
The Wheel Turns! II

As if the words of the Great Beyonder that rang out across the Megalos Beyond all those cycles ago were reverberating right in their ears.


The sentence represented how fast it would take the Instrument to become a Great One.

It seemed that by their standards…it would be akin to the blink of an eye.

Many of them had lived for multiple cycles.

Countless years.

To them, a single year was extremely short.

Some slept for thousands of years in deep slumber.

So now, they fantasized just how quickly the Instrument would take to jump onto the distinction of a Great One.

The eyes of the followers of the Great Beyonder twinkled with unquenchable fervor.

While in the distance, the eyes of the Heretical Morphons became even more stern.

Within the same Megalos Pantheon of Umbra.

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