
Chapter 15

As the spar started, Markus used his Soru to dash at Marco. In response, Marco used a footwork of his own to keep up with Markus. Both of them threw punches simultaneously. Their fists slammed into each other creating a small shockwave that drew the attention of most of the crew. Marco and Markus exchanged punches rapidly, but Marco's fist intercepted every punch thrown by Markus. Both men were using their Observation Haki so for every punch thrown there were dozens not thrown.

This was the first time Markus fought against someone who had full Observation Haki and it was a novel experience. Of course, neither of them was going all out in an attempt to kill the other. It was just a simple spar. Though, Marco was using a bit of Armament Haki to make sure he could actually make physical contact with Markus. He didn't use the full strength of his Armament Haki though, that could easily be seen as his fists didn't blacken.

After they exchanged dozens of blows, they both simultaneously leaped back to take a short break. Marco smiled, "Not bad, kid. It looks like you've got a good understanding of Observation Haki and you're using it pretty proficiently. What about Armament Haki?"

In response, Markus lifted his right hand and clenched it into a fist. Black Armament Hakicoated his entire fist and forearm. Marco whistled lightly, "Impressive. What are you? Eighteen? Nineteen? And you already have such mastery."

Markus ended his Haki and shrugged his shoulders, "Sixteen, actually. But I've been training for pretty much my whole life so..."

Marco nodded, "Makes sense. What about your power? I saw you cleaning the deck so I know you can move fast and that whole thing with your boat was impressive. You don't have to share what you don't want to but some would make coordination easier."

Markus crossed his arms over his chest, "Well, as you would expect from a Logia user, I have full control over my element, which is lightning. I can throw out Lightning Bolts and Lightning Blasts among other things. As far as speed... I think the only person in the world who is currently faster than me would be Kizaru. I know all six forms of the Rokushiki and am proficient in the sword and firearms. So I can fight both at a range and in melee."

Marco nodded, "Impressive. Can you use your power in melee?"

Markus nodded and lifted his fist once more and clenched it. Only this time, sparks of electricity wrapped around his fist. This was a skill he'd been thinking about for a while. He wrapped his fist in high voltage, low amperage electricity. Once someone was struck with it they would be electrocuted and disabled. Essentially, his fist became a taser. He didn't have an official skill for it yet as he'd never used it before, not even in his Image Training. He ended the light show, "Of course I can. Be kind of pathetic if I couldn't."

Marco nodded in agreement. To survive, it was best for people to know how to fight at any range. It was fine to specialize but it was best to know how to fight outside of a specialization. Macro moved into a fighting stance, ready to resume the spar. Markus followed his example and took his own stance. Marco's stance was more refined and looked like a proper martial arts stance while Markus's looked looser and less professional. Markus didn't know a proper martial art. He only had his Brawling and the Rokushiki but the Rokushiki were more like special moves instead of a full martial art.

Marco pushed off and charged at Markus faster than the first time. Markus was barely able to respond in time to block a punch to his face. Marco's speed continued to increase and soon surpassed Markus's base speed. If he used his powers, Markus would be far faster than Marco. Marco's base stats were higher than Markus due to his Zoan type Devil Fruit. That was one of the big bonuses of a Zoan. Even without using any transformations of abilities of the fruit, it still boosted the base attributes of the holder.

Without his lightning to boost his base, Markus ended up on the losing side rather quickly. Marco was far more experienced in combat, stronger, faster, and better trained. Markus's simple brawling was unable to compare to Marco's smooth actions. Within moments, Markus found himself splayed out on the floor with a bloody nose and black eye. Marco wasn't trying to kill him but he definitely showed Markus which of them was more skilled.

Markus wiped the blood from beneath his nose and climbed back to his feet. Marco smiled at him, "You're not bad, kid. You lack some experience but only time can make up for that." He crossed his arms over his chest, "Show me something you can do with your power. Oh, and make it quick. WE'll be diving soon."

Markus looked around and realized they had left Shabaody at some point during the sparring. He'd been so focused on Marco that he couldn't pay much attention to anything else. Markus thought for a bit and walked to the edge of the ship, "Obviously I can do basic things like..."

Markus waved his hand casually and launched a Mastered Lightning Bolt into the ocean. The lightning bolt hit the water and sent up an explosion of water and steam as it struck the ocean's surface. Marco whistled, "Pretty good."

Markus nodded, "But my favorite attack..."

He pulled a cannonball out of his inventory and easily held it in one hand. Sparks shot out of his body and grew thicker as he charged power. He built up energy rapidly and in less than a second he fired off a level 63 Railgun. The cannonball instantly accelerated and cracked the sound barrier sending out a loud shockwave. Markus didn't aim too far out, only about a mile away. When the cannonball stuck the water there was a massive explosion that sent up a towering pillar of water. Everyone watching Markus demonstrate his skills had their mouths hanging open. Even Whitebeard was a little shocked at the sight of the water pillar in the air. A few seconds later the shockwave from the explosion ruffled everyone's hair.

Whitebeard arched an eyebrow as he looked at the explosion. He was rather impressed with what Markus managed to do. From his knowledge, Markus shouldn't have had his power for more than a few months. In that short amount of time, most people would only be able to use the basics of their abilities. Getting to more advanced skills took time and experience, something Markus was sorely lacking. Then there was the thing he did yesterday when mopping the deck. His speed at that time was extremely impressive. Add in the sword hanging from his waist... He found Markus to be a bit of an enigma.

No one else really paid attention to that sword. As an owner of a Saijo O Wazamono himself, Whitebeard had instantly recognized a weapon of the same tier. Two out of the twelve most powerful weapons not resided on his ship. It was improbable that anyone else could claim such a thing. It almost made him want to ask Markus to become one of his sons. He couldn't even guess what Markus's potential was, but he felt it was higher than Ace or even Marco. He felt Markus would be another son that could make him proud. The problem was, Markus was already a member of a crew, and Ace's brother captained that crew. He would never stoop so low as to steal from one of his son's family members.

A few moments later, the Moby Dick began to sink into the ocean. At the same time, a thick bubble of resin surrounded the ship and protected it. Markus watched the whole process with fascination. This was his first time experiencing this. It was an amazing sight. Whitebeard didn't even need to give out any orders. His crew went about their work quickly and efficiently. Markus was the only one standing around not doing anything.

As the ship sunk deeper into the ocean, the surroundings became darker until it was pitch black and the only illumination was provided by lamps around the ship. The lighting was kept minimal due to the lamps using flames and kerosene. Too many of them would burn through the oxygen in the bubble and suffocate the entire crew. Seeing that, Markus decided to give a hand. He looked through his inventory and pulled out a couple of dozen Lamp Dials. He'd collected a bunch of them back in Skypiea and never really used them, until now.

Since the dials had been out in the open in the shop, they'd had plenty of time to store light and were ready to use right away. Markus started pushing the apexes on the shells and setting them up around the ship. The crew watched him curiously and gave him compliments and thanks for the additional lighting. Whitebeard watched him and nodded in approval. Soon the kerosene lamps were extinguished, and the Dials provided all the light.

Whitebeard looked at the Dial Markus set up next to him, "It looks like you've been to Sky Island. Roger told me about that place once." Whitebeard tilted his head back and appeared to be looking a thousand yards away, "He said it was beautiful and full of interesting things. Sadly, I never managed to find my way there."

Markus looked at Whitebeard, who seemed to be lost in the past, "It'd exactly like that. The people are interesting and kind. These Dials are from there and they have so many that they use in their daily lives. This Lamp Dial is just one of many." Markus retrieved a Breath Dial from his inventory, "They even have special boats that use these Breath Dials to push them without sails. My boat uses a stronger version of this called a Jet Dial for propulsion."

Whitebeard held out his hand so Markus dropped the Breath Dial into his massive palm. The Dial was big enough that Markus had to use his whole hand to hold it but for Whitebeard, he had to gingerly hold it with two fingers, and even then he might accidentally crush it. Whitebeard looked over the Dial curiously before pushing the apex. Wind started to blow out of the Dial amusing the old man. He may never have been to Sky Island but he was old and wise. He'd come across a few dials in his journey and only considered them to be curiosities.

"So, you use something like this on that strange boat of yours?"

"Those and my power. I got the idea from Ace's Striker. Only, I have my boat designed to be bigger and faster." Markus grinned happily, "I dare say that my boat is probably the fastest one the seas. At least, as long as I am the one driving it."

"Interesting. So you really met Ace, huh?"

Markus shook his head, "No, I've never met Ace in person. We just missed each other when he ran into Luffy at Alabasta."

Whitebeard gave Markus a probing look, "So you're risking your life to save my son whom you've never met. All just because he'd your captain's brother?"

Markus laughed lightly, "It sounds a little weird when you put it light that but... I'm not really risking my life you know? I've already beaten Aokiji once. Akainu poses no real threat to me at all. He's too slow and I could dice him into cubes in moments. Sengoku... Well, I honestly can't rate him but he shouldn't be able to keep up with my speed at all either. The only two who pose any significant threat to me are old man Garp and Kizaru."

Whitebeard chuckled, "Is that so? I'll give you this, kid. You've got balls."

Markus laughed a little, "Speed is power, after all. The big problem I have is Kizaru. He's living light and his maximum speed should be about three times my maximum speed."

Before they could talk more, Marco walked over and pat Markus on the shoulder, "Alright, enough slacking. Time to do some work."

Markus nodded and gave a little salute to Whitebeard before following Marco into the interior of the ship. Soon they arrived at a big dining area packed with people eating, drinking, singing, and having a good time together. Marco smiled at the sight of his friends blowing off steam and relaxing before putting their lives on the line. Marco kept a grip on Markus's shoulder and led him into the kitchen, "Hey! I brought another pair of hands!"

"Good! Get him on a station, NOW!"

Markus was pushed in front of a grill and handed a large spatula, "Cook the vegetables. Burn 'em and don't blame me for what happens."

Marco grinned playfully and left Markus standing there flabbergasted. He had a cooking skill but it hadn't been leveled much at all. In the few moments he was hesitating, bowls filled with chopped vegetables had begun to pile up next to his station. Markus took a deep breath and got to work. Cooking vegetables wasn't rocket science. He grabbed some oil and used it to lubricate the flat top grill before dumping out a single bowl. Salt and pepper were thrown on to add some flavor.

Flames rose as he stir-fried the vegetables. It was hot grueling work and probably the most work he'd done since becoming a pirate. He really missed Sanji's cooking right about now. He wasn't even sore about Sanji kicking him out of the kitchen anymore. Well, maybe a little. His cooking skill would be higher after all!

Markus worked nonstop for hours doing nothing but cooking vegetables. However, the longer he cooked the better his food began to taste. His skill level was low and the sheer volume of food made it rise rapidly. After a few hours, there were constant demands for more of his food. At the same time, the crew started to get more and more energetic. As he finished a bowl of vegetables, Markus examined them to see what was going on.


Bowl of Vegetables

A basic bowl of simple vegetables cooked by a growing chef. The perfect balance of oil, salt, and pepper gives the vegetables a perfect crisp taste filled with nutrition.

Effect: Revitalizes the eater filling them with energy


Seeing the description of the food he cooked, Markus understood why the people eating it wanted more and were so energetic. His Cooking skill was approaching level twenty already due to the sheer amount of food he cooked. Once it got higher... Was he going to turn into one of those guys that conquered the world with food? Pass!

Thinking about that reminded him of another technique that always turned out to be broken in stories, massage. He didn't have that skill or any real knowledge about giving them. With that being the case, he couldn't learn the skill on his own and would have to buy it. He'd never seen a skill like that in the store so... whatever. He didn't want it anyway.

Markus spent the entire day cooking nonstop and was only given a break after night had fallen. Due to being so deep in the ocean, there was no sun to tell time by but that's what the clock was for. Markus picked the table Marco was at to sit down and relax. Marco was the closest thing he had to a friend on this ship so it was more comfortable than sitting at a table full of strangers.

As he sat down, several plates towered high with food were placed in front of him along with a giant mug of rum. Seeing the flabbergasted look on Markus's face made everyone at the table laugh jovially. Marco slapped Markus on the back while grinning, "EAT! DRINK! SING! DANCE! Have fun! This is what pirates are supposed to do! Because no one knows what tomorrow will hold for us. We have to live in the moment. Party like there's no tomorrow!"

Markus thought about that. Since joining Luffy, he'd known the future so he had no real surprises and nothing to fear. But these men... they didn't know the future. All they knew, right now, was that they were deliberately walking into a trap meant to kill them. All to save one member of their crew. They risked everything for their friend, their family. Markus smiled and started digging into the food with gusto.

He might know a lot but even he wasn't sure how things would change with his involvement in the war. He was going to unleash chaos and destruction on a scale rarely seen. Seeing Markus dig in made everyone laugh and amped up the atmosphere of the party. Markus wasn't really one of them so they remained on guard when he was around. They didn't fear him but they couldn't fully let their guards down for any reason. A single mistake and they would all die.

It took a few mugs, but Markus was pleasantly surprised by the fact that he could get drunk. Even more shocking, he was a happy drunk! The more he drank, the happier he became. He even got the musicians to play Bink's Booze and sang along with a bunch of other men. He ended up grabbing Marco and wrapping his arm around his shoulder to make him sing as well. This got big laughs out of the rest of the crew.

Markus actually drank until he blacked out at a table filled with food and more drinks. The crew laughed at him as he snored, loudly.

"Kid can't hold his booze!"


"Someone drag him to a bunk! His snoring is annoying!"

"Play Bink's Booze again! I love that song!"

Even after Markus passed out, the party continued late into the night. It wouldn't be until the following morning that he learned the true horrors of getting drunk. A lesson he wouldn't soon forget.

Just a self-plug! Read ahead, if you want.

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