
The Truth is Nothing but a Jumble of Myths  

Up the steps Ath3na walked while the others trailed after her, each of them planting their weapons where she left Red Death at the bottom of the steps. 

Those of her team who didn't have the ability to summon their weapons to their sides weren't overly worried as there wasn't a single player in the Abyss who didn't carry a spare. While the few like Mr. Phantasm managed a quick spell of attunement similar to Ath3na's connection to her halberd. 

Shakespeare had disappeared from in front of her, and his place was one of those strange giant wraiths with the ghostly wings and pale blue flesh stretched taught over spindly limbs. 

It raised a hand to its side and bowed its head to Ath3na in what she assumed was a gesture of welcome. 

She strode forward while her steel-toe boots making soft thudding sounds on the marble floor. 

"Whoa," Ath3na breathed. 

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