
chapter 19

ash was hanging out with lana and he got a call from his friend in Japan he said Anata wa pokemonmasutā o te ni iremashita she said Anata wa 2-nichi de Nihon ni iru hitsuyō ga arimasu anata no sumou no taitoru o mamoru he said Tomodachi ya sensei o tsurete kite mo īdesu ka she said Hai he said okay i well be there in 10 hours she said okay he asked lana if her family wants to go to Japan with him in 10 hours she went to ask her sister's and mom and they said yes we would love to go to Japan with him and he asked mallow,lillie, sophocles and kukui if they wanted to go to and they said yes so they went to Japan ash said Takushī they got to the hotel and he said Watashitachiha itsutsu no heya ga hitsuyōde, ikura ni naru ka the person at the desk said 500 dollars he gave her the money and they went to sleep in the morning they went to watch ash wrestle the announcer said we have the champion here going under the name the masked royal and here we have the challenger how go's by the name inferno and this well by the champions last fight because at the end he has got something to say so they wrestled and ash wine the battle and ssid lana come to the stage she did he said Watashitachiha nagaiai yūjindeshita. Anata ga watashi to onajiyōni anata ga watashi to onajiyōni ochitanode, watashi ga kore o okonau no ga kantan ni nari, anata ga watashi no gārufurendo ni naritai to iimashita kanojo ni natte then they kissed then they went to the airport ash said Arōra ni wa 9-mai no chiketto ga hitsuyōdesu the person at the desk said ok they got back to alola

1 month later he went back to alola he was gone for police training he went to go see lana and she saw him and ran up to him and hugged him they went inside he was talking to her when he got a call on his radio he said this is officer ash her sisters said officer ash they heard that there was a armed robbery at the bank he said on it he went there and said come on out with your hands up he sanced someone behind him and tearned around and grabbed him he said tell the others to come out with there hands up and unarmed he did he took them to the police station and said get in your cell then he went back to Lana's house

the next day he was on a helicopter to kalos wene he got a call from professor Kukui that the giant rock he was studying absorbed popplio and lana is sad he said tell her i have a plan and put up a blockade to stop it he did they saw the helicopter and saw ash jump out of it with his Greninja and land on the rock and went in to it got popplio and went out and gave her to lana then down graded Greninja to its original form

the next day he went to her house and told her sisters to give this to her and gave them the letter he wrote for her then left they gave her the letter and asked what dos it say she read it to them

Dear lana,

I have a small confession. Forgive this pouring of my heart.

I cherish the beach, where we first met. The moment I clapped eyes on you, I knew you were going to be a teasing friend. Recently, I have began to regard you as much more than just a teasing friend.

My feelings for you intensified when I saw you singing in the moonlight. I was further wowed by your tremendous dancing skills.

You have arms like lovely cucumbers and the most cozy mouth I've ever seen. When I look at you, I just want to hug those lovely cucumber arms and kiss that cozy mouth.

You're so special with your beautiful ways. The way you handle your smart baby sisters shows great patience and kindness.

I know that to you I'm just a good friend but I think we could be happy together, acting like two amazing butterflys 

Please, say you'll be mine lana!

All my love

ash they said what is that she said he wrote me a love letter they said how nice the next day they were at the pokemon school and she went Up to ash and said that letter you gave me yesterday was probably the loveliest thing I could get and yes I would be your girlfriend he said now I can do this and kissed her on the lips they went home holding hands that day her mom saw them and said

So, is this true that my eldest daughter's now dating?" she asked.

"We are, Mom," Lana confirmed. Elated, the mother hugged the two.

"My baby girl's growing up…" After breaking the hug, she had a guess as to Ash's appearance. "So, will you be staying tonight?" Ash took one glance to Lana as they held hands.

"I think so," he admitted. "I'll need to call Professors Kukui and Burnet, let them know the issue."

the class was on mount lanakila ash saw a friend and went up to her and said how is it going Dawn she terned around and saw him they ran and huged eachother his friends said how is this he said dawn and old friend who is the Sinnoh sled jumping champion he helped them do the sled jump it was the next day at the end the host said here is a treat the sled jumping double team of ash Ketchum and dawn they did their jump and landed safely everyone said they did not know he and dawn were a champion sled jumping team he said we are a sled jumping team he asked dawn were is the next sled jumping contest at she said Sinnoh he said ok but i have to come back here afterwards she said ok he told Kukui that he and dawn had to go that he would be back in 2-3 weeks.he said were are you going to Sinnoh to compete in that sled jumping competition there he said way don't we all go there he said ash said OK but you guys might have to stay at the pokemon center Cause I don't think her house has enough space But if they do then we can do it He said OK we leave in 2 days that way everyone can be ready and is it OK if she stays with us at your house tell we leave he said yes she can he told her and she said her plane leaves in 2 hours he said i can get you a ticket for a plane that leaves in 2 days she said ok I just have to call my mom and tell her I won't be home tomorrow He said OK I have to talk to her anyways She said OK They called her and he asked if she had enough Room for 6 people to stay at their house for 2 weeks She said yes he said OK he said me and some friends are gonna come for this pokemon sled jump competition and we're gonna need a place to stay but we could make it worth you're while by helping you clean the house and cooking and stuff like that she said OK then dawn said she would not be home until 2 days from now she said OK. He got a call from Lusamine she said there is an ultra beast on Melemele Island he said ultroger Lusamine he said i have to go dawn asked if she can go with him he said yes but you have to stay back she said ok they got there he caught the ultra beast and called in Professor Burnet and said ready to send it back home they did ash said he had to go get some stuff from the store for supper tonight and tomorrow night they did they went home he started to make the Alolan stue they eat and he showed her were she could sleep then he went out to train then he went in to bed 1:00 dawn had a bad dream she went to ash and asked if she could sleep with him for the night and he said what time is it dawn said 1:00 in the morning he said for 3 hours than i have to go to work she said ok they went to sleep at 4 o'clock he got up and went to work at Mallow's family restaurant at 6 o'clock professor Kukui came in and said she was looking for him he told mallow that he was going on a 5 minute break and stepped out and called lana he asked if he could date another girl to and she said yes he said wene the time comes i well marry you and her than asked if her and her sistets wont to go to Sinnoh with me in two days she said yes he hung up the phone and went in to dawn and said she said yes That I can date and one day marry both of you she ok they watched a movie lana said we well shair him she said ok the next day he called the airport and said i need 8 tickets to Sinnoh she said ok i well be there in two hours to pay and git them he hung up the phone and told dawn that he would be back he hade to go get the tickets for the trip to Sinnoh and she asked if she could come to he said yes.they got the tickets and went back to the house The next day they got on the plane and went to Sinnoh they got there they went to dawn's house He said you guys get settled in I got a buddy that I wanna go talk to while I'm here he said and went to professor Birch's lab and said hello professor Birch he said hello ash said long time no see he said ash what are you doing back here in Sinnoh ash said for the pokemon sled jump competition me and dawn are a double team of pokemon sled jumpers ash said i have to go back i still need to git the stuff for supper tonight and did he made them all Alolan stue then went out side to sleep on an air mattress then went to sleep Harper and Sarah slept with him in the morning he made breakfast burgers for all of them they eat then ash told dawn's mom that him and his girlfriend agreed that if dawn stell loves me that she well shair me with her then he and dawn went to practice their sled jumping 1 week and 5 days later they won the sled jumping contest and went back to alola

he said  That he had to go back to kanto to see his mom because she's not doing so well he left to kanto it was 1 month later he sent lana a letter that said he would be back in 1 month he left the next day and got their and went to Lana's house and went to the roof then took a stick and knocked on the door she and her sisters answered the door he started to play this song

lana looks at me,

I fake a smile so she won't see,

What I want, what I need,

And everything that we should be,

I'll bet she's beautiful,

That girl he talks about,

And she's got everything that I've had to live without,

lana talks to me,

And I laugh 'cause it's just so funny,

That I can't even see

Anyone when he's with me,

He says he's so in love,

He's finally got it right,

I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night,

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar,

The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star,

He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

lana walks by me,

Can she tell that I can't breathe?

And there he goes so perfectly,

The kind of flawless I wish I could be,

She better hold him tight,

Give him all her love,

Look in those beautiful eyes,

And know she's lucky 'cause,

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar,

The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star,

He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

So I'll drive home alone,

As I turn out the light,

I'll put his picture down,

And maybe get some sleep tonight,

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar,

The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart,

He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

He's the time taken up,

But there's never enough,

And he's all the I need to fall into,

lana looks at me,

I fake a smile so she won't see.

they walked out and looked around and saw nothing he jumped down to the ground and said long time no see they terned around and saw him they ran and hugged him he said he was not leaving he went to the battledome he was ready to fight the one opponent but they tricked

them in to a 6 on 1 battle he said i thought you might do this so i brought a friend with me may i introduce you to my friend the masked royalet they battled and won he took her home and her sisters said that they wont to be like the masked royal and the masked royalet lana said if You ask ash nicely maybe he will train you because he trend the mask Royal and Royalet They asked him and he said only with Lana's help They said meat us at the battle Royal dome tomorrow at 9 o'clock am But you have to keep what we tell you a secret They said OK so the next morning they went to the battle Royal dome they saw the masked Royalet and masked Royal but not Lana and ash They took off their masks and they saw that it was ash and Lana they said this is the secret we want you to keep Then an opponent came into the ring and said we challenge you to a 4 on 2 battle ash said no if you want a battle it has to be 2 on 2 or 4 on 4 He said OK you get to more people and will have our battle in 2 days he said i already have our 2 other people to help us fight you 2 days later they showed up and they all hade legendary pokemon named Raikou Entei and Suicune and Groudon they all defeated one of the opponents and then ash said we are the family of royal's He had to go back to kanto for a while A couple months later he called for professor kukui and told him to tell the students to come out for an air show they did and saw some men diving down just before he hit the ground he activated his wing suit and landed and said long time no see They all said ash he said yep then he went up to lana he got on one knee and said Lana I know you feel the same way About me that I feel about you because every time I'm near you your face gets red and you start to look away so it makes this easier to say and said lana will you be my girlfriend and she said yes I would love to be your girlfriend he carryed her on his shoulder to her house her mom saw it and said So, is this true that my eldest daughter's now dating?" she asked.

"We are, Mom," Lana confirmed. Elated, the mother hugged the two.

"My baby girl's growing up…" After breaking the hug, she had a guess to Ash's appearance. "So, will you be staying tonight?" Ash took one glance to Lana as they held hands.

"I think so," he admitted. "I'll need to call Professors Kukui and Burnet, let them know the issue."

"No problem." After being let in, Ash joined the family for dinner. The Pokémon were also fed. Night fell and Ash slept with lana the next morning he made them breakfast and gave Lana's mom a note for lana then left she got up and said were is ash her mom gave her the note and she read it and said iam going to see him be back in 2 hours she got to the school and heard hem sing this song

I wanted you to see me

But for so long you were blind

Now it's time to face tomorrow

And leave all that stuff behind;

But what would our lives have been like

If you'd just given me a sign?

Cause I like you more than every other thing I like combined

I spent so many summers

Hoping something would begin

I thought that I was over you

But here I am again

What might have been

Ash, honey, how are you?

Hi, Mrs. Garcia-Shapiro, uh, is lana here?

Oh no, sweetie, she's gone

Gone like, driving car school gone?

Yes, you just missed her

It's too bad you didn't get to see her off

You know, since you were kids, she's had a huge crush on you


I wish I had known

I can't believe that all this time you never said a word

Although it's possible you did

And I just never heard

I never even noticed

I guess I wasn't that alert

But I must say that in retrospect

You were being quite overt

And now our endless summer's finally coming to an end,

I tried to make the most of every day

But now the years just seem misspent

What might have been

I could have been your girlfriend

I could have been your fella

We might have been an item

They would have called us Lansh

I would've held the door for you

I would've shared my umbrella

You could've held my hair back

When I was sick with salmonella (sick with salmonella)

We could've been together

All you had to say was when

And though I wanted so much more

I guess you'll always be my friend

What might have been

What might have been

he saw her and said did you hear the song.lana said yes i did and it was sweet. The next day he got a call from his friend dawn He put the phone on speaker and said how can I help you dawn She said I lost all my contest battles since you stopped traveling with me and I was wondering do you think you could come to hoenn and style my hair for the next contest he should sure give me about 2 days and I can be there and hung up the phone he said my old friend needs my hair styling assistance he was about to leave wene lana asked if she can come With you and he said sure you can so they went to the airport and when to hoenn Once there he found her and asked what kid of hairstyle did she want And she said a night star braid than he said me and my girlfriend have to go back to alola she said okay and thank you for this she said he did her hair then they went back

It was Saturday and ash and lana were in charge of babysitting Harper and Sarah  while their parents went out on a second honeymoon.

"Hey ash, lana?" Harper and Sarah  asked.

"Yes what it is?" ash responded to Harper and Sarah 's question.

"Well I was invited to a girl's only party for girls between the ages of 4 and 8 at pennies house, and I was wondering if I could go?" Harper and Sarah  explained.

"Well how long does it last?" ash asked.

"Until 6 o'clock" Harper and Sarah  said.

"Well since it ends before it starts to get dark out and they'll only be girls at this party, I guess you can go" ash said.

"Thanks, well I'm off, see you later" Harper and Sarah  said as she left the house.

(Hours later)

It was 10 past 6 and Harper and Sarah  was not back from the party.

"ash Harper and Sarah  is late getting back" lana said concerned.

"She's only 10 minutes late. Let's give her a little while more" ash said trying to reassure lana

"Fine but if she's not back by 6:30, I'm going pennies to get her" lana said.

(20 minutes later)

"Okay, I'm going to pennies" lana said to ash then left the house.

After 10 minutes, lana finally arrived at pennies house, and as soon as he got in he saw Harper and Sarah  with not only girls but to his shock boys as well.

"lana? What are you doing here?" Harper and Sarah  asked confused.

"I could ask you the same question" lana said a little upset.

"What do you mean, you and ash said I could come" Harper and Sarah  said even more confused.

"Yes, and you said there would be no boys at this party and that you would be home by 6" lana said starting to get angry.

"Look lana, I didn't know what time the party would end, so I agreed to come back at 6, but had every intention to stay even after 6." Harper and Sarah  explained then continued. "And If I said there would be boys here, then you wouldn't have let me come at all"

"Harper and Sarah , you know better than to lie to me or ash" lana scolded then continued. "Come on, were going home"

"No, I'm staying" Harper and Sarah  argued.

"No you're not" lana argued.

"I'm staying and that's final" Harper and Sarah  said and crossed her arms.

lana seeing it was impossible to get Harper and Sarah  to listen decided to leave and get ash.

lana finally got back to his house and told ash everything.

"I can't believe Harper and Sarah  did all that" ash said surprised.

"I know, and since she wouldn't come back with me, I figured she'd listen to you" lana said.

"Well I could try" ash said then got up off the couch and left, while lana sat on the couch.

Once ash arrived at penny's house, it was around 7ish. He knocked on the door but got no answer.

"Hello anyone in here?" asked ash as he entered the house, but to his surprise, no one was there.

After ash went home and told lana, they decide to wait till 8 to see if Harper and Sarah  would come home, and she didn't, so ash went to call some of his friends to see if they saw her, but that didn't.

It was now 9 o'clock and ash was getting extremely worried, thinking she might have been kidnapped or something, until finally, at around 10, lana (who had been looking for Harper and Sarah ) called.

"ash, I know where Harper and Sarah  is" lana said through the phone.

"What where?" ash asked relieved.

"At another friend's house" lana said.

"Okay, I'll go get her, you come back to the house incase mom or dad call" ash said to lana then left to go get Harper and Sarah . By the time ash got to where Harper and Sarah  was, it was about 11.

ash arrived at the house and spotted Harper and Sarah .

"Harper and Sarah  please come home right now" ash said a little stern, but not unfriendly voice, and Harper and Sarah  complied without complaining.

While walking home, ash decided to have a talk with Harper and Sarah .

"Now Harper and Sarah , do you understand what you did was wrong?" ash asked his sister.

"Look ash, you know that this is the safest neighborhood in the world, so there was nothing to worry about. Plus if you weren't so over protective, then I wouldn't have lied to you, so it's more your fault then mine" Harper and Sarah  explained to ash.

"I'll take that as a no" ash said with a sigh.

After the duo got home, it was now 11:30. ash told Harper and Sarah  to wait on the couch for him while he talked to lana.

"lana were back" ash shouted through the hall way.

lana came rushing down the hall after hearing his brother.

"Were, as in more than one, so you got Harper and Sarah ?" lana asked frantic.

"Yes she's back and she's safe" ash told lana which calmed the fish down.

"Good, so now what?" lana asked.

"Would you mean?" ash asked.

"I mean how do we handle this, with Harper and Sarah  misbehaving and all?" lana asked his brother.

"Well since we were put in charge of her, it's our job to discipline her, and since I'm the older sibling, it's my job to punish her" ash explained to lana.

"Okay so how are you going punish her?" lana asked.

"Well since she had us worried, I think I should punish her the same way mom punished me for going into the forest of doom and I had all of you worried" ash said.

"You mean you're going to spank her?" lana asked.

"Sigh, unfortunately yes" ash said not wanting to do this.

After a few minutes ash went back downstairs to wear Harper and Sarah  was and sat next to her.

"Now Harper and Sarah  you should know that what you did was wrong regardless of the circumstances?" ash asked seriously.

"Sigh, yes" Harper and Sarah  answered truthfully.

"Good then you'll understand why I have to do this" ash told Harper and Sarah  to pull off their panties and she did than he said what do you wont first spanking or losing your virginity they could not say so he places her over his knee.

"ash please not this" Harper and Sarah  begged.

"I'm sorry Harper and Sarah , but I have to" ash said then started to spank Harper 

Harper began to cry and begged ash to stop while telling him she was sorry.

"ow, ash please stop, I'm sorry, please" Harper begged as tears ran down her face then he did the same to Sarah

This made ash almost want to cry too. After 10 spanks, ash immediately hugged them

Harper and sarah, I'm not sorry for punishing you, but rather I didn't want to at all, and I hope i never have to do it again" ash said then continued. "Harper and Sarah, me and lana were scared something happened to you, and we love you. Do you understand that?" Ash asked his sisters

"Yes" Harper and Sarah said still crying. Ash then just hugged her till she stopped crying.

"Harper and Sarah did you have dinner tonight?" Ash asked his sisters who finally stopped crying.they said yes then he said then it is time for bed

ash was on patrol And Lana called the dispatch and said this

911, what's your emergency?

She said, "I'd like to order a pizza, please"

"But Ma'am, you reached 911"

She said, "I know, could you say how long?"

"Ma'am, is everything okay?" "No, it's 413 Maple Way"

"Is there someone in the room with you

That you can't talk about?"

She said "Yes sir, pepperoni please

How long can it be now?" and can it be Officer ash Ketchum the dispatch said yes it is him

"I've got an officer a mile away

Can you stay on the line?"

She said "No thanks, I'll see you soon

I'll turn on my porch light" ash got their and said come on out with your hands up and unarmed he did Then ash took him to jail

Chapitre suivant