
ash returns to alola

ash went to war to train the new recruits in hand to hand combat for a year after the year he called lillie and said go outside and look up she did and saw two parachutes coming towards them they landed he said long time no see she ran up and hugged him  he asked if he could stay here for the night she said ok and can you call Professor kukui and ask him to bring Professor brunet to school tomorrow she said can do just do not tell them that I am here she said way because I want to suppress the rest of the class she said ok she called him and told him to bring Professor brunet to school tomorrow he said ok then they hung up the phone then ash told her to say 

this tomorrow and it is this we have someone here that wants to say hi to you all and it is someone who we have not seen in a while and now i would like to introduce then I well come in just dont say my name she said ok then they went to bead in the morningsah asked if he can style her hair he said what kind of style do you wont she said princes crown style he did then she and ash went to the school every one was there they all said how did your hair mallow and Lana wont their hair the same way she said we have someone here that wants to say hi to you all and it is someone who we have not seen in a while and now i would like to introduce and if you 2 want your hair do like this ask him then ash came in in his Army uniform and said long time no see they said who are you than he called his pikachu then said now do you remember me lana said ash he said yes it is me she ran up to him and hugged him  the other's said lana do you know this guy she said yes it is Ash Ketchum he went to school here a year ago 

Professor's kukui and burnet said how have you been he said good then the other's remember him they all ran up to him and hugged him mallow and Lana asked if he could do their hair like Lillies and he did he asked who is this Professor brunet said molly  she is kukui and my daughter he said nice to meat you then asked if they still had room for him at the house kukui said yes we do and can i have one person live with me he said yes and who bonnie my adopted daughter he said yes you can he said thank you and if you need a babysitter to watch her i will do it for only 5$ a day then he said i have a song i would like to sing that i made up for lana kukui said ok then he said I wrote this for lana and started to sing

Out here in the quiet of the night

Beneath the stars, and moon

We both know we've got something' on our minds

We won't admit, but it's true

You look at me, I look away

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling

But I don't know who to start

I wanna tell you, but now

I'm afraid that you might break my heart

Oh, why should anything so easy ever

Be so hard to do

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling

And to say that, I love you

I practice all the things that I would say

Line by line, every word

I tell myself today would be the day

But every time, I lose my nerve

I look at you, you look away

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling

But I don't know who to start

I wanna tell you, but now

I'm afraid that you might break my heart

Oh, why should anything so easy ever

Be so hard to do

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling

And to say that, I love you

Why? Why do you turn away

It must be, you're afraid like me

I try, but I can't pretend that I

Don't feel for you, the way I do, can't you see

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling

But I don't know who to start

I wanna tell you, but now

I'm afraid that you might break my heart

Oh, why should anything so easy ever

Be so hard to do

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling

And to say that, I love you

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling

But I don't know who to start

I wanna tell you, but now

I'm afraid that you might break my heart

Oh, why should anything so easy ever

Be so hard to do

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling

And to say that, I love you

I love you 

than she ran up to him he got on one knee and asked if she would like to be his girlfriend and she said yes I would like to be your girlfriend and  he gave her a class ring she said nice ring then kissed him 3hours later they went to watch a movie that lasted 6 hours it was dark out when they got to her house they heard crying coming from inside her house they went in then he said let my try then sang a song that went like these

I will always be there to protect you I will always be there to lend you a had I will always help you when you need help I will Always be There In case you get scared  I will Never Leave your side until you get better I will never leave you alone And if you have Nightmares I Will Always be there to hug you And if you need advice about boys I'll be there to Help And if that boy breaks your heart I will be there to teach him a lesson And if you need somebody to hug When times Are Tough I will always be there so that you have someone And if anyone be mean to you I will beat them Up And if anyone Humiliates you I will teach them A lesson 

they asked who he is she said i well tell you tomorrow he said i have to get back to Professor kukui and brunet's house where i am staying he got there Professor kukui and burnet asked him to  watch her tomorrow he said can do but she well have to come to lana's house with me tomorrow for an hour or so tomorrow they said ok do it the Professors went to bead ash was going to go to bead but heard crying he went in to Molly's room he held her and sang to her the Professors came in and said it was nice of you he said are you going to be fine by yourself or do you want to come sleep on a couch with me she said sleep with you They went to the couch and he laid down covered himself with a blanket then she laid  on top of the blanket on top of him and she went to sleep he called his mom and asked if bonnie was still up she said yes he said can you call her and she did he asked if she wanted to come live with me in alola she said yes he said your ticket will be there tomorrow she said ok he said someone that is dressed like a butler well pick you up and bring you to me she said ok then he called lillie and asked if he could tock to Hobbs he asked if he could pick up bonnie at the airport and bring her to me tomorrow afternoon and he said yes he said thank you then he went to  bed 

the next morning the Professors came out and saw them wrote a note that said going to work please feed her when you wake up an hour later she woke up and woke him up and said I'm hungry then he said do you want a breakfast Berger she said yes he said let me see if we have the things we need to make it he looked and said we have to go to the store and get the things we need he told liking rock to guard the forte then they went to the store to get the onions and peppers and hamburger and eggs for the breakfast then they went home and he made the breakfast she ate it then he asked if it was good and she said yes then he said why don't we take some to your dad at work she said we have to have 5 so we can give one to every one there he said i made 6 to go they went to the school  and gave the breakfast burgers to them they all took a bite and said what is in it he said eggs,onions and peppers then he said can she stay here well i take this to principal oke he said yes 

ash said i will be back in 5minutes he took it to him then they went to get some fruit and liver then went home he asked her you hungry for lunch and she said yes he said have you tried liver before and she said no he said do you want to try it she said yes i would then he made the liver  she tried it and she said it was good the he was watching tv she laid her head down on his Lap and went to sleep at 3:00 Professor brunet came home she saw the way her daughter was and ash said there is liver and breakfast burgers in the fridge he said i got her to try the liver and she liked it brunet said that is a shock to me she never tried it before ash said i do have the special touch she woke up her mom said who was your day with ash she said good she said he was going to make all of us  supper tonight 

they heard a Knock he answered the door and it was Hobbs he said master ash your package is in the car he went out bonnie saw him and ran to him and said i mist you he got her things and gave Hobbs 200$ and said thank you then took her into the house and said brunet and molly  this is bonnie my adopted daughter they said nice to meat you and she said nice to meat you to then kukui came home ash said and that is Professor kukui she said nice to meat you he said who is this ash said my adopted daughter bonnie he said nice to meat you ash said you got settled in i have to go meat my girlfriend's mom because she said her mom wants to meet me so i will be back in 2 hours 

then he took off to her house she was outside and she saw him and ran up to him she asked if he could do her hair again he said yes and did she got on his back and they went into the house lana said this is ash and he is my boyfriend he said nice to meat you her little sisters said hi big brother then they saw lana's hair and said how did your hair she said ash did then he said i have something important to do and if you ever want someone to babysit for you i will do it for 5$ an hour and her mom said can you watch them tomorrow he said yes but you have to bring them to Professor kukui's house she said where is that 

lana said that she well take them there in the morning before i go to school he said good well I am going to get going the went back to the house he said are you hungry they all said yes he said why don't i take you all to mallow's family restaurant to eat my treat they got ready to go they went outside  and bonnie said can you carry me he said yes then molly asked me to so i put one on one Shoulder and one on the other 

 They got there he said mallow table for 5 she said ok she came over took their order he said this is my adopted daughter bonnie  and bonnie this is my friend mallow they both said nice to meat you than the got there food than eat the little ones were about to go to sleep he paid the bill then told molly to get on his back and hold on she did then he took bonnie in the front of him and told her to hang on she did thy fell asleep on the way home they got home he said i well get them ready for bed they said thank you he put on there nightgowns then put them to bed he was outside shooting at targets wene molly  came out and can i talk to you he said yes they sate down she said i had a nightmare in it my dad got shot tomorrow well walking in to the school he said oki well go out right now and look for the person who shot him he lives in 10 minutes and have him were this and gave her a bullet proof vest then he left found the guy and handcuffed him and called the army they said they will be there in 10 hours 

he said ok i well keep him tell then then took him to the police station and said I have the army coming to get him they said ok then he went home and caught kukui as he was leaving the house he asked do you know why i had to were this he said your daughter had a nightmare about you getting shot as you went into the school but i got him but I am walking you to school just in case he had friends with him so he did  he heard a gun go off and saw 3 more people he said under the us army law you are under arrest know come with me lana was taken her sisters to his house she saw that he had 3 people under arrest he said i well take them from here they took them to the police station and said they go with him when the army comes she said ok he went home and told molly he is safe because i got them He got a call from athet paradise That said professor brunette was attacked by a shark and died he said OK I will tell Molly

 Then he got a call from the principal at the pokemon school saying that kukui was shot by a guy but lana tackled him and took him to the police station he said what did this guy look like the principal described him to him and he said keep an eye on all of them This guy is part of a gang that I caught earlier today and with my calculations there should be a least 10 more of them out there and if lana captured one of them they're gonna be after her so I am come in with my army gear to protect everyone at that school and I will be sending lana's sisters to the police station he did  

Then he went to the school once at the school he saw 10 guys going into the school And said by the law of the United States army I hereby place you under arrest please put your guns down and come quietly or I will tranquilize you they all did everybody in the classroom saw him do this and went to help him take them to the police station once he got the 10 people to the police station he saw that the army was just arriving to pick up the other ones and said we have 14 people for you to take back in execute They did 

then ash told Molly about her parents and  That he would adopt her and they will live and kukui's house an during the day he will teach at the pokemon school with the help of professor oak  It was the day of the funeral and ash stayed by Molly's side the whole time so if she got scared he'd be there when she started to cry so he took her out

the next day bonnie and molly were watching tv and on it was the pokemon wrestling the announcer said in place of the dead masked royal we have a new resaler and his name is sin cara and his partner entei the only people who know about his identity is lana and bonnie and molly

ash was Watching Bonnie And Molly he got a call from Sarah saying that Lana is not feeling well he said tell her I will be there in 5 minutes to take her to the doctors he went to her house took her to the doctors once he got to the doctors she passed out he took her in said she had a heart problem and said do you know anybody who be willing to give her a heart and he said I want know one But I will have to call them 1st so he did Clemont said he would be there in 4 hours ash said ok he got there and gave her his heart.

Ash had to go back to war so he sent bonnie and molly to his mom for a while A couple months later he got called from Harper and Sarah That said that lana's having her birthday in a few months we want you to be there. he said hold on and I well go ask my lieutenant for a month off ash did and his lieutenant said ok when he said 2 months he said ok ash told Harper and Sarah do not tell her that I'm coming home they said ok 2 months later he went back to alola he called Harper and Sarah and told them to To meet him At the school then I well tell you how to do the surprise for her They did he said To say this and it was hay Lana close your eyes we got a surprise for you then I will come in and all that they went back to her house And they went in they told lana that they have a tape from ash for her they played it he said I am sorry that I can't be there to spend this special day with you hopefully this will make up for it and your sisters got a surprise for you so close your eyes She Did Sarah let him in they said open your eyes and she did and saw ash and tackled him and hugged and kissed him and said how long are you back for he said 1 month and you can thank your sisters for that she hugged them and said thank you.

A month later he went back to the army base 2 months later it was Harper and Sarah's birthdays He was done with training for the year but he did not tell any of a them he was gonna be back so he landed and called lillie and told her to meat me at the school and she did he gave her a tape and said go play this for Harper and Sarah she did it said I'm sorry that I can't be there for your special day I know that you want your Big Brother there I hope this makes up for it so close your eyes they did than he came and said open your eyes they did and saw him and ran and hugged him and said how long are you back for he said one year do you wont me to give you a hairstyle they said yes he showed them a book with hairstyles in it they said they wanted the princes crown styles he said nice choice then he styles their hair then he asked lana if she wants her hairstyled to and she said yes he said what kind she said the same as her sisters he did it he was in the middle of styling her hair wene he got a call from his mom he answered it like this abortion clinic you rape them we scrape them how may I help you ever one their laugh at what he said his mom said bonnie and molly have been crying since early morning he said put the phone on speeker and she did he asked what was wrong with them and sang them this song.

This dream is fun, isn't it?

Let's sing our happiness with a smile!

That signals the beginning!

One step at a time, from you One step at a time, from me

We want to go somewhere… to the stage in our heart!

Trying to accept each other

we will hesitate a bit at first,

but there is a place which will accept us.

I keep on wanting to know more and more.



SUNNY DAY SONG fly higher and higher!

I feel we can overcome anything coming our way!


SUNNY DAY SONG whenever we hum it

our hopes for tomorrow grow and grow, it's a great feeling!

SUNNY DAY Wow! Sun power!

SUNNY DAY Wow! Song power!

This dream makes me happy,

so let's all talk about everything.

That signals our bond!

The second step is taken firmly The third step, confidently.

We dance feeling like we can go forwards without fear!

If you try reaching out

thing will become more and more enjoyable! (More fun!)


SUNNY DAY LIFE let's shine!

What should I say to be able to share how I'm feeling right now?


SUNNY DAY LIFE you too dance!

Embraced by the thought of happiness I feel we can do anything!


SUNNY DAY LIFE let's shine!

What should I say to be able to share how I'm feeling right now?


SUNNY DAY LIFE you too dance! Ah~


SUNNY DAY SONG fly higher and higher!

I feel we can overcome anything coming our way!


SUNNY DAY SONG whenever we hum it

our hopes for tomorrow grow and grow, it's a great feeling!

SUNNY DAY Wow! Sun power!

SUNNY DAY Wow! Song power! (Sing it)

SUNNY DAY Wow! Sun power! (This dream)

SUNNY DAY Wow! Song power!

they said we misse you he said I can get you guys plane tickets to alola and pick you up at the airport if you wont they said yes he did the next day he picked them up and took them home

ash was Watching Harper and Sarah for the day they were riding bike a car ran over Harper he told Sarah that once he picked the car up get her out fast he did she got her out he took her to the sidewalk to work on her and he was done

he had to go back to war it was 2years later he went up to Harper's and Sarah's teacher and asked if they can put on an asamboly tomorrow and she said yes He said can you say this when your introducing me tomorrow and it is we have a special guest here to talk to you all and it is Air Force captain Ash Ketchum and play this tape and she said yes I can the next day she played the tape this is the song

American girls and American guys

We'll always stand up and salute

We'll always recognize

When we see Old Glory flying

There's a lot of men dead

So we can sleep in peace at night when we lay down our head

My daddy served in the army

Where he lost his right eye but he flew a flag out in our yard

Until the day that he died

He wanted my mother, my brother, my sister and me

To grow up and live happy

In the land of the free

Now this nation that I love has fallen under attack

A mighty sucker punch came flyin' in from somewhere in the back

Soon as we could see clearly

Through our big black eye

Man, we lit up your world

Like the fourth of July

Hey Uncle Sam, put your name at the top of his list

And the Statue of Liberty started shakin' her fist

And the eagle will fly man, it's gonna be hell

When you hear mother freedom start ringin' her bell

And it feels like the whole wide world is raining down on you

Brought to you courtesy of the red white and blue

Justice will be served and the battle will rage

This big dog will fight when you rattle his cage

And you'll be sorry that you messed with

The U.S. of A.

'Cause we'll put a boot in your ass

It's the American way

Hey uncle sam put your name at the top of his list

And the Statue of Liberty started shakin' her fist

And the eagle will fly it's gonna be hell

When you hear mother freedom start ringin' her bell

And it feels like the whole wide world is raining down on you

Brought to you courtesy of the red white and blue

Oh oh of the red white and blue

Oh oh of my red white and blue

and said welcome home Air Force captain Ash Ketchum he came out and Harper and Sarah saw him and ran up to him and hugged him he asked were is your sister at they said with dad He asked when are they gonna be back they said in 2 days he said That gives me enough time to set up her surprise After school ash took them home He want to her mom and said is it OK If I Stay in lana's Room for the next couple days she said yes he said thank You 2 days later Lana and her dad came home Her mom said their is a surprise for you in your Room she went to her Room saw ash then ran up and hugged him and kissed him he got on one knee and said Lana will you marry me she said yes ash I will love to marry you Then they kissed He had to go back to war for 2 years Two years later he called Harper and sarah and said I know you miss me well I'm at war and your sister is away on her journey so do you 2 know were the airport is they said yes we do he said go there tomorrow and meet my mom there she has a surprise for you they said ok it was the next day they went to the airport the person at the desk said can you all stand and honor our soldier's as they get off the flight and they did they said we only have one soldier and here he comes know and Ash got off the plane once Harper and Sarah saw him they ran and hugged him they said we thought that you were not going to be able to make it home for Christmas this year ash said well I'm done with the army forever because I found another person to take my place they walked back to their house and their mom saw ash and said wene did you get back he said just now and wene is lana coming home their mom said by late to night he said I well meet her at the airport and bring her home she said thank you he went to the airport and she got off the plane and saw him and ran up to him and hugged and kissed him and said how long are you back for he said forever they went home and to sleep Ash got a call from Bonnie she asked if he was going to be home to see her sing he said no I'm sorry he hung up and someone beside him said are you surprising her he said yes I have been on every transport there is they got in a crash the firefighters got their he told them he hade to go the firefighters took him to the school just as his daughter went on stage to sing this song

I'll be home for Christmas

You can plan on me

Please have snow and mistletoe

And presents by the tree

Christmas eve will find me

Where the love light gleams

I'll be home for Christmas

If only in my dreams

I'll be home for Christmas

You can plan on me

Please have some snow and mistletoe

And presents by the tree

Christmas eve will find me

Where the love light gleams

I'll be home for Christmas

If only in my dreams

I'll be home for Christmas

If only in my dreams

she finished the song and saw ash and ran and hugged him

ash was in class and he got a tellapathic message from Greninja that said he needs help ash said on my way And ran out of the classroom The other saw him run out and went after him They said where are you going he said to help and old friend in Kalos they said do you need help he said no but you can come with if you wont they got to Kalos and he found Greninja and saw he was fighting Team flare he told the Others to stay back because I fight these guys before and their tough But with me in greninja we can get rid of them And this time I will not show him mercy He said Greninja stronger together and they became one and he said Greninja use cut on the humans and kill them he did buy they did not die he called officer Jenny and said this is officer ash Ketchum and I need 4 ambulances for the team Flare officer Jenny gave him a Medal

ash got a call from officer Jenny she said we have a Break in the case of Clemont's murderer he said I well be there in 1 hour he told lana and kukui that he would be gone for 8 weeks kukui asked were he was going he said to Kalos to solve my friends murder lana asked if she could go with him he said yes they left to the Kalos he got the killer and took him in ash got a standing ovation Ash got a call from Harper saying that Sarah was in the hospital. He said I would be there in 1 hour. He got there and said who did this harper said team skull he went to a phone and proceeds to dial a number and said I need backup and hung up the phone then ash put on his son's of anarchy Motorcycle jacket and said I well handle them. Harper looks at the jacket closer and saw a vp pach on it the son's got their and they went after team skull and killed them Send went back to the hospital and Harper said, who are they? Ash said they are the sons of anarchy and they are my motorcycle gang and we killed the team skull Harper said thank you and hugged him lana came in and saw ash and hugged and kissed him on the lips ash said team skull are dead one day lana came to school with very long hair Ash asked if she wanted a haircut lana said we can't pay for it anymore hesaid come to me at lunchtime and I will cut your hair for free she said ok at lunchtime she went to him ash said what kind of haircut do you wont he gave her a book of styles she said princes crown style please He did it then she asked him to come to my house after school he said yes he went to her house And her sisters saw her haircut and asked how cut your hair she said ash did they asked him to cut their hair to he said I can and did her mom came home and saw their haircuts and said how cut your hair they said Ash did and it was free of charge ash said I am Practicing to be a hairstyles

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