
Crystal Cage 9

It took two days for Duran to recover from the effects insomnia and high levels of physical stress put his body through. Had the boy been an average human, he would have been in a life threatening state. That would have been true for Duran as well had it taken longer to find out that Wick could fill whatever psychological queue the boy needed to sleep properly.

Orison didn't mind much because that's how long it took for him to earn a certificate through the Daub Alchemist Association. Manual potion creating couldn't compare to the speed and efficiency of crystal granted synthesis but the young mage saw the same reliance trap in it that much of Osomo's convenience mechanisms contained. He considered the preservation and effect consistency that synthesized potions had to be evidence it was intentional.

The young mage had hoped to find a like minded friend among the alchemists but almost all of them were closed ranks against the Chosen interloper. If it wasn't for the hefty 200 gold examination fee Chosen had to pay to be certified through them, it was quite possible he'd have been barred from entry entirely. Although they never warmed up to him, Orison did manage to raise their esteem to polite ambivalence by the time he left with certificate registered.

Orison could understand their feelings towards the Chosen. Alchemy was hard and Chosen alchemists were dirty cheaters who didn't really understand anything outside of form. The function, understanding and artistry were lost in translation of the trainer.

In the background, Mo's contacts had already solved a huge problem that Orison should have seen coming but didn't really think about due to being preoccupied. Sek authorities had came with an arrest warrant for the young mage. The charge was involuntary manslaughter and the would be abductor had his identity changed to a third year Chosen who had taken up striker training for the purpose of qualifying for a specialist training. Once the Daub militia had presented the abduction contract and started asking questions in return, the Sek authorities quickly retreated with a promise to 'look into the oversight' their shoddy detective work had been exposed to be.

Meeting back up in Auma, the four gathered together at the end and shared all their stories of what happened over the time that they had been separated. As expected, for the most part nothing was out of the ordinary as far as instruction went. On a personal level, they each had a few new details to share.

Following Orison's advice, Gan and Rithus had spent some time experimenting and learning about their keys and conduits. Rithus had discovered that even when he loaned out his craft bag to someone else, he still had it at the same time but couldn't loan it to more than one person. Gan found out his conduit could turn into anything it touched and if it stayed in that form for a certain period of time, depending on complexity, it could 'remember' that form.

Figuring out keys was a tricky matter. It was dangerous to have someone else's help directly and even listening too long on how another key worked could fill a holder with a sense of danger and wrongness. Keys and conduits were almost the polar opposite of one another. As far as the four could puzzle things over, conduits were meant to be used by others and would enrich the creator for doing so but keys were personal and the more they were discussed or compared the worse it felt.

For every little bit they figured out, however, the more previous notions were challenged. Orison only got the discussing keys 'bad feeling' when he talked about his quasi-spiritual blood which he almost knew nothing about. It seemed his space and crystal formation were like secondary symbiotic keys that benefited each other and were treated like conduits by the force behind the blue motes in his body.

Rithus' shadow was his key and other than providing insights and having hoarder instincts towards random things, nothing else could be discovered. Somehow the shadow had altered Rithus' craft bag conduit into some kind of collection tool that always remained even if its main form was sent off with someone. The only other thing of note was that Rithus' physical form didn't seem to be as set or stable and because of that, more malleable to adaptation between worlds. The ex-Marshlander's cavalier attitude to his form and appearance besides his tail baffled Gan, who was secretly vain, a negative trait that Orison identified with.

Gan's key resisted discovery and definition. He'd blank or suddenly become hard of hearing during their key discussion which signified that his key had the best automated self defense mechanism out of the four. It did become clear that his map was a projection of an ability granted by his key rather than being the key itself as they had originally thought. And though it was subtle at the moment, Gan's existence was becoming more defined despite not showing any signs of essence intake. Whatever fueled Gan's 'climb', it defied explanation almost as thoroughly as his key.

Duran called his key Black Dot. He was safe from the bad feeling because he couldn't describe his key, although he did admit to understanding it somewhat. He may not be able to describe but with spirit sight, Orison could get the gist of it's way of fueling Duran's climb. The boy constantly took in minute amounts of matter and essence that were around him. Through a complex cycle that lead through areas Orison couldn't see and even Wick, what Duran took in was divided and the unusable parts were released while the rest went on to create even more complex cycles within.

The last part of their 'climber' session dealt with what they needed to get 'more real'. By this point, Orison and Rithus had realized that climbing was more than just getting stronger, it was also becoming 'more real'. When Lily had thrown the Tier system at him it had confused Orison on what the difference between a climber's steps and a tier of existence was and why Lily had subtly implied importance of step over tier. Raising in tier could let you go from a lower dimension to a higher one and you could do that by exceeding the limits of a previous tier's power. Neither Orison or Rithus had even the slightest clue what reaching a threshold of steps actually did but there was a feeling that thresholds existed and they felt far more important than getting more powerful.

The conversation got weird for awhile as everyone had to kind of meditate on what their keys instinctively pushed them towards but once the feeling was caught, no one in the group would ever have to doubt what they needed again. All they'd need to do is focus on that feeling and it would be clear no matter how confused a person became. That last revelation was helpful for talking to Gan whose key was kind of a reclusive jerk about being scrutinized in any way.

Orison's need was 'process'. Every step he made would be made a little differently each time. With spiritual essence as fuel, Orison would concoct a 'step' through metaphysical alchemy. It sounded hard and confusing but at it's most basic level, it was cooking but with things like experience, esoteric knowledge and boundary items as ingredients. His need could be much simpler but he refused to go down the path of soul devouring monster. Amassing a mountain of eternium to do nothing more than burn it waking up the fey blood was no less monstrous, at least for now.

Gan's need was 'satisfaction'. That didn't mean he could drink, fight and f*** his way to greater glory because it was a deeper satisfaction that was needed. A job well done or a good nights rest after a hard day could each provide a small amount of this satisfaction. For a complex or inherently negative person, Gan's method of climbing would be nearly impossible.

Rithus expressed that his need was 'being helpful'. After saying that, he didn't meet anyone's eyes. Orison could sympathize. 'Process' had been somewhat of a cop out as well. As kind and generous in spirit as Rithus was, when something struck his fancy, he became greedy for it until he lost interest. Fortunately, these small bouts of mania were things that Rithus easily controlled, indulging when it was harmless to do so and abstaining when indulgence would be harmful. Whatever Rithus' need actually was, being helpful to people who appreciated it was likely more tied to the 'fuel' for climbing.

In a half humorous and half horrified revelation, Orison thought that maybe Rithus hadn't been nearly as oblivious as everyone thought he was about the weird but relatively harmless molester at Venito's party. Rithus was almost certainly very much 'appreciated' at that time. The more Orison thought about it, the more he realized that the ex-Marshlander was very good at coaxing appreciation from people and had little reservation over sacrificing personal dignity to get it. And despite how much of a pushover that made Rithus seem, Orison had personally witnessed that his scaly friend had no problem giving the cold shoulder to opportunists or blatantly ignoring people who expected to be waited on.

Duran's need was a little hard to pin point but he identified it as being something like satisfaction and being helpful both. After mulling it around between the four of them, the boy finally understood what he was feeling to be relatively quest oriented. Duran identified an adversity of some kind and when he overcame it, he was rewarded. The types of adversity he most synchronized with were oppression and distress. The greater the oppression or distress, the greater the reward.

Orison thought, "No wonder the world saw Duran as a threat. What greater source of oppression or distress was there in that world than the will of the world itself!? It's a damn good thing Medea was able to direct that potentially unlimited angst in positive directions. This group already has a moody prick. I don't want any competition."

Having accomplished all they could on the subject, they broke up their meeting to go get dinner. Even if it was just for a little while before they needed to finish up what they missed and move on to their last instruction period, it felt good to be in a circle of familiar faces after being surrounded by strangers for over a month.

In the midst of their revelries, Three people wearing uniforms that marked them as Sek authority walked up to the group's table. "Orison Cantrip, you're wanted for questioning at the royal palace."

Orison turned his attention to the man in charge, "As soon as the person responsible for sending an assassin after me is apprehended I'd be more than happy to answer any questions the palace may have."

The Sek authority leader gave a wolfish smile, "As you are in Auma I won't arrest you but know that you'll face the same situation in Thoth and Fortune. Currently, there are delegates from both in attendance at the palace and hasty compliance would mean less trouble for all involved. Less is better, especially for you and maybe even your friends."

Orison frowned. "Duran, what's the name of the ruling power here in Auma?"

Duran replied, "The Holy See."

"Then, whoever you are, we'll be here for the next two weeks. I'm sure the delegates and whatever force in the palace wishes to question me will have no problems arranging that with the Holy See. Our beginning instruction period is almost elapsed and every person at this table has one more to do." the young mage said blandly.

The Sek leader scowled and said, "You'd have his highness, the crown prince, come to you, a nobody!?"

Resisting the sudden trill of rushing adrenaline, Orison said, "I'm the one whose wanted for questioning, not the other way around. Kindly f*** off."

The angry man said, "I'll remember this, half-breed."

As the man turned to go, receiving hostile glares from two other half elves currently taking meals at the inn, Orison offhandedly retorted, "Said every forgettable villain in a second rate story."

The man spun around, with a snarl etched into his face but before he could manage whatever he was going to say, the nearest half-elf that was dressed in half-plate shot forward with supernatural speed and knocked the man clear out of the inn with a shield that had metal ridges akin to the tread of a hiking shoe. The Sek leader's companions looked ready to start something until their eyes locked in on the enameled crest etched into the heart guard of the half-elf's armor.

In a rich baritone the half-elf said, "Disturbing the peace, twenty-five gold fine for all three of you. Instigating civil unrest, fifty gold fine for your leader. I'm tempted to throw him in the stockade overnight to cool his mouth but since I've already used excessive force against him, I'll pay his disturbing the peace fine as compensation and let the three of you go... No need to pay at the court. It's registered with the Auma transporter."

A faint spiritual ripple emanated from the enameled crest as Orison looked over his unasked for champion. Three inch velvety nubs of milk chocolate colored antlers framed a crew cut of green hair so dark it was almost black. Whatever the other half of the man's blood was, it certainly wasn't human.

Caught staring at the unusual features, Orison turned to Gan and said, "What do you think? Can I pull off that haircut?"

Gan seriously looked between the royal guardian's head and Orison's. "Stick it in a tie, Little Boss. It won't make you look any manlier, just more bratty."

The cynical look in the green haired man's eyes turned amused as Orison said, "Could have pulled the punch on that one some, Gan."

As if some scale had barely shifted enough to be positive, the half-elf came over open handed and offered a forearm clasp. "I'm Ivan, the captain of morning watch."

Orison grabbed Ivan's forearm and squeezed once firmly as the gesture was returned with a little more force than was comfortable. "Orison, laughingstock of the new batch of Chosen."

Ivan's eyebrows climbed up at the odd self address. "Interesting way of introducing yourself. Why do you say that? And why were the crown prince's men harassing you?"

Orison sighed, "If you've got the time, I've got the story but you might want to refresh your drink and grab a chair first. Since you're far more of an official ear as I'm probably able to manage under normal circumstances, let me pay for it and make it honest but entertaining."

Since it was rare but not unheard of for people to spontaneously spawn with a vision of Osomo's 'heart' along with a group of strangers that seemed to mesh well, Orison started his and his friends' story from there. Hamming up the details of their first days and picking their future professions together as reason for closeness, the young mage continued on with his narrative about the summoner and artificer instruction. He cleverly ended things at the triangle room and only stretched the truth of how he learned the 'bridge model' as his reward from the construct. When he got to his run in with Emir, Orison didn't exaggerate anything but his own facial expressions as he related Emir's 'pebble in the slipper' bit.

As Orison set down a rune etched stone he'd snagged from the assassin's inventory that was capable of bringing a person to the nearest transporter then gave a knowing look at Ivan and said, "Fearing immediate reprisal, I got out of there with some magical help. Not but the next morning, an assassin broke into mine and Duran's inn room. I didn't know why he was there for sure but I assumed the worst since he had weapons.

"After that, I left a note for my friends and went back to Daub to take the Association's alchemist test. I'm lucky to have found the contract note on the assassin and got it to the Daub militia or Sek authority would have arrested me for murder! Now they're coming back for me again and won't even say why now except that representatives from Thoth and Fortune are at the palace too. I don't care why they want me there. I'd be an idiot to go back to Sek."

Ivan said, "I can't give you an answer to why the prince is wrapping himself up in this but I can put in a request for arbitration with the Holy See."

During his narrative, Orison kept feeling faint pulses of spiritual force from the crest on Ivan's armor. Even though the captain seemed friendly enough, the young mage kept getting a strange vibe that he was being sized up, like the royal guardian saw him as some kind of competition.

Ivan continued, "I was looking through you and your friends records as you were talking and noticed that you have two outstanding accommodations. Might as well handle that... Do you want gold, equipment or random prizes?"

Orison considered for a moment before he said "A piece of equipment, preferably weapons for Gan and Rithus if I can do that."

The royal guardian looked at the young mage sharply and offered his outer wrist to the scout and the ex-Marshlander. "All of this is fairly random except for gold I'm afraid but equipment is never a bad choice unless you already have special pieces."

Ivan took in the fairly complete and complimentary set of mage gear on Orison.

Chuckling and trying to sound humbly embarrassed while he lifted up the book that attached itself to a thin waist chain when not 'active', Orison said, "There are some benefits for barely surviving a run in with a grudge but I've learned my lesson. Believe me."

Ivan nodded and said, "I've no reason to question your honesty... This may seem strange but I'd like to have a private word with you."

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