
Meeting with an angel {old}

Drake: so why are you here again

Akeno: I am here to guide you Drake sama

Drake: you do know that I have the ability to manipulate space right

Akeno: yes

Drake: OK then lead the way

Akeno: ah, but why is Asuna San coming along

Drake: that's because I told her to

Akeno: OK *sad*

{some shrine in the middle of nowhere}

Drake: OK now I am a little pissed

Asuna: what happened, master

Drake: we are at a random shrine in the middle of nowhere, I mean why

Akeno (shrine priestess uniform): it's because I am a shrine priestess

Drake: oh and where is your mom

Shuri: you found me

Drake: you lived in my dimension for months it's easy to figure stuff out

Shuri: but still

Drake: well we are going off-topic here, where is our archangel

A bright light started to appear in the middle of the room which immediately stopped

Drake: dude I was asleep for 12 hours straight after my saw marathon, woke up mostly half-blind, don't you dare try to get me full blind

??? : oh, I would like to apologise for that

A man with twelve golden wings and a golden robe with blond hair appeared out of the light

Drake: yeah Michael no problem but don't show off with those lights it's annoying sometimes

Michael: well it's not my fault if there are more then one angels it usually occurs but even though if I was alone I could have controlled it

Darke: hold it, you said you brought someone with you

A woman with curly blond hair and twelve angel wings came from behind Michael

Drake: 'oh yeah, of course, its Gabriel' and what pleasure do I owe you Gabriel san

Michael: Well it was supposed to be me that gives you Ascalon but when my sister heard about it she wanted to meet you because she is a fan of your manga

Drake: OK, nice to meet you and next time come over to my house because it's not in the middle of nowhere *stares at Michael *

Shuri: sorry about that Drake San

Michael: sorry I did not know of a better place to meet you

Drake: you have Azazel's contact, could have asked the yoki faction or literally call me and yet you did not do any of that, OK enough of that because I have some matters that I will discuss when the alliance meet comes up so I will save some for later

Gabriel: etto~ Drake sensei can I get an autograph *gives him her limited edition copy*

Drake: Drake's fine Gabriel san *signs and returns it ' here also you can give the sword to my maid here

Michael: as you wish Drake San

Michael then summons the Ascalon which starts to illuminate the entire area which is again stopped

Drake : *stares at Michael * the next time you do it I will bash your head into a wall

Michael : *sweatdrops * sorry Michael san

Drake: Asuna accept the sword with your gauntlet

Asuna then makes the gauntlet appear

Michael: Oh my, who would have thought that this generation's red dragon empress would be your maid

Drake: she is also one of my fiancés, and it would have been much better for her to have the blade then me I got much stronger weapons

Asuna then except the sword

Michael: Drake San I would like you to return the Excalibur fragments to the church

Drake: don't wanna, and besides it better with whom it currently is because she is the rightful owner of those swords

Michael: wait are you the reason for the disappearance of the soul of King Arthur

Drake: well that's for you to find out during the alliance meet, well I am leaving now

Akeno and Shuri: wait for Drake San we need to talk to you

Drake: OK well we can talk

Michael: well its time for me to leave we will meet again at the meet and I am hoping for some answers

Drake: so will I, chaio

Micheal and Gabriel disappear after that

Drake: Asuna you go home I want to talk with them alone

Asuna: as you wish Drake, and don't be late your already tired

Drake: bye, love you

Asuna leaves

Drake: speak up


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