
Chapter 8: Testament to His Pain

Danny had figured that putting some space between him and Gotham for a few days was healthy. Everybody needed a change in scenery sometimes, and he figured it was appropriate to do so after being kidnapped.

If he was being honest, this was more for his kidnappers sake than his. Red Robin and regular Robin (talk about lack of originality) probably needed a bit of time to cool off after having been bested by a civilian.

If he was being really honest, though, it was mostly for the Sirens, to make sure the new tracker in his watch worked over long distances. Some arguments you just can't win.

Of course, there had also been the matter that he had a case out in Metropolis. Danny hadn't originally considered it a normal one for him (not that any truly fell under that category), seeing as Lex Luthor was a well-known and respected public figure. That belief was quickly dashed when Ivy informed him that Luthor was a prominent figure in the underworld she frequented as well. Perhaps that was another reason why no one else wanted to approach the man for this child's request.

Danny tried not to let the intimidation set in as he walked up to Luthor's secretary where she sat behind her desk. In his opinion, she held herself much more like a bodyguard than a typical secretary. Harley's reminder echoed in the back of his mind as he shot the woman a smile and informed her he was here for a scheduled meeting.

Trust me, that lady sure knows how to start a fight!

Start one?

Yessir, Harley said, Luthor's the one that finishes them.

"Mr. Johnson?" The woman asked as she stood, drawing his attention back to her. "Mr. Luthor is ready to see you." He nodded at her in thanks and walked through the door she held open for him.

"Mr. Johnson, it's a pleasure to meet you," Luthor's strong voice floated down from the raised area where his wide, curved desk sat. The man himself was walking towards Danny and shook his hand firmly once the two were close enough.

"Likewise, Mr. Luthor, but let's cut to the chase so we don't waste any of each other's time," he replied, hell bent on treating the business mogul the same as everyone else. Danny handed him the file folder he had been carrying, pausing for a minute as Luthor flipped through the pages containing details on the child. "His name is Ian Trent; he was recently admitted to the long term recovery ward after it was discovered he had been abused by his single father for years. Right now he's in the protective custody of his godmother." Danny observed the tightening of Luthor's jaw with interest. "He's going to be in the hospital for quite some time still; they had to reset multiple broken bones and his ribs were cracked in several places, along with a few infected lacerations…"

"I've heard enough," Luthor snapped, his eyes blazing with an anger that wasn't specifically directed at Danny (at least he hoped it wasn't). "I will be visiting the child tomorrow and setting up a charity fund in his honor for other children who have suffered like him."

Danny's eyes widened in shock. He certainly hadn't expected that to happen. "Oh, Mr. Luthor, that's very generous but-"

"Will you need a form of contact for tomorrow?" Luthor asked him, rage still visibly simmering beneath the surface.

"Um… a phone number would be great…" Danny trailed off as he wordlessly accepted the offered business card from the man. "Does one o'clock work for you?"

"Sounds perfect." Luthor gave him a strained smile. "I'll see you then, Mr. Johnson."

"So does any of that sound… normal for Luthor?" Danny stared blankly at the ceiling as he spoke loud enough for his voice to be picked up while on speakerphone. He was lying on the pristine white bed in his hotel room, chatting with Ivy as a way to pass some time.

"Sounds like a question for Superman," she said in a dry tone, signaling the statement to be sarcastic.

"Funny thing is, you're probably right, though," Danny replied with a snort. "But seriously."

He could practically hear her shrug over the phone. "Who knows? Luthor's very private." She paused, allowing Danny's end to be filled with static caused by her silence. "You're avoiding what you really called for."

He sighed, running a hand through his hair anxiously as his shoulders sagged in defeat. Perhaps he wasn't as subtle as he thought he was when it came to these things. "How was the funeral?"

"Fuck you for making me care about her," Ivy snapped, her voice breaking in the process. "Her mother gave me some of her drawings and one of her succulents. Melody was a sweet thing."

Danny hummed in defeated agreement. This was the inevitable downside to his job: the loss of his wishers, children cursed to a brief existence. Each loss left him feeling hollow, even though he knew it was beyond his control. At least this time, he didn't have to go through it alone. "She adored you."

"Didn't matter much in the long run."

"Try telling that to her family and see how far that argument goes," he retorted. He took her lack of response to mean she had conceded the point. "What are you going to do with her plant?"

"Put it with my other succulents, of course. Can't have it getting lonely."

Danny couldn't tell if she was joking or not, but at this point he had learned just to go with it. "Give it a… pat for me?"

"Sure thing. Have fun with Luthor."

"Not sure that's possible."

Hey guys, I'm back! Well, kind of. Done with all of my tests until August (except for two finals next week). Sorry for the long wait, but I hope you find this closer look into Ivy and Danny a sort of consolation until the next chapter. Won't be too long a gap this time, especially since this one sets up what is to come. Thanks for all the kind words you guys left after the last time, and feel free to comment or PM questions anytime! -Archer

[Also a bit of context: yes, this is cartoon Luthor, but with the abuse backstory of modern Luthor. And yes, the chapter title is taken from the Alexander Hamilton lyrics because Alexander "Lex" Luthor, haha...]

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