cold prince for no reason."

"I don't think you're cold... I actually think you're pretty sweet... maybe you should just smile a bit more? You know instead of scowling all the time... you know? Like how you do this?" I scowled showing him what he looks like.

He sighs and bounced the question to me. "So how's your work environment?"

"Oh I guess we are not as intense as in your company... my workers well from this country.. since my Homebase is in another country. Anyways it's a tradition that I eat with my workers... They enjoy some of my pastries as well since I'm a very good baker." I explained to him.

"You eat with your workers? Aren't you suppose to be the CEO?" He asked really confused and weirded out.

"Yup. I do... I treat everyone equally.. and maintaining a good connection with my workers is fundamental especially as a C.E.O.. although I don't think you'll have a hard time with anyone... pretty much everyone respects me." I said to him.

"I think it's due to the fact that you worked hard for your accomplishments.. remember when you told me that you wanted to be a C.E.O and I giggled about it? You really did achieve your dream." He smiled...

Yup... I remember... how you made fun of my dream and aspirations and told me that I was just dreaming... ya... definitely remembered that part...

Although a little part of me got curious... his workers... hate his father... but why? I never really met his father so I think I need to ask... if I do and act the opposite with his father perhaps I can fix this mistreating in their company?

"Why do they actually hate your father?" I asked him...

He just stood there... remaining silent... what?

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