
Chapter 67: Force

Alexander was standing in the lobby of the hotel with his supposed mother, waiting for the guards to arrive. Alexander know knew another condition for conquest via king's might to happen. The king must be on the ground for the conquest to happen. The hotel in which Alexander and his people were staying in was build on the rooftop of massive skyscraper which was at least 500 floors high. Alexander was waiting for their escorts to arrive so that he could leave for the ground floor. Alexander decided to have a normal tour of the planet as he had no downtime for 13 months. The guards arrived after 5 minutes and Alexander left for the tour. Alexander toured the entire Gromas for few hours and when he was standing in front of the museum, he decided to that it was now time to return to the role of the conqueror.

Alexander let his king's might permit all the planet except the places with the Jedi presence. Alexander sensed as all the Jedi became alert simultaneously. Alexander listened on the conversation between two Jedi Knights and came to know that the force on the planet had stilled and the feeling the Jedi got was that, the force was waiting in anticipation for something. Alexander quickly claimed the planet and the force itself rejoiced according to the Jedi present. Alexander was perplexed with this reaction of force but as he had not opened himself to the force, he was not sure of the reason. Alexander decided that he would open up himself to force on his starship after leaving Gromas.

Alexander scanned the whole planet for the Phrik and found that the deposits of the metal was deep underground and there was millions of tons of Phrik on Gromas but the difficulty of mining and processing Phrik was so great that the annual output was in few hundred tons of metal. Alexander watched as the Jedi present on Gromas gathered together and Alexander taking advantage of the situation conquered the previously unclaimed parts of the planet. Alexander watched as the Jedi contacted The High Council on Coruscant and reported the events. The High Council told them that they didn't sense anything from the force. Alexander let out a sigh of relief and decided to leave Gromas after one week.

Alexander didn't want to get overwhelmed by the amount of force present in the galaxy so he changed his plans. Alexander went to the nearest habitable planet and claimed it as a part of his kingdom. Alexander established the realm gate inside a cave and put the starship under fidelus and put the crew to sleep. Alexander returned back to his kingdom and shifted to his garden. Alexander sat down in meditation and started to slowly connect with the force present in his kingdom. When the connection was established, Alexander was able to sense every living thing present in his kingdom. Alexander sensed the ants working on their colonies, the various predators hunting their prey, the people of his kingdom going with their daily lives and their emotions, the Ballastians training with their teachers, etc. Alexander was able to sense everything that had life. Every living being left an echo in force of their emotions and actions.

Alexander was able to sense the plants and the forests, the cycle of life that was taking place on microscopic level as millions of life forms died and millions were being born every minute. Alexander slowly let go of his inhibitions and completely merged with the force. It was a surreal expression. He and the force were one. It was at this moment that he was truly one with his kingdom and it's people. A bond had formed between him and his kingdom at a level that was beyond the bloodline of King. Alexander didn't know the time for which he had been one with the force but he finally understood one thing that force was neutral, it was balanced.

Alexander came out of his trance, feeling as if all the burdens he had placed on himself were removed. His mind and soul were calm as the surface of a lake but his resolve to get stronger had strengthened. Alexander wanted to reach the apex so that the happenings of the multiverse don't effect him anymore so that he could live his new life as his wanted. Alexander knew that if he reached the apex, he would not be able to interfere in lower realms but he was not concerned.

Alexander knew that he was not some sort of protagnist who would bring happiness to the multiverse. He was only a normal human boy in his previous life, who got another chance of life because a cosmic entity thought him as a possible source of entertainment. Alexander had no delusions of grandeur that he would change the entire existence. There was already a system of management present in the multiverse which was probably as old as existence itself. Alexander knew that all the sufferings or happiness experienced in life didn't matter after death as the soul gets purified regardless of their past deeds and again, thrown into the cycle of life and death. It was only in the higher level worlds that karma matters as the soul is capable of influencing the world on higher level. As all of this was quite distant for him, Alexander returned back to his Force meditation.

It took Alexander four days before he completely adjusted to Force. Using force was a very disconcerting experience but it was a beautiful experience. Alexander returned back to star wars world and started his meditation in front of the realm gate. Alexander didn't try to connect to the force on galactic level but first tried to connect to the force present on this planet. Alexander had become somewhat proficient in connecting with force so he was able to easily connect with the planet.

The amount of force present on this small planet was more than the amount of force present in his kingdom. Alexander then slowly started to increase the range of his connection from planet to solar system; solar system to sub-sector; sub-sectors to sector and so on till he was able to connect to the force present all over the galaxy. The Jedi were right that the galaxy was trimming with life, this was the most amount of lifeforms that he had ever sensed in his life, from the desert planets to the lush forests, life was everywhere in some form but they did not comment on the other part of the equation, where there is life, there is death. The death was silent, it was not shining brightly like life but in the background of the light emitted by life, there was the looming presence of death. The cycle of life and death was the only thing that was constant in the galaxy.

Alexander sensed the state of the denizens of the galaxy, surprisingly the people living in the outer rim were more happy than the ones living in the core worlds. They lived and died simple lives and were completely happy with their lot in the lives. Alexander sensed that it was not because that they didn't have any ambitions in life, it was because they had become accustomed to the oppression and were simply finding the joy in the life where ever they could. They were simple people who only wanted their stomachs to be full and their families to be whole.

The people belonging to the core were generally ambitious and wanted to achieve more. It was not that they were not happy, they were just more concerned with materialistic thoughts. They also had families and cared for them on some level. Alexander just saw that the people in core worlds tended to run so much behind their ambitions that they forget about what truly matters in the end, their family. Alexander observed the lives of people of the galaxy and just let himself go in the force. His fears of becoming one with the force were baseless as his magic protected his soul from getting lost and when his magic was nearly exhausted, he would be pulled back from his trance.

Alexander could sense the whole galaxy from unknown regions to the arms of the galaxy, Alexander was able to sense them all. From the Chiss to the remenants of Rakata living primitive lives on Lehon in the unknown regions; from the outer planets of the outer rim to the core worlds. Alexander was also able to sense the bases and space stations made by the various unsavory characters in the vast and desolate reaches of space. Alexander marked them all for future attack. Alexander slowly came out of his trance and found himself surrounded by a few armoured people. Alexander using his rudimentary control over force flung them away.

Alexander was going to do a follow up attack but he saw the faces of the people surrounding him and realised that they were his bodyguards from his kingdom. Alexander asked them about their presence and came to know that it had been two weeks since he had went into meditation and it was a crew member who had after waking up from his slumber, had entered the realm gate out of curiosity and had nearly lost his life to the maze. It was the patrol guards who rescued and interrogated him and then, the royal bodyguards were sent out to protect Alexander. Alexander apologised for his actions and ordered the crew to prepare for their journey back to Daul. His stint as a close relative of the chairman has now come to an end. It was time to proceed to the next step of his plan.


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