
Dancing with a Sword

After rushing back to my cave, I prepared an advanced illusion spell as fast as possible in anticipation of my visitor. It was just in time as well, as Ray appeared at the mouth of my cave with a chilling expression twisting his face. He then yelled and ran towards me, before my spell interrupted him. I had hidden myself with illusion magic as well, fading into the shadows of the cave as I watched the fight. This was a brilliant way to test my illusion skill, and I took the chance to move around and see how well it masked my presence, by watching the hero's reactions. After doing this, I had to admit that calling Ray the 'idiot hero' was quite rude, as he was very capable - he could vaguely sense me even through my illusion! After congratulating myself on finding such a great practicing partner, I settled behind my illusionary counterpart, resolving myself to watch the show.

As the caster of the spell, I discovered I could make it transparent for me. Ray could clearly still see it, as he was dodging and counter attacking with a concerned expression, but all I could see was the Hero dancing around my cave, swinging a sword at nothing, and occasionally grunting. It was a brilliant sight, and I could hardly stifle my laughter, but i endured, as laughingly would definitely break the mood. Sadly, even though it was very amusing watching his dance routine it was not as informative as before, so I reluctantly made my illusion visible to myself again.

A short time later, Ray seemed to have made a plan, as his expression changed to one of extreme concentration. "Light blade!" he shouted, the familiar shining light extending from his blade. He then made a brave decision, charging directly at my illusion. He then swung his sword, disrupting my illusion's hand, arm, body, and shoulder. He proceeded to grin, and move forward through the disrupted illusion, charging through to the other side. And much to my surprise, he encountered no resistance on his way through. I realized that I should stop him before he realizes the difference in strength between us, as he would probably run away if he did, so I hit him on the back of the head, returning him to an unconscious state, with his head completely intact! 'This was a great learning experience!' I thought to myself as I collected my next spoil of war - his right shoulder guard. With my newfound excitement, I totally forgot that the original reason I took part of his armour was to scare him away, instead I just got more interested in what I could do with magic. Like the fact that I had not thought that my illusion would loose its substance if it was hit by a foreign object, like a sword. This was very strange as it meant that my illusion could hit other things easily, but couldn't be hit itself. Armed with this new knowledge and the extra weight of the hero, I flew back to the forest clearing I had visited a few times before.

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