
Whats special today


Ji Yun was in the kitchen , making coffee for Heyeon Jun .

Ji Yun looked over her shoulder as she felt someone was looking at her . She sensed someone's presence behind her but there was no one . All of a sudden when she looked back up she gasped as she held her chest . Heyeon Jun was standing beside her with a grin .

How slick was his move actually , that she didn't even notice it . She blinked several times and only gained back her senses when he chuckled. Ji Yun closed her eyes lightly for a few seconds controlling the urge to smack him . She sighed . And when she opened her eyes she met Heyeon Jun's which were shining with amusement and intensity. There were many emotions dancing in them .

Ji Yun couldn't pinpoint what kind of weirdness his gaze held . She blinked again and asked ,"I was just coming to give you your coffee sir , here it is." She looked down at the coffee avoiding his gaze .

Heyeon Jun tapped the tip of her nose ,"You were surprised ?" Ji Yun frowned ,"Yes but whats with you ?" Heyeon Jun smiled ,"Something." Ji Yun scoffed ,"Stop acting like a Cute guy." Heyeon Jun laughed lightly before he left leaving a dumbfounded Ji Yun behind .

She tilted her neck various times in different angles with a weird expression. What the fuck just happened?

She sighed and looked at her wrist watch , its already 7 pm . A long way to go .. they are working overtime on the first day ! Shit !

She scrolled through her phone and seeing Xia Ri's text she quickly replied . She smiled at her text . She felt happy now that she finally has a sister , even if its her half sister . She was greatful.


Heyeon Jun stretched his neck lightly. He needs a massage , a good one . He feels tired and hungry . He should head back home .

Checking the time he sighed , 11 pm. Casually getting up and picking up his coat he walked out of his office .

Heyeon Jun entered Ji Yun's office without knocking cause he was the boss ! As soon as he opened the door his eyes landed on Ji Yun's slender figure . Her head resting on her folded arms on the desk . He sighed , this little lazy bum !

Ji Yun was sleeping soundly on her desk . She didn't actually care cause she was done with today's work and felt tired . Heyeon Jun stepped closer and looked at her cute little face . She looked like a kid when she slept .

He blinked as a feeling of deja vu flashed through his mind . He smiled realizing that he had actually witnessed the same situation back in the country.

He sighed and patted her shoulder,"Ji Yun , wake up !" Ji Yun didn't move . So he raised his voice repeating same words and shaking her slightly.

Ji Yun stired up and looked at him . She blinked lightly,"I am sleepy." She rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand . Heyeon Jun rolled his eyes ,"Get up now !" Ji Yun blinked at this and quickly stood up . Heyeon Jun noticed that her hair were left open and were pushed on one side . He didn't even think before he turned her around and gathered all her hair brushing his fingers against her skin.

Unkwon to him Ji Yun was surprised af and blushed as she felt tingles run down her spine . She gulped ,"What are you doing ?" Heyeon Jun sighed ,"Pass me a rubber band." Ji Yun blinked and quickly passed him a band which was on her wrist .

He pulled her hair slightly and then he slowly pulled and pushed them through the rubberband and tied them In a secured ponytail.

He smiled in satisfaction,"Ah , See its even better that the one you do everyday , I never knew I was so good at doing hairs."

Ji Yun rolled her eyes turning around to look at him ,"You have been doing my hairs from past week , stop acting cool."

Heyeon Jun ignored her and quickly stepped out and Ji Yun follwed him quickly picking up her purse and switching off the lights before leaving the floor.


Ji Yun smiled lightly as she looked at the food . It has been long since she made a nice actual home made dish and this aunt had magin in her hand and the food tasted so much better . Heyeon Jun was quietly eating his food . She looked at him and met his gaze . She blinked casually and looked away . She failed to notice the slight smirk .

Heyeon Jun and Ji Yun then again continued with their work in study and they were feeing quite tired but since they had to complete the work till tomorrow, they needed to work all night so Ji Yun decided to make some coffee and midnight snack .

Around 3 am she entered the office again with coffee . Her eyes landed on Heyeon Jun who was sleepinh on the couch with his head leaning back and arms crossed in front. Ji Yun rolled her eyes and took a seat beside him she sipped her coffee not waking him up and just then did she realize , he had long completed his part . She was the one whose work was left .

She decided not to wake him up and instead bought a blanket to cover him up . He seemed not to mind and even placed his head on her shoulders after some time drifting to sleep . Ji Yun was not feeling sleepy and tired because of strong effect of coffee . She finished all her work and finalized everything in the file .

After about an hour her eyes started to droop . She just has two hours to sleep. She thought so and just went to sleep like that leaning her head back on the couch . Heyeon Jun wrapped an arm around her and soon they switched positions where Ji Yun rested her head on his chest and crumpled up like a kid . Where as Heyeon Jun had an arm wrapped around her with his head leaning back on the slush couch .

[couch here is that Squishy leather couch that are comfortable to sleep not any other sofa type. lol.]


Heyeon Jun opened his eyes around 6 am habitually.

[He woke up late than usual but its ok .. he was tired. Lol]

Heyeon Jun looked at Ji Yun and sighed , its the third time they were sleeping like this . He didn't know why it didn't feel awkward anymore . He smiled and just looked at her sleeping face for sometime . He knew one thing clearly that Ji Yun has been working till late so she might be tired .

He soothed her hair and with his hand and slowly removed her head from his chest and placed it on the couch as he swiftly got up . Ji Yun was still sleepy so he left her there covered with the blanket . Couch was comfortable enough for a nice sleep.

He left the study with a smile and hit the gym which gave him energy and stamina for the day . He didn't bother about her and simply got ready to head downstairs. His mind was currently free and his mood was really great since yesterday. He didn't know why ? But he was just happy.

Heyeon Jun was reading a magazine when he heard clicking of heels on the marble floor . He looked up , his eyes landed on Ji Yun dressed in a black off shoulder dress which hugged her figure and ended right above her knees. Her black long coat hanging on her arm . Her hair pushed on one side as her red lipstick highlighted her full lips. She looked beautiful. Her eyes blinked lightly as she stepped down the stairs carefully.

Heyeon Jun opened his mouth but no words came out . He was speechless . She looked gorgeous. She really looked gorgeous. He just stared at her as for him time seemed to slow down. He gulped .

Ji Yun blinked and cleared her throat ,"What happened? Do I look that good?" Heyeon Jun scoffed . She chuckled and took a seat beside him as Aunty started serving breakfast. Ji Yun placed her coat on the chair beside her . She started filling her plate and Habitually served Heyeon Jun. who didn't seem to mind at all . He was still staring at her .

Ji Yun really felt uncomfortable now . She looked up and snapped ,"Stop staring!" Heyeon Jun blinked and looked away but he was really In an awe seeing her wearing red Lipstick for the first time and it seemed to suit her really well.

Her red lips were seeking attention but instead of having pervert thoughts he was just amazed to see her look beautiful as hell . Whats special , She usually doesn't dress up like this? She even put on slight makeup. He wanted to ask but he saved it for later .


Heyeon Jun looked at Ji Yun ,"Whats special today." Ji Yun looked out of the Car as she smiled ,"Its mom's death anniversary." Heyeon Jun was taken a back . He blinked and before he could say something Ji Yun said in a low voice ,"Its Ok , You Don't need to feel sad or bad for me."

Heyeon Jun just blinked and looked at her whereas Ji Yun just avoided his gaze looking out .


It has been a long day where Ji Yun and Heyeon Jun finally cracked a multi million project deal and then they celebrated with a simple dinner with their partner .

Heyeon Jun was sitting in his study where the thoughts of Ji Yun were bugging him . He was really worried of her . It was her mother's anniversary. She might be sad . They were home early by 10 pm today so he decided to check on her once to settle his heart .

He quickly walked to her room and knocked on the door . He didn't get any reply so he tunred the door knob and opened the door slowly. He saw Ji Yun sitting by the balcony with her legs pressed against her chest . Her head rested on her knees as she looked sad .

Heyeon Jun sighed and walked up to her,"Ji Yun." He called softly . Ji Yun didn't reply but just stared out of the balcony .

Heyeon Jun sighed and squated down placing a hand on her shoulder,"Ji Yun." He called again . This time Ji Yun simply looked back at him with her sad eyes and hugged him . She didn't cry , she was just sad . She closed her eyes as she hugged him ,"I just need someone for sometime."

Heyeon Jun didn't say anything but just scopped her up in his arms and walked to the bed and he placed her down but seeing she had no intentions to let him go even for a couple of seconds he just sighed and himself got in bed covering both of them with duvet .

He simply soother her hair until she fell asleep . Her lonely and sad eyes made Heyeon Jun wonder how can someone be ao strong? She was his little worrior .

He smiled and looked at her peaceful sleeping face which made him feel settled . He again tucked her in the bed and left after he was sure she was finally asleep.


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Long chapter , hope you enjoy . Sorry for typos if there are any and also do comment what you think . Love love

theunknownsoulcreators' thoughts
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