
Chapter 20

Team Yuki has broken the record Minato had on the chunin exams finishing it in less than one hour.

Karin and Tayuya were fine, and Jugo already had regenerated the little damage he had sustained during his fight with Gaara.

"Why did you dragged the fight so much?" Tayuya asked.

"Yeah, you didn't need to that much power to end him, you were faster and stronger than him since you started using the marks," Karin added, feeling embarrassed that she thought Gaara was going to be a problem.

"I didn't want to kill him," Jugo smiled sadly, "I could see in his eyes... I could see myself years ago... before Yami-sama gave me a home and family... all I had were my animal friends... but even I could see how much blood he had on his hand so I wanted to give him a chance to taste being the prey for once,"

"You should've fucked the fucker with the first punch," Tayuya pouted.

"You got scared?" Jugo teased.

"What did you say bastard!" Tayuya glared at him.

"Let's stop it, we have a test to finish and a kage to make proud," Karin scolded diffusing the situation.

They were in the room alone, so as the ninjas that appeared from the scrolls told them, they started to talk about random stuff while waiting.


|Shikamaru POV|

This... we are not ready for this troublesome test, first there was only one monster and of nowhere another monster appeared.

How troublesome how am I suppose to survive and overcome this.

"We have to avoid those two teams at all costs," I informed my teammates.

"You don't have to tell me twice!" Choji was shaking, and I can't hardly blame him, one second later and it would've been us fighting them.

Though if I had to choose a team to fight it would be team Yuki, they allowed their opponents to surrender, Suna was a different matter so far.

"Then lets wait, and hide and find a weak team so we can get the heck out of here," Ino nodded.

"That's the plan... tsk how troublesome,"


|Kiba POV|

Those two teams smelled like death, Akamaru was so scared he pissed my jacket, I almost did the same.

Hinata said their chakra levels were massively seemly endless, and I didn't need a byakugan to see or feel that.

Shino was also scare on his own way, I thought this was suppose to be easy!

"Kiba-kun....lets go," Hinata said.

"Yes," I said, relaxing a bit at the fact I smelled them going away from us.


My team had finished the first and second test with almost no problems, and in the process broke the record, Gaara would've have broken if they didn't fight.

"It's time for me to go," I announced standing up, my team had passed, I had no intention of watching other kids kill each other, it was a waste of time.

"Where are you going?" The Hokage asked, blowing his pipe.

"Ask the anbus you have tailing my every movement," I smiled as I left the room with my two body guards.

"Do you want us to kill those Anbu?" Kimimaro asked.

"No yet, but soon," I answered.

"Then just let us know," Haku said cheerily.

With that set, I had one thing I wanted to do, go and personally congratulate my team for their success.

It took me around fifteen minutes to arrive where they were, surprising them with my presence.

Tayuya boasted how she was the key for their success, trying to get all the praise to herself, while Jugo and Karin giggled at her.

Kimimaro congratulated Jugo, for his performance, and even told him I was proud of him , and the others for it.

Jugo got overwhelmed with happiness with that, not only him but Tayuya and Karin.

I don't quite understand why me being proud of them is so good to bring this reaction, but if it makes them happy and doesn't affects their performance is okay I suppose.

While they talked I could feel someone coming, and it wasn't the anbu, it was someone else that worked for me.

[Zabuza approaching...]

"I will continue to make you proud," Jugo kneeled in front of me.

"What he said," Tayuya said with a wide smile.

"As your second subordinate! I have to set an example!" Karin said fixing the position of her glasses.

"Then I'm counting on it," I smiled at them.

"Fuck yeah you should!" I heard Zabuza say behind me, "I trained them so expect nothing lesss!"

Zabuza was boasting with pride on his work with the kids, I dare say he was puffing his chest like a pigeon.

"I'll hold you onto that," I chuckled.


|Danzo POV|

An uchiha had betrayed the village and conquered another country, making himself a Kage, blasphemy! An Uchiha ruling a country goes against everything that is right!

He can't be allowed to exist any longer, he can't!

"After Orochimaru starts his attack, we are all moving to kill him," I ordered my highly trained squadron of root ninjas.

Uchiha or not, that kid didn't know what he was dealing with, and soon he would face an unshakable force.

"Orochimaru," I turned around feeling the presence of the snake.

"Danzo... hehe," Orochimaru laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, just as long you don't intervine with my plan to end Sarutobi-sensei life we are good," Orochimaru shrugged his shoulders.

"You do your part, and I'll do mine," I said leaving the room.

"Understood," Orochimaru left cackling.


|Orochimaru POV|

Danzo was as good as dead, he couldn't possibly hope to scratch that monster, that's something that was engraved in my very core years ago.

His power knows no bounds, and to top that he actually has a brain over his shoulders, I can't say I didn't hesitate and even thought of cancelling my plan when I got notice he was coming.

I know he knows I'm here, and I also know he knows about my plan to some extend, but choose not to interfere, which can only mean two things.

One he doesn't care about it, two my plan helps his and is using me as a chip on his strategic board, either way it's not like I could do much.

"Danzo you have no idea how dangerous is the monster you are about to face," I cackled, "Well, it his fault for not investigating, too bad I never got to see the cons of that new arm I installed in him, oh well, onto a new project..."


Next the tournament phase begins!







Only one match will remain the same, the rest got sorted out differently.

I used a sorting app to sort the names and boom.

I was surprised one got the same match it did in the original.

Chapitre suivant