

As the night went on Scott was caught by the coach dancing with Danny before trying to cut in with Alison and Isaac's dance. Isaac was a gentleman and followed Alison's lead, letting them have their dance.

When they kissed he backed off sadly and Alice took pity on him for a few dances. She was still cold to the touch but he didn't seem to mind. After they danced Alice danced with V-man while Lydia danced with Isaac. They traded dance partners until Lydia wondered off.

I hadn't seen Jackson in a while so I knew he was out playing his part in blabbing about Scott to the Argents. Alison and Scott must've made up because they disappeared as well. Sighing I knew it was time to leave the dance when I heard Jackson coming back with Lydia screaming for help.

I called the ambulances and the police and they came running while I noticed Scott and Stiles were gone. When I frowned trying to figure out why Alice told me. "After Scott was revealed to Alison Kate caught up to him and took him. Peter needs Stiles to find Scott."

We left just as the ambulance arrived and took Lydia. We headed to the hospital to sit with her when the doctors finished patching her up. Chris showed up with his hunters and when he noticed us he came in. "We need to talk."

I nodded and followed him into an empty exam room. The hunters stood by the door with weapons ready in case I moved against him. He asked. "Did you do that to her?"

I shook my head. "I've no need to expand my pack and besides, she can't be turned into a werewolf, she's already a banshee."

Chris looked surprised and cursed. "Peter did it then?"

I nodded. "He didn't know or doesn't care. Either way she's got a long road ahead of her. The bite activated her dormant genes. She wreaks of death. She's connected to the veil now. When she wakes up she'll be able to predict deaths and her scream could be weaponized to kill most beings if she's trained."

Chris nodded. "I'm aware of a banshees capability's. Why would Peter go after her?"

I sighed. "Your sister took Scott, the beta Peter turned, after you exposed him. He needed Stiles to track Scott's phone to him and Kate. By sun rise your sister will be dead."

He cursed before saying. "Kate took Alison home from the dance."

I shook my head. "I doubt she actually did that. She's probably torturing Scott in front of Alison right now."

I turned to the window and opened it. I partially shifted and roared, signaling all wolves to answer my call. When I heard the answers I turned to Chris. "He's on my property, or under it from the sound of it. Derek's on his way to free him now. If Kate's still there he'll kill her himself."

Chris grunted and looked lost. The hunters beside him raised their guns at me and Chris yelled at them. "Put your guns down now! He's not our enemy. Besides they wouldn't do anything to him, you've heard Kate's report."

I smirked and shifted back. "You're welcome to try and catch up to them. I'm not a dick, you can try to kill Peter before he catches your sister. Just try not to shoot up my house or my pack."

They left in a hurry after I said that while I went to sit with Alice. Derek could handle it and as long as Malia wasn't hurt there was no need for me to be involved. I was there when the sheriff arrived to look over everything and make sure Lydia was doing fine.

Her mother was actually sitting with us while it all when down at my place. Alice kept me informed as everything happened. Once Peter ripped out Kate's throat, Scott took Alison outside while Derek laid a beating on Peter for killing his sister. He through him through the front window to the outside and jumped out after him.

After another fierce beating Derek ripped his throat out as well. The Argents watched it all and left when he told them. "The first wolf says you're innocent so leave. You're in our territory."

Chris put the necklace on Kate before taking Alison and leaving. Scott left with Jackson and Stiles who showed up towards the end. Derek left Peter in the torture room Scott was found in.

When the police showed up he wasn't even home and our home alarms were blaring. Back at the hospital the sheriff must've gotten the call because he came over to us and told me he needed to have a word outside.

I followed him out and he notified me of what they found at my house which was a wreck. Sighing I told him I'd have JJ contact him but that he and his officers had the night and tomorrow to collect all the evidence and body before I had people come to fix the house and clean up the mess.

He agreed to it considering he knew I was being generous. I texted Derek to go to the best motel in town with Malia and that I'd have rooms ready by the time they got there. Alice texted Isaac the change of locations and why while I set up rooms under my name at the motel.

We sat with Lydia for the rest of the night and most of the next day. When we left we headed to the motel and paid up for the next night before taking them out to eat. The next day I called the sheriff about the house and when we got the all clear Alice had people go in and clean it up.

When it was all fixed we all went home. The first day back home Jackson arrived for Derek. I told him it had to be his decision. After Derek bit him, he left while Derek called V-man and Erica. They each came over and he gave them and Isaac the option.

He told them about us and our kind before telling them it had to be their choice. V-man and Erica said yes right away while Isaac took a while before he agreed. Derek gave them the bite as well and told them they'd feel the changes soon enough.

Like Derek and I they had wolves inside them so they needed to learn control. For the next month I helped them build mind scapes and improve their own minds while Derek taught them control. After their bites healed up Derek was more reassured. He went to check up on Jackson but found him acting normally.

Alison did stop over to visit Alice a few times and ask questions to which we answered honestly. She was surprised to say the least when she found out it was me that started the werewolf line. Like Alice, I had my own visitor show up. Deaton had decided on a training course.

He started with plants and their mystical meanings. When we passed that he taught me rituals of all sorts and celestial importance's in doing each one. He taught me everything he knew through the next few months.

As the first month passed Alice and I spent all our free time sitting with Lydia while she was in a coma. When the first month started to come to a close events started to pick up. The night of the full moon Alice was there to pull Scott away as the hunters descended on the omega that had shown up in town.

The pack and I surrounded them in the woods and waited to see what the hunters would do before we acted. When Gerard gave his little speech we waited even after he cut the omega in half. When he said they'd kill us all I roared, the pack followed my example as we charged. They tore into the hunters while Chris and Gerard were spared.

When Gerard saw me he tried to swing his sword at me, causing it to snap in half against my diamond body. I bared my teeth as the trees rustled and bent to my will. Chris grabbed him and backed away saying. "I know he's declared war, but the rest of us weren't necessarily on his side."

I snorted and roared inches from his face. I'd just seen the death of an innocent by their hands. I turned to Alice who appeared without Scott. She spoke. "Your father declared war, his soldiers were killed for it, we won the war, now get out of our territory before you too are killed."

As they left I growled signaling for the pack to retreat and they backed away before heading home. Alice told them. "The next time your people declare war, you will need better weapons than simple guns. My mate is tired of your peoples blatant disrespect for your own code."

She patted me and we left in blurs to their eyes. Alice went to find Lydia while we ran the territory lines. When the moon receded and we shifted back Erica asked. "What the hell was that?"

I told her. "That was what being a wolf is all about, protecting the pack and species."

She shivered at my words. "But we killed-"

I growled. "You defended. They killed and declared war on us. That was a death sentence to us all if we did nothing. Well, you all anyway. Derek would survive I think but you all aren't strong enough to take on silver bullets full of wolfsbane and survive."

Derek told them. "You all did good. You saved a lot more lives than the two you killed. A war between the species would've seen thousands die in their place. Face it, accept it and move on. If you need someone to talk to go to the Druid at the animal clinic for counseling. He knows enough to help you with any problems and I'm always here to listen if it helps."

They took in his words as if they were a healing balm. Scott showed up not long after we were dressed. He had his own questions and demands as well. I left it to Derek saying. "He's to young to see past the fairy tale. Death is apart of life and he wants a Disney life where no one dies. Life is never so simple. You deal with it."

I headed inside to help the others with their mind scapes. They were coming along nicely now. While they weren't in full control yet they were able to observe while their wolves fought and killed during the shift. Well, except Malia as she hadn't needed full control yet because I hadn't bit her so she had no real wolf or coyote. It was more of an esthetic.

She didn't seem to want the bite as while it granted power it would also force her to shift three days out of the month. Or since she was female, four days. Derek had been teaching them the mantra and while it helped when not on the full moon it wasn't overly useful even to him now.

It was more of a matter of degree as their wolves were simply stronger than their will at the moment. The next day Chris Argent showed up before we were to leave for school. The first thing out of his mouth was. "I thought you said you wouldn't create more wolves!"

I chuckled. "I didn't. If I'd have made them their eyes would be red. Derek made them as his own pack. Think of him as a general of an army while I'm the king. He needed the experience of leading his own pack so he created them. Now if that's all it's time I headed out for school."

Chris frowned. "Are you going to become an enemy I'll have to put down?"

I sighed. "As if you could, but no, I simply don't care enough about you hunters to even bother. Besides, you're the supernatural version of the police. While corrupt as you are, you're still a necessary evil in this case. Besides, I'm well aware it was Victoria who gave the order for Gerard to kill the omega and declare war. She's a foolish child in my eyes who doesn't know better while Gerard is an old fox who will use every advantage he has to get back at us."

Chris shook his head. "What do you expect me to do then? Kill him?"

I chuckled. "Heavens no. Just don't follow his doctrines and you and your family will be fine. He might not survive but you will."

After that my words meant little as he already knew and confirmed I hadn't lied to him yet. He knew Gerard was dead set on his path and yet he couldn't stop it, like a bullet train heading for the end of the rails at high speeds the only thing he could do was roll off with as many passengers as he was able.

After he left we headed out for school. I'd left my car with V-man so he could pick Erica up and take her to school. While they were werewolves they didn't live with us.

Erica has her own family and since she was in control when not on her period and not during the full moon she was safe to stay there. V-man had his own parents that while they didn't completely understand they would most certainly be devastated if he had disappeared like his sister.

They would only come over to hang out or run with the pack during the three to four days they shifted respectfully. I had to chain or run with Erica on her extra day of full shift each month because of her period. Luckily it only happened on the worst day of her periods and while a little erratic it was still manageable.

Derek was more and more becoming a big brother and leader to them so he was able to pick up the slack. V-man and Isaac both had jobs they had to got to but they were able to work around the full moon claiming pagan religious rites. No employer wanted to fire someone over their beliefs and since Derek was strict they didn't have a reason otherwise to do so.

During school hours the police showed up to speak with Isaac about his father who'd apparently died in lockup with no witnesses. After they informed him of the death an insurance investigator showed up to give Isaac a life insurance check. Their firm had no leg to stand on and he was the only beneficiary.

It seems his father had still cared a little in the end so he'd been a hundred grand richer from the payout. Isaac still had his little squabble with Scott about being in Derek's pack. But then so did Erica and V-man. Some time during lunch Derek showed up asking about Jackson whose body was apparently fighting off the bite.

I told him to use the beastiary to find the answer as there was only three possible ones. He was either already a supernatural or it had activated latent genes in him like Lydia and the last would be that he was dying from the bite.

He asked if it were possible that he was immune as a human and I shot that down quickly. "Not a chance. The bite either turns you, kills you or activates latent genes in your bloodline. He's either going to die or he's some supernatural creature. Use what you know to find the answers yourself. If our beastiary doesn't have the answers find another. I'm sure the hunters have one you can 'borrow'."

He agreed before asking. "Where do you think they keep it just in case I need it?"

I chuckled. "Something so valuable would be on them at all times so maybe a flash drive as it can store it all without being bulky. With how old the Argent's hunter line is any information they have on the supernatural would be to much for a single book to carry with them and not be noticed easily. It's either on Victoria or Gerard as she's their leader and Gerard is their oldest and most experienced hunter."

He left after my words sank in to find out any possible leads for himself. A couple days later a mechanic was found dead and shit hit the fan as Stiles saw it happen. Scott demanded for know what it was and while he wasn't in the pack by his own choice, the others wanted to know as well.

Peter's own beastiary didn't have any information on it so it was left up to Scott to find the Argents. Derek told him my words and Scott managed to get the the keys from Gerard with Alison's help. When he did I copied it all on to Peter's old laptop and he put them back.

Derek ran a translation program and they found out about the Kanima. Scott and Stiles had the bright idea of kidnapping Jackson thinking we'd kill him as they figured it out with Lydia's help. They stole a prison transport van and locked him up in it. When I heard about it I merely told Derek to ignore the two idiots.

Scott and Stiles ended up with restraining orders against them for their efforts. I didn't even realize Gerard had become the principal or that Victoria had become the school secretary anyway until after Scott and Jackson had their big fight in school.

It really didn't effect me or Alice as we generally stayed out of trouble. V-man, Isaac and Erica were on their best behavior as well. Gerard and Victoria had to know who I was especially since Alice was with all the time during school. That added with all the extra school cameras only left one possibility, they wanted nothing to do with us unless absolutely necessary.

Personally I was ok with that but it did make one wonder what a devious mind like Gerard's would come up with. He was simply to much of a bigot and racist not to want us dead and to clever enough not to act unless he was sure of the outcome.

Over the next week Derek had taken the initiative to make peace with Scott as he was a good kid albeit naive. That coupled with teenage impulses and a friend with ADHD landed him in a lot of trouble. When I heard about a warehouse rave I went and bought tickets for everyone.

I ended up just ahead of Jackson in line and decided to be nice. After I bought the tickets I heard Scott asking Matt for extra cash so I gave him two of the tickets I'd bought for myself and Alice. "Keep them and consider it a truce. I'm not your enemy and I'm sure you can tell by now that Derek isn't either."

He took them and smiled a little. "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."

When I got back to the house I gave Derek and the rest of his pack tickets and told them to take the night off training. It wasn't near the full moon and they were in control of themselves to a degree so they could relax and have fun. I gave Lydia and Alison tickets as well while they hung out with Alice.

Alice herself had given Lydia the full copy of the beastiary and the talk on supernaturals. She even told her what she was and what I and the pack were. With Derek almost ready to face his wolf and the pack reaching that point as well he'd soon have no need for me to give him instructions.

Malia herself finally decided she'd be better off in Derek's pack as she didn't want the a bite from me or to be forced into wolf form each full moon. When she told me I genuinely smiled saying. "Some day you'll make a great pack leader. Maybe even what you'd call an alpha. Don't worry about it, so long as Derek accepts you I'm ok with your decision."

She smiled and hugged me thanking me before running to Derek to ask. Him and his pack were already used to her and ran with her on the full moon anyway so he agreed readily. When he did so he grew stronger as did the rest of his pack.

It was a unique phenomenon I'd only experienced two times myself. A pack as individuals and as a whole grew stronger depending on their numbers. The bigger the pack the stronger each individual became and the pack as a whole. It was one of the reasons Derek was trying to recruit Scott.

Alice and I had taught them to fight and use their anger as fuel to strengthen their fighting capabilities. Derek had taught them basic control and pack techniques for hunting and fighting as a group. The night before the rave Derek had come to me saying. "I'm ready. I've built my mind scape and enough defenses. It's time I faced my wolf."

Smiling I nodded. "To be honest you were ready once you'd made your first mental avatar. I didn't want you to experience it until you'd built up the will and confidence to do so. I don't know what you'll experience as mine was unique to my situation. Yours will be the same for you. Sit and begin. I'll watch over your body while you must remember not to lose yourself to the wolf."

He smiled and sat before me and began. For a while he was fine until I started to feel the mental struggle. He and his wolf were battling for dominance. Half the night passed before he woke up smiling and exhausted. "It's done."

I chuckled and passed him a cold beer. "Congratulations Derek, you've become more than you were. Look in the mirror and see your eyes when you've recovered."

I stood up as he told me. "It showed me my entire life."

I nodded slowly. "Isaac will have trouble as will V-man. Walk them through it when you think they're ready. For now congratulations, you're the first real alpha to walk this earth except me."

He looked confused and I chuckled. "See you're eyes for yourself when you can get up off the floor."

I walked out mowing he'd see the royal purple wolf eyes signaling the alpha aura he was giving off. He wasn't nearly as strong as me but he could hold his own against La bete in raw power. As the sun rose I watched it with Alice. I'd learned all that Deaton had to teach me over these past few months and now I had reached a plateau in my mind scape.

While I could continue to add creatures and beings for defense and or protection of the cage, doing so no longer strengthened their over all power. It was now about quantity while the quality was a great as I could make it.

I'd begin to transform my hidden memories into quantum particles and fuse them into everything as well as add in fake memories to each and everything I'd made. Instead of creating more creatures I'd begun to expand my mind scape as well.

Stretching it from a simple planet and moon into a solar system of identical planets and a sun made of my pure will power that balanced everything out.

When Derek came outside dressed and ready to great the day he asked. "Am I still apart of your pack?"

I smiled slightly. "You'll always be apart of my pack Derek, this doesn't take anything away from what you are, it just adds to it."

He nodded and took a deep breath as his newer heightened senses took in the world around us. His inner wolf was apart of him now and he no longer needed my guidance. I smiled as I saw him discover everything he could about our territory.

I could tell now that he was stronger in every way yet for some reason he hadn't gained an immunity to wolfsbane and mountain ash like I had. It was like the world needed to find a balance and forced the issue on lesser bloodlines. While it would take more to take him down than most I could tell it was still a weakness in him.

Shrugging to myself I told him about Malia and what needed to be done once she had full control and caught up with her studies. He took it in stride but seemed to agree that it would be best if she at least met her stepfather. After a while he asked. "Why do I feel like she's family?"

I smiled. "Because she is. She's Peter's daughter as for her mother, I have no clue. You'd have to ask him and he's dead."

Derek looked gut punched by my words as I continued. "Tell her when she has control, she deserves to know."

He sighed. "You don't make it easy do you?"

I chuckled. "No, no I don't. But I do make it interesting if nothing else."

He went to start making breakfast for his pack while I walked the territory with Alice. We walked in silence and comfort for most of the morning until she got a call from Carlisle saying it was time as the Volturi had begun their cleansing.

I left Derek in charge of the house and we took off towards Washington at speeds that would win us nascar gold. When we arrived in Forks the rest of the family and covens had made it there as well. The covens has certainly expanded their talent pool by now as the Egyptian coven alone had nearly twenty members with most being gifted.

Most were mind shields or manipulators like Jane and Alec while a few had gifts of the physical nature like Benjamin though none had reached nowhere near his level. I saw a pair twins who used lightning and a telekinetic user who was lifting a small boulder while straining.

Smiling I introduced myself before asking Carlisle. "When are they to arrive?"

Alice was the one to answer as a vision hit her. "Tonight, they'll be in the same clearing as before-"

I was slammed with a vision of my own now as I growled. "It's going to get messy. They've called in all their trump cards and favors with every European coven out there. Even the Australian coven is joining them. They aren't giving others the option to choose as its death or joining them."

Carlisle spoke. "We can use that to our advantage. If we can halt them or take out the three Volturi leaders the others would halt long enough to see reason."

I shrugged. "You're not entirely wrong but most of the guard will still fight to the death regardless. Jane and Alec are to used to the way things are and will want to take Aro's place."

Benjamin spoke up. "Then leave them to me. All those that choose to fight after the leaders are taken out will find themselves burning."

I looked to him and nodded. "I just hope you're ready for leadership because once you take over it's for life or until you're taken out. I won't be able to help much after this battle. I have other priorities elsewhere that need my attention."

Edward spoke up. "He's ready. He let me and the other mind readers in to see what kind of leader he would be and we all approved."

I sighed. "Then let's head to the battlefield. Bella you'll be needed but leave Renesmee here with Jacob. She doesn't need to see what this is going to look like."

Bella nodded and Renesmee walked over and sat with Jacob on the log. Sam was leading the packs now and while Jacob still had Seth and Leah it was best if they stayed out of it as well. Sam had some of the younger and smaller wolves stay with Jake as we all took off at speeds beyond human sight.

When we arrived I was a little surprised to see the Volturi already waiting there. I reached out and connected to the root system I'd left underground. I felt the dirt was harder and more compact than before drawing a frown from my face.

Aro seemed to see it and smiled. "So you've noticed. Our lovely Alexandra here is a new addition to our guard. She has control over earth much like I know one of yours does."

I snorted. "So you've come to ensure your dominance as the leaders of our people, and yet you've killed more free harmless vampires in the last few months than we did in the last war."

Aro frowned. "It is you that has built your army to challenge us I'm afraid."

I shook my head. "Tell that time every coven member you've taken by force into your guard. Curious how all of them seem to be ability users whilst the 'charges' you've foisted on their covens turned out to be groundless and false. I'm sure they appreciate having all of their friends and families killed so you can collect them. I'm curious, will you kill like you did with Marcus's mate when she no longer wanted to be apart of your collection. I mean, she was your sister and yet you killed her all the same when you couldn't control her anymore. I can't imagine they'll stand much of a chance against your mercy once they decide to leave you as well."

My words created a rippling stir amongst the Volturi's guard and their witnesses. Marcus turned to Aro for but a moment before leaving the battlefield. They could hear my heartbeat and knew I wasn't lying. Caius bit out. "Your petty words will not save you this time dog!"

Those words started the beginning off the slaughter as my roots burst out of the ground and pulled him and Aro under. Underneath the hard ground they were torn apart and dragged to the magma pocket deep below.

I'd used the slight distraction caused by Marcus leaving to impact the compact earth in one burst of strength and accomplish my goals. Jane roared. "Kill them all!"

Most of the guard charged with Jane and Alec at the lead while those that stayed behind with the witnesses fled to the edge of the battlefield. Marcus stood with them watching in silence as the wolves and our entire group slaughtered them.

Benjamin did the most as he did something akin to a fire bending technique to burn the charging army alive. The shields amongst them blocked where they could while Jane and Alec tried to use their abilities on everyone.

Bella was blocking them both and in far more control now than before. As vampires on their side fell in large numbers Jane and Alec went to flee only to find myself and Alice blocking their path. We made quick work of them as we tore their heads off and tossed their bodies to the wolves.

When it was all over Benjamin lit the bodies on fire and turned to Marcus who walked towards us. I could see he wished for death now as he'd survived his mates death and wanted to join her. Benjamin obliged his request and burned him then and there.

He announced the formation of the council to the witnesses and told them he'd be taking over the Volturi's duties of passing and maintaining laws for our species. A week later the new regime change was in place and it was time Alice and I said our goodbyes once more to our family.

After I'd hugged Carlisle for the last time and Alice had gotten the goodbyes out of her system we drove back home to Beacon Hills. I'd noticed the lack of sparkle on our family when we left and Benjamin using a smartphone and I knew he'd bring our people into the twenty first century.

They'd all taken to using the lotion and spray to cover their skin so now they no longer needed to be limited to cloudy cities. Benjamin himself had yellow eyes as he'd taken to the animal diet and while some had stuck to bagged blood most had started to follow his example.

When we arrived back in Beacon Hills I'd been notified of Victoria's bite and consequently her death. I had Derek give me the full run down of what went on in our absence and I was surprised to find out Lydia had managed to get to him to bring Peter back.

He told me of the fight at the sheriff's station and of Matt's death. When he finished up with Scott's betrayal Alice told him. "Scott is working to bring Gerard down. Deaton's helping him, though he's supposed to be an emissary to your pack it seems he's chosen to be Scott's emissary instead."

Derek sighed. "That explains the cryptic answers when he said I should trust Scott."

I nodded. "Leave it for Scott to handle. As for Peter, let him in or don't, either way he won't be able to take your Alpha status from you. The moment your eyes turned purple you became safe from betas stealing your power. You can of course give it away, but I wouldn't recommend it as you wouldn't be able to rise back to the same status again. Ask your wolf."

He nodded. "Thanks for that. I think I'll keep him at arms length for now in case I have to kill him again. Oh, you should know the rest of the pack besides Malia has gone through the merge. Their eyes became red as well."

I sighed. "And Malia?"

He chuckled. "She has control now so I told her about Peter and left it up to her whether to tell him. As for her stepfather, she's moved in with him for now but it seems like he's not going to be able to live with the truth."

I nodded. "Take away his memory of the supernatural and leave him with the impression that he's ok with her living here. Be sure to talk to her about it before you do so though."

He agreed before leaving to meet up with his pack.

Chapitre suivant