
A different kind of happiness

Alex, Abigail and Little Betty were all sitting in Alex's car, with Abi in the passenger seat and Little Betty in the back seat, as they headed towards the orphanage. 

Little Betty had told Abi what happened during breakfast and Abi was glad that the little girl was alright. She felt bad for leaving her alone that morning and promised herself that she wouldn't do that again.

The car ride wasn't as silent as Alex would have liked because little Betty regaled them with this story and that story during the whole trip. Abi was attentive to her but she was also aware that these would be the last moments she would get to spend with Alex before he left. 

She kept glancing at the man but she also knew that she couldn't disturb him while driving. 

Finally, they arrived at the orphanage. Abi watched Betty enter the gate before she turned and looked at Alex. She was standing by the car's window, looking down at him. 

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