

Buffy and the girls seemed to agree as we went to bed for a few days. All slayers were relaxing in their downtime before heading back to major operations all over the world three days later.

Things seemed to boil over as I spent the next two years building more spires and helping out all over the world. We hadn't attacked Wolfram and Hart yet but we were nearly ready as there were now over seven hundred slayers in our organization. There were around eighteen hundred world wide but most liked their own lives or stuck to the solo act.

Buffy, Faith, Alice and I got married in Devon with nearly everyone we knew in attendance. She'd had me make a replica gem of Amara for Angel to attend. Giles gave Buffy and Faith away and was coincidentally my best man. The brides maids were Willow, Tara, and Dawn. Xander was a groomsman with Robin.

It was a rather big wedding and lasted until I teleported us to a tropical island I bought the month before. We spent two weeks having sex and swimming on the beach. All three of the girls got a tan and seemed naturally happy. That was two months after LA and all it's crap.

Now things were running smoothly. Xander broke his magic barrier into immortality a few weeks ago with Giles and Robin, who was a complete surprise. I hadn't known he was practicing what I'd given him. He was assigned to the Cleveland hellmouth with Faith.

Rona was now in London with her own slayer cell. There were a hundred four man cells across the world while the rest were either at hellmouth's or roaming and killing random demons except the couple hundred trains here at sanctuary under Giles's tutelage. It seemed the world was getting as straight as the balance had been tipped to good for once.

Dawn was starting college now at Berkeley University in California. Alice was strengthening her body with natural and permanent magic enhancements to carry a kid.

Faith and Buffy had never been happier and they were thinking about starting a family once Wolfram and Hart was dealt with and kicked out of our dimension. Very few slayers around the world had died since we've went global.

Everything was going fine until three months later Dawn came back and started growing to the size of a giant. When I saw her I immediately understood what it was. Buffy got the story and thought it was the fact that she lost her virginity to a Thricewise. A sort of mollusk like demon that could take human form.

I sorted at that saying. "It's a transformation curse. A bit difficult to pull off for the average warlock or witch but definitely one you'll not want to keep. I can break it or you can apologize to the demon before I kill him. It'll reverse once you apologize, it's bound like that."

Dawn looked sad so Buffy sad. "Break the spell, I'll kill the demon myself."

Dawn said. "No! Wait, do we have to kill him just because he's a demon?"

I chuckled. "No, we have to kill him because he's a dark warlock with some serious skill and a threat to you. If I break the curse all he has to do is a killing curse and you're finished Dawnie. We'd rather a demon be dead then for you to drop dead at any moment."

I waved a hand and shattered the spell as she shrank. I told Buffy. "The portal will take you to Dawn's dorm. Use those glasses Willow made to see demons that are hiding in human form or in humans in general. You'll need to get rid of the body as he'll revert to his natural form after death so call me."

I waved a hand and a portal appeared. Buffy grabbed a sword and went through as it shut behind her. Dawn looked sad still so I told her. "Go see if Willow has any more of the bark root tea. It'll help I promise. Tell her two drops should do. She'll know if you lie to her so don't try to get more."

She scurried upstairs still very sad. Sighing I waited for Buffy's call which came twenty minutes later. I teleported to a college dorm room that had a dead demon and my wife standing inside. The demon itself was still standing because it was built like that. I could top it over with a poke but for now the sword through it's third eye and out the back meant dead.

I sighed at Buffy who was a bit sad now as well. "She slept with his roommate and he cursed her. He was too dangerous to let live though."

I nodded and sent the body minus the sword to a volcano. The sword I caught and cleaned before handing it back to Buffy saying. "She probably feared the monster within and sought comfort in a friend. I don't blame her, some monsters are scarier than others."

She shook her head with a sigh. "I'd never cheat on you Ry, you're too good to me."

I chuckled. "Not hardly, but I didn't mean you, or me specifically. I've seen Xander blanch at his own inner demons and had to help him get passed them when he got married to Anya the first time. Anya must've sensed it as she and Spike found that same comfort I mentioned. It happens and though I'd never admit It to anyone else, I've seen the monster I am and wonder each day how you, Faith and Alice could stand to be with me."

Buffy turned and put her sword away before hugging me around the waste saying. "Because you say things like that and mean them. We've all got our inner demons and yours are more real than most but each day you deny them. Each day Faith and I get older and we see the fear in you eyes, the despair at knowing one day we'll be gone. Yet you never let it get to you. "

"Each day you search out leads and dig up ancient magic's all in the hopes that you'll see us one more day then what we're meant to live. Hell, every slayer that comes through Sanctuary sees you looking so hard and desperate to find that one spell, or artifact that could save us from death. They're jealous of it and we know it. Heck, even Kennedy wishes she'd had a shot with you and she's gay sweetie."

I sighed and cleaned up the room before teleporting back to the compound with her in my arms. We arrived in the magic study where Willow and Dawn were. Buffy looked at her sister and said. "Nick?"

Dawn froze before bursting into tears. Sighing Buffy calmed her down and got the full story. Sighing a holocall came in from the control room where missions are overseen. A group of demons were holding some humans hostage in a church near Inverness.

When Buffy heard and turned my way Dawn told her. "Go, I'm sure it's important."

I sighed. "Dawnie, you are important to Buffy and to us. If College in California is too much I'm sure I can whip up a portal you can use to come and go so you'll be able to stay here at nights and days when there's no classes. It's not that Buffy wants you gone, it's that she wants you to have an education and hopefully be prepared for a world we're trying to make safer for you."

Dawn stilled and trembled are my words before crying some more. I turned to Buffy and before telling Xander who was on holocoms now. "Save the team, I'm going in personally. I'll take care of the demons and report when I get back."

Xander saluted before he buzzed off saying. "Copy that."

I looked at Buffy and a sad Willow saying. "Take the day, or week, or however long you need to talk it out and actually bond. I'll clean out her dorm room and tell the school she's taking the semester off. I'm sure they'll let me sign her up early for next semester if I ask real nice. You girls need some bonding time."

Buffy and Dawn both smiled and I chuckled teleporting to Inverness. I felt out and found a barrier over the church. With a thought I shattered it and came inside. The demons were standing over their victims like they weren't satisfied. One growled. "You not slayer!"

I chuckle as I tapped my holo-recorder for the mission report. "Demons were expecting slayers. They had a barrier around the building that seems to be an old church that's been run down. Image recorder up and running, killing demons now."

I snapped my fingers and their heads exploded. "Demons had magic resistance and I was forced to use extra power. They're hide is as tough as a mauk demon's but with the magic resistance it would make things difficult for any magic user below Andrew's current level to hurt them. Even he would probably be dead before all three were finished off. Hold on a sec. Human victim's bodies appear to have a symbol carved into each of them. Recording image and sending now. Xander, tell Giles to look into prophecies and revelations of demonic and higher beings. I've seen this mark somewhere before and I don't like it's implications."

Xander's holocoms came up and he spoke. "Will do. We've received all data. Clean up and head back."

I nodded. "Take a vacation soon. The island is free and Anya will have my head if you don't take her before winter."

He smirked. "Always nice to know it's because you dislike listening to my wife that I receive downtime to listen to my wife."

I chuckled. "Ain't it though?"

I waved a hand and the bodies sank into the ground. I destroyed all traces of them and the artifacts they'd used for the barrier before teleporting to command and returning the recorder. I teleported to California to deal with Dawn's school arrangements before teleporting all her school luggage to sanctuary a few hours after I'd arrived.

When I got back to sanctuary it was already dark. Buffy and Dawn were in her room when I arrived with the stuff. I handed Dawn her laptop and schedule for next semester saying. "If doesn't work out or it's too stressing on your relationship, then you can always do online courses but I'll expect a doctorate in something that sounds remotely lucrative."

Dawn smiled. "Thanks, I know I'm being a bit of a brat but I miss my sister and every time I think about it I realize I'm halfway around the world while she lives with hundreds of girls she calls sisters. I can't help feeling like I've been replaced."

I sighed. "Well if it makes you feel any better I think she'd think those hundreds of girls still aren't enough to replace you."

Dawn smiled and nodded. "It does thanks."

I saw Buffy's sleeping form and told Dawn. "Get some rest. I'll be taking Buffy's shifts for some time so you'll have plenty of time to spend with her. Besides, she needs a break, they all do. Three years after Sunnydale and she still misses it. I'm half tempted to rebuild the town just to see her smile."

Dawn smiled saying. "While that'd be nice I don't think it's what she really wants. She's like me, she misses mom. Willow's and Tara's been like mothers to me and Buffy's tried but it's still no substitute."

I frowned then shook my head. "I can't bring her back Dawnie. Not even if I gave up my mortal form. My mother has her in her heaven realm and my mother doesn't give up what she has ever."

Dawn looked saddened but nodded. "At least she's safe and happy there. I mean it's a heaven realm after all."

I smiled. "It is at that. My mother's heaven realm is like a giant garden of happiness. It's where she goes when she's tired of making worlds and realities or destroying them."

Dawn smiled a little. "Mother Nature can be a bitch."

I agreed. "That she can be, now get some rest."

I looked in on Faith and Alice who were both enjoying each other's pampering. Faith was in the bathtub with a pedicure and a bubble bath while Alice was on the bed chained up with a vibrator between her legs and a ball gag in her mouth. I leaned my head to the side and saw a heart shaped gemmed butt plug as well and raised an eyebrow.

Faith looked over to me and said. ""Pass the mimosa. Alice said it's both healthy and delicious the way she makes it."

I saw the vibrator control in her other hand and handed her the drink before saying. "You two enjoy your time together. Buffy needs some sister bonding time so I'll be on duty for a while."

Faith nodded. "I'm loving the time off as is. Robin is taking some newbies out for a spin so you might be called anyway."

I nodded and gave her a kiss before saying. "Put it on three for a moment and tell her I said have a nice vacation."

Faith did so and I heard Alice's moans while I slid my hand into the bubble bath to make Faith do the same. When she came I sent a pulse of magic to Alice making her do the same. One last kiss was all I gave her before leaving.

Faith protested but I told her as I opened the door. "I'm on the clock love and it's you girls's time together. I was just stopping by before work."

I closed the door and heard a frustrated growl from the other side. Chuckling I headed to the command center. There Giles and Xander were waiting with the group of on duty slayers running the satellite network Giles and Xander insisted we have.

I'd managed to pop into space and place an invisible satellite grid all around the world after Willow built it all with me and occasionally Xander's military experience input. They were linked to the holocom network and had a birds magical eye view of the entire world.

Slayers all over the world were doing missions or simply killing demons with the footage live here. They could take them off and put them away when not on mission or at sanctuary otherwise they all wore them. No one was the exception to the rule. Not even me unless I simply didn't care enough to take one with me or it was an emergency.

It was a sort of safety net for the slayers. Even the decoys had them and their own special teams watching in case of emergencies. Right now the underground slayer was doing a nude slug bath that she felt for some reason to show on holocom.

I turned away as it simply didn't interest me. She only looked like Buffy a little after the dye job and the special padding. In the end I had the real thing and no simple slayer would do it for me. I turned to Giles. "Have you found it? The reason I had you brought into the mission?"

He nodded and passed me the book of prophecies he was holding and indicated the page. "When a slayer effects the line in such a way she becomes the focal point of it, a vampire whose been to hell and back will be given the power needed to overcome there differences and together they shall become one, and from that, twilight will emerge. The end is clear for should this come to pass, all of reality will unfold and the old ones shall awaken to rule the earth once more and defend against the armies of twilight. Man will become but a footnote as the primordium will return and gods will weep as the earth dies."

I growled. "Buffy is the focal point for the slayer spell. Should this vampire that's been to hell and back be Angel or Spike I'll end them immediately. No one and nothing touches what's mine."

Giles sighed. "We need to tell her, to warn her."

I nodded. "I'll tell her myself in the morning. Xander, you had some missions for me?"

He nodded. "Some of our safe houses are under attack by zombies. The wards are holding but nothing seems to be working."

I sighed. "So, destroy the zombies and find the summoner."

Giles said. "Bring back the summoner for interrogation. I'd like to know how they found those safe houses and what they hope to achieve."

I nodded and grabbed a holocom before pulling a pair of magic nullification manacles out of the pocket dimension. I tossed the bag to Xander saying. "Your shifts over, Giles can take it from here. I saw Anya tearing up pictures of me with a very sharp sword on the way here. It's time you go face the misses and tell her you're off for the next week unless something comes up."

He nodded. "Yikes, any suggestions?"

I snorted. "With her? Lots of compliments and a bag of money. If she keeps going hit her with the money and pray it knocks her out for a moment's peace."

He shrugged. "Let's hope compliments work because I don't think money will help my marriage."

I chuckled. "Portal to the island and get some fresh air. All I ask is that you take her with you!"

He clicked his fingers before handing Giles the bag and leaving. "It's in your hands now."

I turned to Giles as I put on the holocom necklace. "Watch and see if you can find any clues to the spells owner. I don't want to be looking all night."

He sighed and I teleported to the first of six safe houses. As soon as I arrived I felt out and found no magic user nearby so I turned the zombies to mush before checking the wards on the safe house. Seeing nothing particularly wrong I went on to the next one.

By the fourth one Giles told me. "Stop. Check the zombie at the side door."

I did so and found it was marked with a twilight symbol. I checked the rest and found them clean. "I'm starting to get pissed."

I returned them to the earth and went on. At the last safe house I found the missing link. All the wards were put up by Andrew and the sigils were a little off. I went back to each one and fixed it, turning them back invisible.

I then spent half the night searching the ethereal plane for the magical signature that summoned the zombies. When I found it I teleported to where it lay on an island in the South China Sea. It wasn't a few moments before I found the girl before she teleported away and a nuke went off.

I managed to get my magical shields up at the last nano second and watched as the world around me was engulfed in fire and radiation. I waited until it was over before cleaning the island of radiation and regrowing the trees and grass.

When I was done I teleported to where she was now and I told Giles. "It's Amy Madison and she's working with the military. She lured me to an island and teleported away as they dropped a nuke on me. Please tell me these humans aren't necessary for the continuation of the species. I want to kill them so bad right now."

A hologram of Giles appeared right in front of me. "They are humans and-"

He was cut off as machine guns and a giant electromagnetic cannon fired at me. The ensuing blasts made him change his mind. "By all means, just leave them alive."

I grunted and removed the hands of everyone in the base in moments. A powerful but simple spell. One that unfortunately Amy seemed to recognize as she resisted it. I powered more power into it and her hands too added to those missing.

It didn't actually cut them off it was just the spell I use to remove Andrew's mouth when he talks to me. I just focused it on their hands instead and voila, handless soldiers all over now know the definition of crippled.

Giles was a bit amused by it all until I found Amy and a skinless man standing in a dark room. She portalled out with him and I grimaced as I wanted to follow but then I'd leave these dumb humans hunting the slayers.

I found there leader who declared himself a twilight supporter. I took his eyes and ears and vocal cords away and left him with stumps. He was deaf dumb and blind now so I left after returning all the soldiers hands and erasing their memories of the slayer organization and there mission reports and database off the same.

I arrived back at sanctuary and to Giles. I tossed him the holocom and told him. "Unless there's another emergency or mission don't ask for me until the morning."

He spoke up. "Actually there's a mission I think only you are suited for. There's a rouge slayer that's hunting and killing other slayers for sport."

I flinched and reached out to the connection. I felt two slayers near each other in Britain. Sighing I asked him. "How do you suppose I handle it?"

Giles sighed. "If she's killing other slayers then she dies, but if it's something else we need to know."

I took the holocom and teleported to a forest by an estate. It was early morning hours but I didn't care. When I felt a magic barrier I simply shattered it with a thought. It was damn powerful but still nothing to worry about. I teleported to the slayers I felt and found them fighting.

I roared. "Enough!"

The first stopped and looked at me before trying to kill the other. The second stopped at my voice and retreated towards me. Seeing the one retreating in a desperate manor while the other looked to be a noble woman with a boot print on her shirt I waved a hand and tied the first one up.

I turned to the dark warlock hiding in the trees with his golems and snorted. With a thought I slammed enough power into a blood boiling spell that his head exploded. Tired and dirty slayer collapsed in my arms as she reached me. I sent her to sanctuary with a thought. Giles would see her patched up.

Then I dug into the mind of the first slayer. It was twisted with thoughts of killing Buffy to become the queen slayer. With a growl I removed myself from her mind and painted the forest with her blood. Sineya's essence has been trapped inside and was released from the magic's of twilight.

It returned to the earth and fueled the slayer line with the rest. I hadn't been gentle in killing her or even fast. She screamed and died in a little over three hours. I left the forest and went to the manor where I closed out all her accounts and transferred the money to the slayer organization.

I set the manor up to be sold and the proceeds to join the rest. I stopped by the dead warlock and picked up his book with twilight's symbol on it. Growling I made his body disappear beneath the earth like I'd cleaned up the slayers earlier. His golems had fallen to pieces after his death so there was no cleanup needed there.

I teleported to the command center where I was greeted by a room full of quiet slayers and Giles. I growled. "The warlock twisted her mind with thoughts of killing Buffy and becoming the foci of the twilight prophecy. She was hunting slayers for sport to prepare herself for killing Buffy."

I turned to the other slayers and told them. "I'd do the same to any of you in the same position. No one harms my mates and lives, ever!"

I tossed the holocom to Giles with the book. Just as I did so the decoy Buffy asked for backup and they routed the news to the main room. I told them. "I'll deal with it. I'm in the mood for a slaughter."

I teleported to the tired and weak slayer who was fighting a goblin. I walked over to her and told her. "Stand up. Your job is done, you're going home. I'll take it from here."

She nodded and told me. "I've got fairy eggs in my ear can you-"

I chuckled. "Don't worry it's harmless. I'll teleport the fairy with you and you two can talk it out. The sanctuary won't harm it so go get some rest. I'll deal with the demons below."

I teleported her and the fairy a good distance away out before killing the goblin and heading deeper into the underground. When I found the demon horde I took my time as their deaths satisfied that need for violence in me.

When the leader died they tried to flee but I'd sealed off all exits with barriers. I wiped them all out leaving no demons behind to spawn a new army. I walked among the carnage of thousands before sending it all into the earth to feed it.

I headed up and out telling the creatures and even the fairies what happened. Then I teleported to sanctuary. The decoy was there arguing with her fairy about bearing it's children.

I turned to Giles saying. "Her mission is over. There is no more demons in the underground. I've wiped out all of their horde and the nests. There's nothing left but creatures like that."

I indicated to the fairy and Giles nodded. "How many were there exactly?"

I sighed. "Nine hundred and sixty three thousand all together. The underground is a bit big and certainly expansive. It took a while and a few locator spells to make sure I got them all. Baby demons and all so no more demon worries from there."

Even the fairy stilled when it heard me. It asked. "You don't kill fairy babies do you?"

I raised an eyebrow. "If the mission requires it I do."

It looked nervously towards the decoy Buffy who didn't say anything to it's seeming relief. Giles spoke up now. "Why don't you all get some rest. All missions are going fine so there's no need to be here any longer. The morning shift just arrived."

I turned to see more slayers replacing those at the computers. Sighing I told Giles. "The job is done and I expect more will eventually fall to twilight and it's schemes. Those that are approached will exhibit signs of possession like qualities as the slayer essence tries to fight it off. Have every slayer report in to our mystics for a quick mind scan. If it comes to it I'm sure twilight will get desperate if I destroy his vessels."

Giles nodded. "And the vampire whose been to hell and back?"

I shrugged. "It could be any of three. Angel, Spike and I. It doesn't have the strength to take control of me as is. But the other two? Well, let's see what Buffy decides before I destroy them from halfway across the globe."

Giles agreed remembering the last time he'd tried to take one of them out permanently. "I'll be here when you've finished telling her."

I nodded and turned to leave. Both the decoy Buffy and the fairy were starring at me as I left, probably waiting for a new assignment. I headed to my meditation room and waited for Buffy to wake up.

I'd grown significantly stronger over time. The purified demon essence bolstered my own god essence and I'd learned to do the same with vampire essence over the years. Last month I wiped out all of Boston's vampire problems and purified the essence.

Instead of weakening myself it now strengthens me. Since then I do one major city a week. Next week it's Tokyo. My one single planet of magic now has a small moon not to mention I've felt my own body becoming stronger with more that I take it.

But much as I like the new strength and magic it too is sealed or half at least, as it comes. The other half is considered earned if my mother is to be believed. Not a particularly happy visit as she could no longer just pop into my head.

In a physical form she's much more like nature itself. Every other word has some aspect of the elements or emotions or even just predatory aggressiveness in them. Talking to her saw half the compound covered in plants while the other half in ice.

A headache whichever way you saw it and that was a friendly visit. The plants, while easy to deal with, had everyone looking at me in accusation while the ice, well, they thought Willow was testing new magic's again.

After she'd learned to fly things got wonky for a while. She'd managed to let Buffy tap into her magic's but that was through the link they shared from the slayer spell. How I wish it'd been me to do the spell now as my magic inside her was purified and distilled into her own thanks to that spell so now we shared no link while she and Buffy did.

I couldn't use it to bring Buffy to a magical immortality since that option was closed to me now. Sighing I wished I knew where to start with Faith. Magic and artifacts I know about are all useless. I even went and killed some demons in Peru for the crown of coils.

Unfortunately it only makes things that are dead come back to life again with it's regeneration abilities. It doesn't stop the natural aging process or reverse it so I gave it to our mystics to study. Our coven has evolved of late into more.

Mystics we called them, but in reality they were witches who'd been taken under our wings for learning and those Xander brought back from Africa. After he named himself a warlord of Africa and with the slayers behind him, he'd wiped out all his competition and we were forced to act.

We brought him back in from the cold as it were. He and Anya managed to set up a strong government before dragged them both back with the slayers. All of Africa called him king but in reality they mimicked his form of government, a sort of power behind the thrown with women as leaders and men as advisers.

Africa had united not long after we got him back and were now a major power in the world. Most demons there were wiped out by his army and the leftovers were being hunted down by what remained of the slayer teams there. Their hellmouth's remained still but the worst of the infestation was gone.

I sent Willow a mental message about Amy and what appeared to be a skinless Warren. She thanked me and was on the lookout for it. She and Tara lived in Peru for the most part but traveled anywhere they were needed and came back to Sanctuary on a weekly bases.

I continued to meditate while focusing on both my father's memories. I'd seen them all over the years and none of it impressed me. It was mostly blood and torture and some information I hadn't expected. Apparently my second birth reality wasn't the first dimension he and his brother visited.

Their lineage stretched all of creation from what I understood of it all. They'd played with humans all over, turning them into vampires and werewolves on whims and pitting them against each other. They'd had goals occasionally trying to evolve the species in places and create better werewolves or vampires here and there.

Both sick and twisted individuals the world was better off without. I'd shared my findings with Sanctuary and all of covens that wished to know. My fathers were fucked up creatures in the worst sense as most of the humans they experimented with ended up either raped or eaten and in most cases both.

With their natural size it usually killed the individual in question either way. That was only the beginning of their evil deeds. They tortured entire planets and dimensions to death for fun and games but the worst I'd I found was that they not only fed on their victims blood, pain and suffering, they are their souls as well.

Apparently all old ones ate souls at one point or another. It gave them a much needed boost in their constant wars. Gods could do so as well but they preferred the energy of worship. It was freely given soul energy for a blessing every now and then or so I'm told.

Gaia wasn't saying much about it as she considered me much to young to even try it. She instead encouraged demon essence after it was purified and magic of course. A steady diet of both is all I consumed any more except the occasional bite in the bedroom.

I'd had to begin weakening myself and cutting off my connection to magic for our rougher play in the bedroom. Faith especially had to know she could leave her mark sometimes or she simply wasn't fully satisfied and I was certainly not gonna leave her unsatisfied.

So cutting off my connections and natural healing abilities it was. I'd actually scarred in places to her satisfaction. It was fair though I guess, my bites scarred them as well as my hand prints leaving marks on their asses. Faith had came a few times from that alone on separate occasions. She liked a good spanking and a deep backdoor ride as she put it.

It scratched her itch like no other and Buffy and Alice weren't exactly hating it. Alice liked it nice and sweet mostly. Flower petals on the bed and my tongue playing with her clit. On occasion a rough wax play or a whipping when it came to punishing me.

Buffy was more animalistic. She liked to be dominated and mounted like a helpless maiden against a beast. It appealed to my animalistic nature and I certainly enjoyed it even after she threw in the towel and I carried her to bed or the sheet we happened to lay on the ground outside.

She liked to know the beast inside was hers and it drew her in each super moon. She'd experienced more scraped knees and palms with sore hips than both Alice and Faith combined over our time together. While the moon held no real sway over me it still effected my mood swings and on occasion I gave in and went hairy.

Buffy'd found she didn't mind a deep and thorough fucking under a super moon or even a regular full moon with my partial wolf transformation. In her words it was wild and yet still me. It brought out the animal in her as six rounds was just the starter course for those nights.

Faith and Alice has tried it as well but they weren't as attached to it as Buffy was. I didn't particularly care what form I was in as long as they liked what I did to them. None of them seemed bothered but neither were they fans of my vampire form in the bedroom. I hadn't thought twice as I discarded it and gave them something they liked.

The full wolf was simply too big for them to enjoy it as my member was the length of their full bodies in that form. Not that Faith didn't jack me off for fun to see how much I came in that form.

She called it a white shower while the other two had held their noses at the overpowering smell of semen and told her to take a regular shower. It was only once but she found the other two didn't like smelling that much semen and while they had no problem swallowing they didn't exactly sniff their own breathe afterwards.

Either way we hadn't done that since and while Buffy still enjoyed my partial form, most of the time we stuck to what Faith called old hat. It wasn't my fantasies exactly as just having them is my fantasy, but they enjoyed themselves and knew to speak up if they wanted to try something new.

They'd actually cried when I told them my fantasy. It was simple yet something I desired greatly. Us in a field of flowers simply together for eternity. I'd told them. "Like the stuff you each enjoy one day I'll make it a reality."

They'd showered me in tears, hugs and kisses. Sighing I left that memory as it was what I went to after each of my immersions in my fathers memories. It helped to get the bad stuff off of my mind.

Sighing I grabbed a shower and headed to Dawn's room where both girls were waking up. I knocked after they started to move around and waited. Dawn opened the door in her pajamas and saw my look. She sighed. "I'm not getting that quality sister bonding time am I?"

I sighed. "Maybe, but we have a prophecy and an apocalypse on the horizon so it'll probably be a while."

Buffy came to the door now asking. "I'm not going to have to die again am I?"

I shook my head. "No, but your ex or his blond duplicate might. It's the twilight prophecy. I'm sure it's related to your winged lion dreams. If I'm right that's the form twilight takes as a metaphysical avatar. Unfortunately it seems your ex or his blond British half is the physical avatar of the being."

Buffy grimaced and I pulled the prophecy and it's interpretations, one of which I read, from the pocket dimension. The literal prophecy talks about a slayer queen and a vampire king fucking a dimension into reality and about how it'll become the dominant reality while this one gets left to the demons and eldritch creatures just outside that dimensional barrier.

Normally they'd be allowed in but they were simply to powerful for this dimension to hold reasonably. It'd be like a full god without the restrictions let loose times thousands. Humanity would not survive or if they did they'd be at the tender mercies of those creatures.

With the formation of the slayer line they were locked out. The First May have been the First here and gone but he wasn't the last. That honor was saved for my despicable fathers and now Illyria. I'd like to keep it that way hence the seriousness of the situation.

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