
I will make him Happy

Anna's POV:

When Mark asked me what happened last night, I didn't tell him the truth because he didn't do that intentionally. I just tell him that he is unconscious and acted normally.

Later, I came to my room, finish my bath, and sat on my bed to relax but my thoughts are revolving around what Mark said last night, "Anna don't leave me alone.."

Then I remember what Tom said about drug symptoms, i.e, outburst their emotions. It means Mark feels that he is alone. Yes, actually, he is alone; he lost his family and it's been two years since his parents' tragedy takes place.

For Ria, it takes so much time to overcome from depression but for Mark, maybe he is 23 or 24 of his age when his parents died. He needs to take the entire responsibility of his family and business and he acts normal before Ria to make her happy, but he actually not, he was pressured and depressed.

When he recovers from his parents' tragedy, he lost his beloved sister.

Rio is the only hope he is living in, but a gang attacked Ria, and she attempted suicide and left him alone. His present aim is to find the culprits of Ria's case...

Sometimes I think it happened just because of me, if I stay at home that day, Ria may still alive but my family made a big mistake, particularly my brother made a big mistake. He kills my mother too. I will definetly punish him to death. If I am in Mark's place, I will definitely kill the entire family for Ria's loss, but Mark didn't do that.

He was angry with me when we first met, I still remember his red eyes with anger; he holds my hair tightly. For one second, I think he will kill me, but he didn't, he leaves me...

On the same night, when I speak to him through the phone, he identified that I am in danger, and he came immediately and saved my life. If he didn't come that night, maybe I was dead like Ria.

He shelters me...

He cares for me...

He asks me to don't leave him alone and I made a promise to him that I don't leave him alone. I will make him happy and I will help him to get out of his loneliness and depression. It's been around 2:30 p.m. I went to have lunch and asked Nanny about Mark whether he had his food or not. She said he didn't have his food yet.

When I am having my food, Mark came from the hallway and sat in front of me. He spoke nothing, but his face looks little worried.

What happened in the hallway?

I just want to make him normal and ask him about Mona, he said Mona is ok. When he is about to leave from the dining room, he asked me to get ready by 5 p.m.

No, no.. He didn't ask, he ordered me to get ready..

I don't want to reject it and I don't know why he wants to watch the movie all of a sudden. Meanwhile, Nanny interrupted and told me after Mark left the dining room.

Nanny: "It's been two years since he went to the movies with friends, he always busy with his work..."

(I nod my head as ok. I feel happy that he is changing; I don't have any objections to go to a movie with him. So, I accepted without hesitation, inbetween my thoughts, I am done with my food and went to my room. It's been 4 p.m, so I started to get ready. Meanwhile, Nanny came and gave me a crop top and jeans to wear to the movie.

I thanked her and changed my dress and comb my hair, and I applied just compact and lip gloss..

It's 10 min to 5, Mark told me to wait downstairs, so I went to the hallway and sat on the couch. There are newspapers on the table before the couch, but I found something odd from my side look. I look into that, and I found a newspaper under the cushion. I take it out, and I am shocked when I saw the article.

It's Mark and me..

The image clearly shows we are kissing to each other, and I closed my eyes with pleasure. I looked at the background of the image, it's the glass room...

Then I remember he pecks on my Lower lip..

Why he bites me..?

Does he really like me..?

I got a flash about que card questions. If we are the best couple, then all the answers in the que card should right. It means he may know about my mole., then I think last night incident, he rips my clothes, and he started sucking my mole first, as he knows the exact place...

Suddenly I hear his footsteps, I keep the newspaper under the cushion in a hurry and pretend I don't know and went to the dining room. Maybe that's the reason the picture in the newspaper makes him worried at lunchtime. Maybe he doesn't want me to know about that article, particularly about that picture thats the reason he hides it under the cushion.

Meanwhile, he came, and I act normal, but in the car, I break the silence because I need to know, how he knows about my mole. I think I am interrogating him, but actually, he interrogated me in reverse. He is very tricky, and sometimes he makes me mad with his cross-questions..

Then finally he said, "It's my fantasy that my girl should have a mole in that spot so I guessed it.."

I feel relaxed after I hear he guessed it but I am shocked when I hear it's his fantasy. I still remember the last night how he passionately kisses on my mole. When I am thinking that sudden shrill pass through my stomach and he suddenly stops the car..

I feel a little pain in my lower abdomen. I check outside and we are at the theatre. We both lead into the complex. It's a big multiplex; there are so many brand shops in the complex along with movie theater, when I am staring at them; suddenly, I feel the pain again...

He looks at me, I act normal. When we enter another floor by escalator, the pain is starting slowly. Then I immediately turn to Mark and ask, "What's today's date?"

Mark: 22, why?

Anna: Shit..

Mark's Pov

Mark: "Are you ok..?

Your face is sweating, Anna.."

(I touched her nose and wiped the sweat, then I saw her wet eyes. I look at her dress; everything is ok, then why her eyes are wet?)

Anna: It's my period, Mark.

Mark: Period?


Anna's Pov:

He doesn't know about periods, it's a girl's menstrual cycle, how he knows..?

In my period's, I will suffer from severe stomach and body pains. It takes two days for me to get normal but now, I came to the movie with him and I dont want to spoil the plan.

What should I do..?

I looked around to check any medical shops for Sanitary pads.

Mark: "Anna, do you need anything?

What are you looking for..?"

Anna: I am looking for a medical shop, Mark, you know where it is..?

Mark: "Yes, it's near the entrance, but why you need a medical shop..?

Don't you feel well..?"

Anna: "I will explain to you later, I will write some medicines will you please bring it for me..."

Mark: "Don't you feel well,.?

I will call to Mona, she will suggest some right medicines.."

Anna: "Mark, please listen to me, I don't have time to explain to you...

(and I immediately grab a pen from his pocket and write on his hand, Sanitary pads company and two tablets pain killers)

"please bring these."

He left me in confusion. After a few minutes, he brings the cover; it was packed in such a way that he doesn't know what's inside...

Anna: "wait here, I will be back in a few minutes..."

I went to the washroom and kept the pad, but my tummy, it's still hurting. The pain is increasing little by little; I take the painkiller and went to Mark. When I looked at Mark, he feels nervous and looked worried.

Anna: "Come, let's go to a movie..."

Mark: "No, Anna, I think you don't feel well, Let's go home..."

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