
Chapter 46:

They won their second game a lot easier than their first one, as now, the table was looking like this: Ace's team had won 2 games and so had RawrOfDrag's, the other teams had either one win or no wins. This meant that their next game would decide who the winner in the championship was. This was because they were both the best teams, and it was assumed that they would win their next games. However, it was also true that Team 7 had it easier than the other team, they would have to face one of the worst teams of the 5, while Team Drag would have to face the team with the 5 similarly skilled players, it was supposed that they would win, but an upset could always happen.

This meant that it could also turn out to a point where three teams had 3 wins, which would mean there would be a three-way tie. Ace however, hoped that did not happen since he just wanted to finish. He had gotten bored and just wanted to play more challenging games with his streamer squad.

They loaded into a game, the map chosen this time was Presidential Plane. This was a very interesting match as most of the time it ended with a fuckfest at the entrance doors. The defenders would rush out to try and catch the attackers off-guard while the attackers would wait for the defenders to come out. It all ended as a shooting contest where each team would always have one or two players that would die. It was pretty much assumed that a defender would go out into the open, so there was usually one player charged with killing that defender. In this case, it was Ace.

They were playing attackers first, tough luck since the other team excelled at defense. Ace would play Glaz, and peek through the windows of the plane, if possible killing any enemies that could be spotted. The rest would come in through the cockpit of the plane, they were running an Ash, Thermite, Montagne combo with a Thatcher just in case.

They would have to ensure to open all the doorways so that the Montagne could have a straight access to the bomb. If even one of the players was caught from the back, especially if it was Harris on Thermite, it would put a sizable dent in the plan. Preferably, it would be Abby on Ash that died since Thatcher also had breach charges.

As they spawned in, it was a basic layout, Ace waited for an enemy to appear while the rest began to enter. Like clockwork, a Jager came out, dying from a shot to the head before he even knew what had happened. Ace moved to another position and looked through the windows. He spotted the flash of yellow that told him an enemy was there, and so waited. After about half a minute of waiting, the rest of the team were already some ways inside the plane, and Ace saw an enemy run through the hallway he could see into.

He aligned the sites and with two shots to the chest the enemy died. He would have tried for a headshot but it was safer to do it this way, plus, a kill was a kill.

After this, he made his way inside, toggling his scope of, to reveal a simple reflex sight. He aimed down the hallway and checked the room to his left. The bomb was on the cargo hold on the floor at the bottom. He went down the stairs, right into a suspecting enemy, Ace quickly aimed down sights and shot the enemy, but not before over half of his health was taken. Ace thanked the gods for his quick reflexes and his enemy's poor aim. He had shot at his legs, which allowed him to kill him with a headshot before he killed him.

Ace quickly threw two smoke grenades, one at each side, and toggled his sniper sight. He now just aimed at the hallway, even if he knew no one would come. The only players left were the two anchors, but the rest of the team had already made their way to the bombs and with four of them and two defenders, it should be a relatively easy take.

Ace held his position, ensuring that no enemy would come and flank, he was not expecting anyone to come, and effectively, no one did.

S1k on Montagne went in first, he checked the corners to ensure no one was hidden, and went into the room after throwing the smokes. He went into a corner and standing with his view to the wall, began to plant the diffuser. It worked without a hitch, but before he could celebrate, Harris died. Abby went outside of the room but it had not been from behind. S1k extended his shield and simply protected the bomb. He spotted an enemy and pinged it while also giving the call out. Abby saw him but he had backed away before she could shoot. She went into the room, crouching on the opposite corner to the bomb, and waiting to see if anyone would come in, and effectively, someone did.

The Doc came in, and Abby let out an extended burst to his chest, he had shot himself with the stim guna and had more than the usual health, nevertheless, he died. As Abby was reloading, Drag came out from the same hallway and shot her, she was now dead. Nevertheless, S1k gave the call out and Juan came out from one of the pillars in the middle of the room and killed him with a burst to the torso. And with that, they won the first round.

The next round was simpler yet harder, Ace was only able to catch one defender off guard, but as he went in, he was able to kill another, the rest of the team running smoothly as well and planting the diffuser without much resistance.

The next round however, they lost. No one came out at the end and as Ace broke the barricade, they pre-fired his entrance and killed him. After that, it all went South, they got flanked and Juan died to it, even if Abby got the revenge kill. They kept on advancing, but S1k triggered a Kapkan mine that damaged him heavily and he then died to the subsequent shots. Harris died as well as he came in, and while Abby still managed to kill another, she was quickly surrounded and died as well.

After this round, they swapped roles, and it went without a hitch for them, Ace peaked both rounds and managed to get two kills on the first one and one on the second, without dying both rounds. They would then hard anchor the bomb and wait for the attachers to come. A 'sweaty' tactic that still managed to win them the next three rounds and the game.

Once they finished, they all cheered together, they knew that they had most likely just won the tournament, of course, it was not assured but unless they made a lot of bad mistakes, it should be pretty easy, and indeed it was. In fact, it was a massacre. Boosted by adrenaline, they won five rounds in a row, and only died as a team 3 times.

They had now won the tournament, and with his teammates still cheering on the mike, and his phone exploding with notifications,Ace went to have some food.

He came back two minutes later with a pizza on a plate. He had ordered it once they had begun the game and it had arrived, he picked up a Coke from his fridge to the side, and laid back on his chair, gorging himself on bacon, dough and a lot of fatness.


After the extensive interviews in which the most pertinent question was: "Will you do a face reveal?", Ace was shattered.

The interviews tired him out much more than the games did.

He also understood the questions however, they wished to know more about the guy who had just slammed all of his opponents, all the others had pictures on their I-Grams, it was only Ace who was surrounded by a veil of mystery, and so they wished to find out who he was.

Ace of course answered them in as a vague manner as he could, he had been inbred for this purpose, so traversing through the land of interviews and media attention was not exactly hard, he knew what to say and when to say it, and no interviewer could one-up him, but that did not mean he was tired.

After accepting a last question and giving as honest an answer as he could, Ace wished them all a good day and left the call.

He then checked his phone, he had exploded on social media, and he assumed that the next stream he did would probably have a lot more viewers than he could possibly imagine, he was looking forward to it.

Today's chapter, and with that the tournament is done and we can progress again on some of the less pertinent storylines. I am also unsure as to how much his popularity should grow at this point, so if you have any suggestions, please write them in the comments and I will take a look at them.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and are having a wonderful day.

_Insidious_creators' thoughts
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