
The alliance meeting (hell) {old}

Drake then removed two of the books from the table and put a small pouch on the table

Drake: Well let's start with the least priority of answers and I forgot this one I want answers from both the heaven and the devil's faction

Michael: And what would that be

Drake: the incident with cleria Belial and Masaomi Yaegaki

Sirzechs: what about it Drake san

Drake : *smiles * just reveal the truth and show your cowardness sirzechs

Serafall: Drake Chan please don't pressure him too much

Drake: OK since you are pleading me to do it I will let it go this time Sera Chan, well then let's move on to the next topic shall we,

Drake then puts his hands on one of the books and forwards it on the middle of the table

Drake: this book contains all the information and notes about all the experiments that the naberius conducted

Rias: wait isn't that the house koneko was taken from

Drake: rias do you know why kuroka was labelled as a stray

Rias: that was because she got power-hungry due to senjitsu right

Drake : *laughs * I can't believe that you came up this bullshit sirzechs

Serafall: what do you mean Drake chan

Drake: well it's not senjitsu that was driving her crazy in fact senjitsu when practised gives you a calm feeling and makes you one with the nature, it was the devil side that was affecting her

Rias: but why are you talking about this

Drake: well that's because do you know what species koneko belongs to

Rias: nekomata

Drake: close, she is the last remaining survivors of the nekusho species

Michael: what

Drake: let me reveal what truly happened

Koneko and kuroka's mother fell in love with a human man who was working under the naberius family after having the kids the man betrayed their mother and sent the girls to the naberius family after killing his own lover the girls were experimented upon for a while but when the family head provoked kuroka while saying that he would use koneko as the test subject after breaking kuroka she snapped and killed everyone except her sister who was found by your brother

All of the people present inside the room started to look at sirzechs in disgust

Drake: and instead of seeing through what actually happened, not to mention that he still has the diary which is kept with koneko that has the notes of experiments he decided to hide it and labelled kuroka as a stray and wiped out the entire nekusho race leaving kuroka and koneko as the sole survivors of the race who were turned into devil's wiping out the race

Rias: why did you do that oni Chan

Sirzechs: it would have been a lot of pressure from the council

Drake: Then let me ask this what would happen if I send these notes to yasaka and Amaterasu, its obvious that they will wage war

Serafall: please don't do that Drake Chan instead we will give you compensation

Drake: well since you want me to look over it then kill every member of the naberius family and remove all the charges from kuroka

Sirzechs: we can remove the charges but killing the family will be too much

Drake: you are in no position to speak, you say you are a devil King and have the power of a superclass yet are a coward puppet of the devil council

Serafall: please Drake Chan

Drake: Well then how about this I want their name to be removed from the 72 pillars of hell

Sirzechs: that can-

Serafall : *glares at sirzechs *I will make sure that they do it

Drake: good that brings me to the final topic and that would be this but for that, I would require the presence of ajuka Beelzebub

Serafall *calls*: ajuka Chan please come here it's important

A man with green hair and blue eyes came out of the circle

Ajuka: why did you call me serafall can't you be in the meeting

Drake: I was the one to call you

Ajuka looked at his Side to see Drake holding a pouch

Drake: here you should know what this is

Drake throws the pouch at ajuka

As ajuka opens the pouch the three maous get very surprised at the contents

A red coloured chess piece that resembled the king piece

Ajuka: where did you get this

Drake: roygun belpahgor

Ajuka: but the production of these was stopped and they were destroyed

Drake: Well, well looks like the maous don't know what happens behind their back, the piece is still used by the top players due to the influence of the council

Ajuka: I will look to the matter

Drake: I hope you can make things clear and I would like to apologise in advance

Ajuka: but why Drake San

Drake: that is because in the future you might lose a cousin

Ajuka thinks about it for a moment then speaks

Ajuka: it is not my responsibility as a devil King to look at my relatives and favour them

Drake: at least one of the Kings has some decency and brains

Ajuka: well I will leave now

As soon as ajuka left the entire room shook

Drake: Well, well it seems that someone activated poor gasper sacred Gear by force

Rias: what

Vali: I don't know why everyone else was not frozen except for the ones with the special abilities

Drake: that because If I am present the concepts of time and space don't matter


Well that's it for today

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