
Chapter 184: Required Question-2

The question was so confusing that it made people think that since it was called Arabic numerals, it must have been invented by Arabs. The audience also talked about it, trying to say Arabs invented it, but they also thought that if it was the answer, it would be too simple to be a question.

Sophia wrote on the answer board: ancient Indians.

Time is up. Contestants stopped writing.

Clarence smiled and said, "If I were one of you, I'd say Arabs. What do you think, Louie?"

"Well, since the question was like that, it can't be Arabs, although I don't know the answer," said Louie.

"Well, please show your answer board."

All the contestants put out the boards in their hands at the same time.

Sure enough, two contestants wrote "Arabs," and others wrote different answers. Only one of the eight contestants, besides Sophia and Ada, wrote "ancient Indians."

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