
(IN) Chapter 04 - In a Realm Higher than Mortal Man

"VERDAN-GIL!" A loud deafening roar echoed throughout the aethery planes above as a cry from Gaiseric the Great, Conqueror of All, boomed out...

The mighty shout flew towards another figure as grand and majestic as Gaiseric himself.

"Ugh, do you have to shout like that? We're no longer in one of your battlefields you know..." A man covered in a heavenly shimmering silver armor responded.

What was particularly different about this man however was his particularly long ears... Yes, that's right, Verdan-Gil was an elf.

"Why did you give my descendant your blessing?! Is this your way of mocking me?!" Gaiseric furiously splattered as he pointed his finger at Verdan-Gil.

"Oh, you mean the little Pendragon? He has a name you, know... He's called Duke. Don't you respect others enough to at least call them by name?" Verdan-Gil snidely responded with his witty elvish humor.

"HA? Respect?! You talk like your people actually have some! If it isn't the grass or trees, I'd bet your people wouldn't give a rat's ass in terms of respect..." Gaiseric laughed loudly at the hypocritical words that came out from Verdan-Gil's mouth as he recounted his previous dealings with Elves...

"Grass, trees... oh you forgot about the animals! Sheesh, can we not be racists and talk this out like civilized people? Oh, I forgot... I was talking to a human..." Verdan-Gil murmured.

"Besides, why put all the blame on me?! I wasn't even the first to bless him, blame this on the Animals, not the Elves! It was Deargrin who did it first, you know!"

"Tsk, after you Deargrin's next!" Gaiseric angrily shouted.

As Verdan-Gil and Gaiseric were speaking a great shadow suddenly loomed over them and a new voice boomed out:

"Who dares mention my name?..." An Ancient and grizzly voice came from the gigantic mass that suddenly appeared.

A great creature of the forest came, with the head of an ancient Deer-like creature, spouting two great antlers made of bark or wood covered in blood-red mystic runes, and a body of a raging Bear whose fur was dark as the darkness one sees when one is lost in a forest.

If one was to describe this creature before them, it would be an abomination of Nature that came forth from the forest's anger and rage...

An unnatural creature brought forth by nature.

"Oh, Deargrin, you're here!" Verdan-Gil welcomed the great beast as it transformed into a more human-like version of itself.

The new version still had the head of a wooden deer, but this time its body is smaller, about the size Verdan-Gil and Gaiseric took, and instead of a bear, his body this time was that of a human, with legs like that of deer's.

This version of Deargrin was more berserker-like in image than that of his former giant form.

"You two! Now that you're here we can finally discuss what you did!" Gaiseric shouted, still fuming and angry like before, but much more level-headed now that there were two in front of him.

Even Gaiseric wasn't confident in taking on two at once.

"Oh come on, you're still angry about that? Didn't you watch the boy get humiliated at that party? Don't you have a heart? I mean, he IS your descendant, if you gave your blessing first, maybe we wouldn't have intruded, right?" Verdan-Gil reasoned with Gaiseric as he signaled to Deargrin.

Deargrin on the other hand quietly nodded.

*Tsk* Gaiseric however, was not convinced...

"Oh come, now. We weren't the only ones who gave their blessings you know, his little wife also got two, I think? Oh? Is it three, now?" Verdan-Gil continued.

"And besides... Our blessings don't even work on him... Your 'descendant' doesn't seem to fully accept our gifts..." Verdan-Gil pointed out, visibly duped from the exchange.

"He doesn't? Ha! Serves you right for wasting a blessing! Gahaha, atta boy Duke, humanity truly is tenacious! As expected of my descendant! Gahahaha!"

After hearing Duke's inability to receive blessings, Gaiseric became extremely ecstatic to the point of laughing out loud like a mad-man!

But then as Gaiseric was laughing in the faces of the two other Gods, another great beast descended from above...

This time it was the Great Dragon Finfrir, Gaiseric's old rival.

"Bah!" Finfrir shouted, leaving a trail of Great Fire in its wake. But to the other three present, the fire Finfrir coughed out was but a small inconvenient sneeze.

"He didn't accept your treacherous blessings thanks to MY bloodline! You wannabe 'gods' can't bless creatures higher than you!" Finfrir had a smug look on his face as Verdan-Gil and Deargrin drooped even further as they realized they've wasted one of their precious blessings.

"Hphf! Higher being? I ate Dragon for breakfast back in my day! The other tree-heads (He's referring to his fellow Elves) even made some stupid Dragon-Preservation Club thinking I'd eat all of your kind!" Verdan-Gil began to boast angrily at Finfrir as his ego was hurt by Finfrir's revelation about Duke.

"Wait... If he can't take in Divine Power, does that mean he'll never reach Godhood?!" Gaiseric silently whispered to Finfrir making it the only two of them who can hear their conversation.

"Hmmm... Sadly, yes. So there's no point in your pointless scheming. From the beginning, Duke is part of our clan! And thank's to your weak human blood, he'd probably die too early before maturing like all the past Pendragons... Duke's but a wee baby too, only 19 this year? His growth spurt you humans call puberty's only just starting..." Finfrir warned and lamented. He warned Gaiseric that Duke is no human. And he lamented the fact that such a talented soul had such a short life...

*Tsk...* Gaiseric was devasted when he heard of Duke's fate...

You see, Dragons grow stronger the older they get, up to the point they ascend into Godhood. Sadly for Duke, his lifespan isn't infinite.

And since Duke had Dragon Blood, he couldn't ascend as other mortals once did.

Gaiseric lamented the fact that Duke's life was so short...

But then a new seed of hope blossomed once more as Gaiseric felt a new Aura emerge in the realm of mortals...

A strikingly familiar Aura. His Aura to be exact, the Aura of Conquerors...

For at that moment, Duke had just successfully combined the Alastor's Golden Aura with his own Pendragon Aura.

"Milord! Please be careful!" Byran and the other old Knights began surrounding Duke, rushing towards him, after he showed them the chaotic Aura he emitted.

Thus began Gaiseric's wait as he could do nothing but watch as the play unfolds and as Duke's fate unfolded before him...

Would the series of events he is about to watch a Heroic Adventure Gaiseric thought...

Or would it be an Epic Tragedy...

Hey everyone... I'm sorry about the past month I missed to post a chapter. School's been really tough for me, especially with this Covid thing going on.

I hope there's still some of you out there reading haha.

I promise to do my best in posting chapters in the future, but sometimes when the assignment deadlines and the laziness kicks in, it just becomes really hard to write.

Well, that all the whining I have for today XD. Hope you enjoyed this chapter of Count Duke The Fat!

See you next chapter guys!

JPJaphetcreators' thoughts
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