
Six gold medal

"Ramz! Ramz ran out of the track! He stopped and sat on the ground, he retired! Ramz retired! Why? Did he suddenly feel sick? What a pity!"

While the narrator was still sorry for Ramz, Ramz sitting on the ground began to laugh.

"Ramz smiled. Judging from his expression, Ramz didn't show any painful expression. I think Ramz's body should be fine. So why did he retire? I want to be able to know the answer before the finish of the race."

The broadcast footage quickly moved to the arena, and the athletes began to slow down, only Carmel started to sprint.

"Carmel! It's Carmel! The Athletics World Cup champion Carmel! He started to run faster, rushed up, surpassed! Led! Rushed to the first!"

"Oh, Zhang Guan, he broke away from the big group, Zhang Guan chased after Carmel! Can he catch up? Zhang Guan is faster and should be able to catch up! The gap between Zhang Guan and Carmel is gradually shrinking, he is catching up!"

This period of the race is not long. After Ramz retired, the athletes started to slow down, Carmel ran last and then ran to number one, then Zhang Guan came to catch up. It was only a few tens of meters. However, the changes brought about by these tens of meters have an overwhelming result on the game.

Qatar athlete Sulaiman was extremely melancholic at this time.

"I should have thought about it. Ramz was running so fast. It should have been impossible to run the whole course. I was too careless. I didn't see through such a simple trap!" Sulaiman looked at Carmel in front who was running farther and farther, and he was filled with regret.

"If I found out that Carmel didn't keep up at the beginning, I would not be as passive as I am now, maybe I would have been fighting with Carmel for the first place! Huh? How did Zhang Guan catch up?"

Zhang Guan's tall figure caught up with Sulaiman from behind and even blocked the light for a few minutes. Sulaiman turned his head and looked, just to see Zhang Guan surpassing himself.

"Zhang Guan! Does he still have a lot of physical strength? Impossible! He was also running with us! I have already used up my physical strength, why is he still accelerating? Wait, Zhang Guan seems to be faster than Carmel At this speed, he can catch up with Carmel!"

Sulaiman watched Zhang Guan march forward and saw that the gap between Zhang Guan and Carmel was getting smaller and smaller. When he entered the final straight, Zhang Guan was already two or three meters behind Carmel.

At this time, Carmel heard the reminder of coach Virgil and looked back, what he saw shocked him.

"Zhang Guan! He is catching up!"

Carmel has been in the last place since the start of the race, taking the first seven athletes into account. Carmel watched Zhang Guan and other athletes follow closely behind Ramz with his own eyes, and when Ramz retired, Zhang Guan and other athletes also slowed down, then Carmel thought Zhang Guan, like everyone else, had no energy.

"Wasn't Zhang Guan's energy exhausted? Why can he still rush up!" Carmel felt that the scene in front of him was completely incomprehensible.

However, Carmel also knows that it is not the right time to think about the cause. Zhang Guan has already caught up, and there are still sixty meters away from the finish line. Carmel must do his best to maintain the advantage until the end of the game.

"No matter how much physical strength Zhang Guan has left, it is no longer important. My goal is only one, that is the championship! Now the only thing I can do is to move forward!" Carmel figured this out, he was no longer struggling with why Zhang Guan was able to catch up, and no longer tangled with how much physical strength Zhang Guan has left, he took all his strength and rushed to the end.

"Can't lose, never lose! I am a world champion, how can I lose at the Asian Games!"

"Ramz must be watching me now! He has given up the game for this gold medal. He made such a sacrifice. How can I live up to him?"

"I want a championship! Only by winning the championship can I escape poverty! I don't want to continue the savage life of Kenya, and I can't let my children live the savage life, so I have to get the championship!"

There was a flash of heat in Carmel's eyes. He had his dreams and pursuits. He hoped to live a better life, so he wants to win the championship. He will do everything for the championship.

Carmel started to accelerate again, and the game reached the last few tens of meters. At this time, it was almost impossible to continue to increase his speed, but Carmel forced himself to be faster. His's will gradually overcome the fatigue of the body, and his speed has improved.

But on the field, there is more than one athlete who is working towards the championship. Zhang Guan's goal is also the championship. Since his debut, Zhang Guan has never lost, so his desire for the championship is also stronger because he has always been a champion.

Zhang Guan slowly approach Carmel and then kept pace with him. At this time, there were more than 20 meters left from the finish line.

In the distance, Ramz, who was still on the lawn, had stood up and watched the scene.

"Carmel's speed remains good. Although Zhang Guan caught up, it is difficult to achieve a decisive advantage before the finish line. I think it may take a moment before the finish line to determine the final victory!" Ramz thought of this, but the scene from the final moment of the 1500m final yesterday suddenly appeared in his mind.

"No! It was the same way yesterday. Zhang Guan was running alongside me, but in the last 20 meters, his speed suddenly increased a bit, and then rushed to the front of me! That's how I lost the game." Ramz went straight and didn't want to understand why Zhang Guan was able to accelerate before the finish line.

Ramz couldn't help but hang his heart. He was very worried about the reappearance of that scene from yesterday. Especially when the game reached the last 20 meters, whoever could be a little faster would be able to secure the title of the champion.

At this moment, Zhang Guan revoked the skill of incomplete activation of the sprint. His speed instantly increased by more than 10%. The speed of 10% may not be too obvious at ordinary times, but for the 20 meters before the endpoint, it is enough for Zhang Guan to win the final championship.

"Sure enough, it like this again! Before the finish! He suddenly speeds up!" Ramz felt a trace of sadness in his heart. He sacrificed himself in this game in exchange for the chance for Carmel to win this gold medal. However, at the last moment, it still failed.

In the distance, Coach Virgil closed his eyes in pain. For this game, the Bahrain team made so many preparations, Ramz also made sacrifices. In the game, his plan was very well executed, and even the other six athletes were all fooled. Especially when Carmel passed over everyone, Coach Virgil thought that the championship had already arrived.

But the gold medal eventually flew away. At the moment Zhang Guan started to sprint, coach Virgil had expected that the gold medal no longer belonged to the Bahrain team. His sixth sense told him that Zhang Guan would surpass Carmel, he will achieve a miraculous victory.

Coach Virgil opened his eyes again and looked at the final results shown on the timing card, feeling increasingly powerless and frustrated.

"1 minute, 42.80 seconds, this result he created was another Asian record for the 800m! This is Zhang Guan! Is he invincible?"


"The sixth gold medal, he got six gold medals!" Director Ma murmured to himself while knowing the previous agreement, Zhang Guan had already done it. Zhang Guan not only won six gold medals but also broke the Asian records of 800 meters and 1500 meters. With this Asian record in hand, no one can stop Zhang Guan from participating in the 800m and 1500m races.

An athlete participating in multiple events at the same time will indeed share a lot of energy, but those in the country value the competition more. As for other factors, they are no longer considered by them, especially in some major competitions. At that time, even if the athlete does not have so much energy, even if the athlete is already in a state of injury, he must still play.

Now that Zhang Guan has achieved good results in the middle distance running event, he has also broken the Asian record. So how can Zhang Guan not be allowed to run in the middle distance running event in the next international competition? If Zhang Guan is not allowed to run, some leaders will not agree, and the audience will not agree, let alone advertisers and sponsors.

Looking at Zhang Guan, who was celebrating the victory at the end ahead, Director Ma sighed helplessly, "This kid has not realized this yet!"


After the 800-meter final, half an hour later, the men's 4-by-100-meter relay preliminaries began.

In this project, the strongest is, of course, China and Japan. Also, Saudi Arabia and Qatar in Western Asia have some naturalized athletes in Africa, so they should not be underestimated.

However, in the preliminary rounds, the participating teams can be said to be mixed with some weak teams. The best results of the athletes were either 11 seconds or even 12 seconds. Most of the top three athletes in the Chinese team are players who can run into the Olympic B standard so they can lead others for more than a second with just the first three sticks, so when the baton is handed over to Zhang Guan, the national team has obtained their promotion quota.

After today's competition, only the last day of the Asian Games track and field competition will be left. After tomorrow's 4x100m relay finals, Zhang Guan's first Asian Games tour will also end.


The next day, the headlines of domestic media were all changed to Zhang Guan, such as:

"Zhang Guan won the sixth gold! Become the first athlete with the most gold medals in the single Asian Games"

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