
Chapter 2

Dragons creatures or untold power, were roaming free around, if I remember correctly this was the time when the ate humans.

With that in mind I didn't rush into anything, they usually weren't alone, and I didn't want to test with a group of them if I could hurt them or not.

Koyuki has been quiet since the altercation, maybe I was too direct on my approach, who knows.

After walking for a while, I decided it was time to rest, I found a river nearby, and we set camp there.

My appearance was different to what it once was, so stuff, my eyes were white, and so was my hair, the rest remained the same mostly because I forced it with my magic to stay the same.

"We need to talk," Koyuki said looking at me.

"Very well," I nodded making Kimimaro go away for a bit.

"It's true I married you for... power and to keep my people safe... and I know all I was... was a decoration, no one could oppose you... but with the time I learned to care for you... and love you," Koyuki said between tears.

"Love...? you seem to forget... something very important," I paused touching her hair, "I can see everything and hear everything inside my kingdom, there was a time when I thought you might have fallen for me.... but all it took was peaking into your time without me, and hear what you said about me,"

Koyuki eyes widen in surprise, no one knew about that power of mine, "...."

"So let's not lie to each other," I smiled at her.

The conversation died down, as I felt something approaching, a pair of dragons, they were coming directly towards us.

I looked at Koyuki and sighed, I allowed her to come and she could die, maybe it was a mistake, Kimimaro could fight, all she could do was heal, besides I needed to something without her.

"I'll be back in the village some time later, things have gotten difficult," I said as I tapped her head before she could reply and teleported her back to the village.

[Koyuki is out of the party!]

I calmly walked to Kimimaro, to find him staring at the two coming dragons.

"You said only their own power can harm them..." Kimimaro hummed.

"The information given to me says so, but we can always try that up," I said, without Koyuki I could focus more on fighting, and testing how good I was against them.

After a few seconds the dragons arrived, "Two powerful humans, what a great luck do we have!" the dragon that said that was green, with purple marks around his body.

"Indeed brother, what a rare finding," The other dragon said drooling, he was black with green marks.

"Disgusting," Kimimaro said looking at the drool.

"I share the sentiment," I chuckled.

The dragons seemed to ignore us and the one with purple marks tried to attack, just to be stopped by a pillar of bones.

"You are not worthy of touching my master," Kimimaro said as he made more pillars protrude from the ground, the attack seemed to have so sort of effect of them, but it was more like a light push.

"This one is a bit boney," The black dragon said.

"I like those," The green one said.

"Bind," I commanded, immediately black matter caught the dragons in the air, binding them, as they struggle to remove the binds I chuckled and said, "Supernova,"

A supernova is a powerful and luminous stellar explosion. This astronomical event occurs during the last evolutionary stages of a massive star or when a white dwarf is triggered into runaway nuclear fusion, of course I controlled the size to make it so it only took the dragons, my power had more limits that I originally thought I couldn't create a supernova with its original size, for greater things I needed to be stronger.

"What in...." The dragons couldn't finish their sentence before they were turned into ashes.

"I apologize," Kimimaro said with his head down, "Once again my power is not enough to protect you, and you were forced to fight,"

I sighed and ruffling his long hair said, "Take it easy, this world has a lot to offer, so if you learn you will be able to accomplish what you desire,"

"I will learn and acquire more power master," Kimimaro said eagerly.

[Fairy Tail map download progress 25%

There is a Kingdom close to you, around fifty thousand miles west.

Name = Kingdom of Dragnof

Current ruler = Irene Belserion]

Irene she would at one point become one of of Zeref puppets, she was also the greatest enchanter in this world.

I smiled and turned to Kimimaro, "Let's visit the former Queen of Dragons,"

I could teleport but I wanted to see this new world before using shortcuts everywhere, I wonder if I could make Irene once of my subordinates, could I even stop dragonization?

Maybe I could force the curse to vanish with my power it seems to affect dragons just fine, so perhaps I could erase the dragon curse and let her keep the dragon power, with the longevity that brought.

"Well I suppose everything here will be trial and error," I chuckled as I made my way to her kingdom.











Koyuki is back to the village, to be honest I never felt a connection between both of them, they fucked like animals with lust but nothing more, I might even take her out of the picture divorce or just have her as a trophy wife.

I originally wanted to make them fall in love together, but there are two woman, that I know and already wrote their romantic arcs with him and work way better.

One is of them is a battle maniac that loves innocent smiles and that can eviscerate an army alone, and is not in this world.

The other is —————

Anyway, I just can't write Koyuki and him together, believe me I tried, but they just don't match.

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