
Run away usagi 2


Himari : "And there, Chisato-senpai, we were able to catch a number of them. There should be...17 left?"

Rinko : "I hate catching those rabbit."

Chisato : "Indeed, so which place is left? The tennis court or the gym?"

Rinko : "The tennis court is closer. Let's talk to the people around there and ask if they noticed it."

As they put the rabbits to their cage. They went to the tennis court to catch all the rabbit that are there.

Chisato : "Alright... looks like we're secured all of the rabbits."

Rinko : "Though, I'm the one that's catching them all."

Chisato : "Well speaking of that."

She look at the tiring Himari.

Chisato : "Himari-chan, are you okay?"

Himari : "Yeah... I... Himari...chan...fine... Just... tired."

Rinko : "Well next up is the gym. So let get moving Himari-chan."

Himari : "Can... I... Himari-chan... take a... break?"

Rinko : "You are the one who wanted to catch those rabbit so no."

Himari : "But...they are so cute."

As they went to the gym, they caught all them with minimum effort thanks to Rinko strategies.

5 min later

At the Hanasakigawa -middle school pet room

Himari : "And there, you guys are finally at home."

Chisato : "Fufu. They look so happy to be hopping out of their cage."

Rinko : "But, don't you fell bad? After a day of running around a huge space, now they're here."

She said it while feeling bad for the freedom of the rabbits.

Himari : "This is their home, so even if it's small, coming back here should make them feel comfortable."

Chisato : "Are you sure that's all of them?"

Rinko : "Of course that's all the 20 rabbit. I counted every single one of them."

Chisato : "Wow, Rinko-chan, you sure it's all of the 20?"

She look at Rinko with questionable eye.

Rinko : "Of course I counted every single one of them."

Rinko : 'That a lie, just use magic sense to find them."

Student : "Thanks for all of your help, I really couldn't have done without you all."

As she bowed at them.

Rinko : "It all right, it made a good exercise."

Himari : "I'm beat."

Chisato : "I'm a bit tired as well after all that running back and forth."

Himari : "But im glad to see the rabbit hoping around the pet room. They seem to look happy. With this much energy, I'm sure they're looking forward to their next meal."

Rinko/Chisato : "Meal?"

Student : "It's time for them to eat."

Rinko : "I see."

Himari : "So, want to feed them?"

Rinko : "Sorry, but I refuse."

Chisato : " Then, I will take your place."

Rinko : "Sure go ahead, I have to go home anyway. See you tomorrow

Chisato -senpai, Himari-chan."

Himari/Chisato : "Bye Rinko-chan."

On her way home after buying some grocery, she saw a little girl who seemed lost and was crying.

Rinko : "Are you ok? You seem lost."

Little girl : "I lost my mom. I don't where she went boohoo."

Rinko : "Where was the last time you saw your mom?"

Rinko offered her hand to the girl.

Little girl : "Sniff...I... sniff... I don't know where she went."

Rinko : "Don't worry let me help you."

When the little girl touch her hand. Rinko suddenly feel something about that little girl. This little girl is...

Little girl : "Umm...sniff... May I ask your name?"

She said it with a sad face and tear on her eyes.

Rinko : "Oh, it's Rinko you don't need to worry about it. How about you come to my home I will help you find your mother."

She nodded to the response of Rinko. As they came closer to Rinko's home, a voice was heard near them.

??? : "Sir. You are under arrest."

When they looked back. They saw two police man and a random person.

Man : "No please I am innocent... I'm their guardian... believe me."

Police : "Sure, sure... Explain it when you are in the court."

Rinko : " "..." "

She saw the police catch the man. As they put him on the car. One of the officer came near them.

Police : "Sorry about that kids... We caught him following you two with lustfull intense."

Rinko : "It's okay... thank you for saving us."

Police : "Hahaha... No problem... You also need to be careful, There a lot of people who disappearing these days. So be careful on your way home. And take care of your little sister.

Rinko : "H-hahaha... Sure I will."

The police then walked off with his partner and took care of the criminal. After that they arrived at Rinko home. Inside of the home after pulling their shoes. Rinko turn back with a fatigue face.

Rinko : "Raaa... Ok first why are you here."

Little girl : "Wh-What do you mean?"

She asked in a scare face.

Rinko : "Don't play dumb. I know who you are when I touched you."

Little girl : "Tch... I thought, I could surprise you."

Rinko : "Yeah but nice try. But how did you find me... Alice."

Remember Alice?

Part 1/2 today

redbluecreators' thoughts
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