
Chapter 204- Officially starts and another song


The decision to gain control over the world wasn't something that just appeared out of nowhere, nor is it one of carelessness.

It started with the Dursleys, when he saw the ugliness of the world for the first time, as while he had a past life, he couldn't remember it at all.

If the Dursleys made him truly understand the cruelty of man kind, than his parents' death made him see the unfairness of the world.

After that he saw the preferential treatment people give Marcus and the way everyone treat Slytherin, saw how humans don't care for anyone other than themselves and how the difference in treatment in everything was depended on people's blood status, and their family reputation.

Honestly, for a certain point he has no problems with the whole pureblood movement nor the muggleborn resistance.

People should be proud of their ancestors accomplishments and equal opportunities to all is important.

He even understand the need for a war to happen, this is the way of the world, people fight and kill each other to advance.

What Harry didn't like is the way the two sides managed to make most of the deaths unnecessary.

After reading the history of the first British wizarding war and remembering anything he could about the second from the books Harry could see that most of the deaths weren't of fighters, but of civilians, and even more- of muggles.

Whether it's by torture, muggle hunting or casualties of a fight, while Wizards had death in the first war of about 420 people, the ordinary prime had deaths in the 10s of thousands.

Again, Harry had no problem with death, but senseless killing? That's just stupid and all it really took is one muggle who is aware of magic and is both smart enough and fearful enough of magic to expose magic to the world, and while Wizards can win, the destruction it will unleash on the world is too much.

Controlling the world is the easiest way to prevent this destruction, as by the calculations of GUY, if he can't control the magical people, by 2014 the Wizards vs muggle war will begin.

There is also this one bonus to controlling the world.

Destroying Dumbledore and the Potters.

Harry used to consider his end game revenge as killing them, instead, he will strip them off their honor and have them watch as they are forgotten while they rot away, maybe in Azkaban.

Of course, ruling the world is way to much work for one person and extremely boring, which is why Harry needed loyal soldiers by his side.

The purebloods have been taught since young age how to manage property, manners, and other things the wealthy need, making them, with a training of his own to prepare them as a bonus, the perfect administers to actually rule once the world is under his control.

He would create a fake identity to each of them in the muggle world, than, with enough mind magic and the charisma they have, will insert them to positions of power in the muggle government.

All of that is going to happen once the war is over, as to minimize the resistance of the other sides who will weaken each other.

As for his plans for the world?

The world will continue with having countries, wars and difficulties, with his standing behind it as the hidden emperor to make sure no human destroys it while continuing study magic and science, using that to help the world improve and for both scientists and Wizards to study the knowledge He release as well to get their results added to his knowledge.

As Harry looked at Azkaban after leaving it, he couldn't help but smile, as he knew that the war officially starts now.


With duels in the new dueling arena became the new hype, more and more arithmency rules have been either confirmed or modified, and Harry didn't have much to do during that time so instead He spent his time on different things.

With his blacksmithing reaching the third level by his creation of SWOR, for every creation of that level and beyond he needs to study the laws of the world and mimic them.

SWOR was created after studying the knowledge Wizards had on the spiritual world, Occlumency, and getting experience in that by getting inside Nagini's spiritual realm.

The room is a spiritual world of its own, though without any rules, which is why making the AI use it as his own spiritual realm is easy.

As Harry studied many things, his ability to create many different artifacts could be considered top level as long as it isn't something truly special.

As he studied biology and magical martial arts (though only in theory) He managed to create a device that stimulate workout without you actually doing things.

As he studied chemistry and transfiguration, he created a device that can do transfigurations and conjuring on its own as long as you put enough materials in it.

By combining biology, chemistry and Herbiology, he created a room that can stimulate all kinds of plant life forms to grow faster and at any season.

Every day of the week after Azkaban's breakout, when not in class or with his friends, he created a device, till, he was stump by one device that he couldn't create with his knowledge- the stimulant learning headset.

This device was the one he was planing to use on his soldiers, and his inability to create it stumped his plans, so he could only have Voldemort keep all of them in their magically induced coma while also feed them nutrition potion to bring them to full health as he started studying the mind.

Studying the mind required him working on Legimancy as his inability to understand the mind is caused by his inexperience with it.

As it felt like a good idea, he started using it on Marcus as a way to cause him headaches as Harry practiced, while sneaking in to the Gryffindor dormancy and putting a sleep curse on him that let Harry control his dreams, using them to make his twin in nothing but blood think he has connection to Voldemort.

While he started studying the mind in detail, his friends and him prepared a new song for their band.

It was dinner when the illusions appeared as planed.

It was always fun to see how people react in excitement to seeing Voldemort appearing before them.

Without saying anything beforehand, Tom immediately started singing.

"After winning Triwizard, he sat at home, alone

They said he is crazy, and you-know-who is gone

I will show them! Marcus said

Everybody will be sad

When they see, the dark lord, is back!"

The image of Tom was disordered and transformed into Marcus as the other three took different forms as well.

Bellatrix changed to Hermione Granger, Severus changed to Seamus Finnigan, and Lucius changed to Cornelius Fudge.


Learning defense in secret, 'cause Fudge a moron

Once the war starts, its game on

You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot

And you haven't got a clue

Voldemort, in a second, will kill you!

I'm never gonna believe this shit (Fudge)

You are mental (Finnigan)

Boy, are they fools or just dumb? (Granger)

This guy's got 'em all to die (Marcus)

Hope they won't see right through me(Fudge)

You one day will need to defend

Be prepared (everyone)

We must be quick as a running rat (Marcus)

Be prepared (everyone)

And know your spells like aurors (Marcus)

Be prepared (everyone)

With all the strength of Wizard kind (Marcus)

We will beat the dark side (Marcus)


Time is racing toward us till the war arrives

Join forces together and you might survive

From 11 to 18 years old

You are taught how to spell

So you should, be able, to prevail!

Be prepared (everyone)

We must be quick as a running rat (Marcus)

Be prepared (everyone)

And know your spells like aurors (Marcus)

Be prepared (everyone)

With all the strength of Wizard kind (Marcus)

We will beat the dark side (Marcus)

Be prepared (everyone)

We must be quick as a running rat (Marcus)

Be prepared (everyone)

And know your spells like aurors (Marcus)

Be prepared (everyone)

With all the strength of Wizard kind (Marcus)

We will beat the dark side (Marcus)"

Harry couldn't help but laugh as he looked at the Golden four trying to understand who told of their little group by looking at the faces of each member of their army, not realizing they just reveal by their look who is with them.

It is truly great being the one with the foreknowledge.

I hope this explained better what Harry meant when saying emperor and soldiers

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

DAFRcreators' thoughts
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