
Tommy and kimi 4

I was looking forward to Halloween. It's always a fun time of year to spend with friends, and we were getting older now, so we probably didn't have many Halloweens left to go trick or treating as a group. In particular, I was looking forward to trick or treating with my best friend, Chuckie Finster. We have been best friends since we were babies. I have lots of other good friends – Chuckie's step-sister Kimi and the twins Phil and Lil were coming trick and treating with us – but none of them shared as close a bond as I did with Chuckie, and I could never see myself being closer with any of them than I am with Chuckie.

Actually… maybe one of them… but that would be a different kind of best friend I guess. Anyway, me and Chuckie had decided to go trick or treating in a joint costume – that's how much we were best friends! The five of us were in Chuckie's garage sorting through some old stuff trying to find good costumes. It was a wet day outside, but I didn't mind because it added to the Halloween atmosphere. Phil and Lil seemed to have found some good stuff. Lil was dressed up as a genie, and Phil was smoothing out the sleeves of an ugly yellow jacket.

Lil was looking in a funny way at her brother. "What are you supposed to be, a car salesman?"

Phil smirked. "No, I'm an international spy and ladies man!" he said, pulling off a dramatic pose.

Honestly, I thought Lil was closer to the truth. I would have commented but then I noticed a large green sheet. That could be a perfect costume for me and Chuckie!

"I got it, Chuckie, I have our Halloween costume. Lizardo, the two-headed, three-legged, radioactive dino monster!"

I draped the sheet round my body and over my head. It was good!

"Now all we need is someone who can sew," I said.

Chuckie looked confident. "I might be able to manage a stitch or two."

That was weird, he's never mentioned that before. Isn't it weird how you can be best friends for so long, and yet still find out new stuff about them?

"You sew?"

He must have realised I thought it was a bit weird because he looked very embarrassed. "No."

At that moment Dil walked in the room. My brother is a character! He decided that he wasn't going to go trick or treating on Halloween, but on the day before. Interesting scheme for sure. It does mean he won't be joining us, but that's not so bad. I like our group of friends. Chuckie, Phil, Lil… and Kimi…

Sorry, I got lost in thought! I refocused on the conversation. Chuckie seemed to be worried about a group of fourteen year olds. These guys were known for taking candy from younger kids on Halloween. Thankfully we'd never met them, but I'd heard stories. It was time to fulfil my role as group leader and reassure everyone – especially Chuckie!

"Don't worry about them, guys. As long as we go in a big group we'll be perfectly safe. This is gonna be the best Halloween ever!"

I did my secret hand shake with Chuckie. We were gonna be such a good Lizardo! But when I turned my head the others had wandered off. Lil seemed to have found something behind a box.

"Check this out," she said. She pulled back a box to reveal a carving in the wall: a heart with an arrow through it. Inside the arrow were two initials: TP + KF. That could only mean one thing…

Kimi's POV

Oh no, why did that get found? I knew the garage was a bad place to carve that. I must admit, I'd been a bit nervous when we were looking around in our garage because I knew that was there and I didn't want anyone to find it. I think that's why I'd been so quiet up until this point, though thankfully no-one seemed to notice. What they did notice, however, was my carving. Chuckie was the first to comment and he seemed surprised.

"TP and KF? Tommy Pickles and Kimi Finster?" Tommy then saw it and asked me out and I said yes chuckie said no tommy said he would never hurt her and is it not safer to let her date someone that you know he said it is but be nice to her then Kimi said let's go tell my parents the news they asked how it was she said it was tommy they said it is about time he asked you out then she said why they said we knew it when you first saw each other  

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