

Desilva hesitated stepping into the tent. Last time she had been in there wasn't a pleasant memory and she already had a lot going on her mind, now wondering what he wanted was added to that list.

A face opened the door to the tent slightly, deep-set eyes analyzing Desilva's face for a second. "Oh! Mr. Silver haired-"

Axel's head disappeared back into the tent, "Your highness, Mrs. Milti's daughter has arrived."

"Let her in," Dominic replied, his voice way calmer and quieter than usual, a nice reminder of how he was sick.

Desilva slowly walked in and immediately stared at Dominic, pausing in her steps. He laid in his bed quietly, staring up at the ceiling with a contemplative feel.

"Please leave Axel," Dominic commanded, lifting his finger up slightly and waving it in a 'shoo' motion.

Chapitre suivant