
Mrs Yogurt

Ava rolled her eyes and complained, "Oh come on Sebastian, you can at least give me one." Rubbing her stomach, she pouted her lips, "I am so hungry." 

"Go and buy your own sandwich," Sebastian snapped, there was no way he would let anyone even touch his sandwiches.

Puffing her cheeks, Ava was about to retort when Ellie said, "Seb, give her one." 

He frowned and shook his head. "But these are mine, why would I give away something that is mine?" 

Sitting down beside Ellie, Melissa whispered, "Seems like your big baby needs to be tamed." 

Punching Melissa's waist, Ellie turned towards him and added, "If you give her one, I'll make two sandwiches for you later." 

"Three?" When she chuckled and nodded her head, Sebastian started measuring the sandwiches. 

"Hey, you can't do that," Ava retorted.

Giving her the smallest piece, he rushed towards his desk away from everyone where he could enjoy his sandwiches at peace.

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