
Chapter 105: I Want to be with You Part 2

~Back to Kyle Pov

Meanwhile, when the girls were chatting I traveled outside of the White Castle.

Night had already fallen.

The last radiance of the sun vanished underneath the horizon, only to be replaced by the darkness that enfolded the world. The clouds drifting in the air were also smeared in a dark hue.

Looking at the night sky I couldn't help but heave a sigh. Blinking I appeared on the rooftop of White Castle. I lay down with my hands folded behind my head as I stared blankly at the heavens above, whenever I'm troubled I would stare at the stars in the night sky.

Currently, I'm troubled, recalling my past memories, especially the memories of my childhood I couldn't help but feel bitter. As far I remember I never knew who my parents were. I was what people call an orphan, I grew in the slum fighting for food until the day I knew I had a talent for cultivation. Embarking on the road of cultivation my life changed, I became powerful, some say that I was a genius, I knew that somehow my body was special.

''Sigh! Thinking about it now, it was indeed fishy once I started cultivating my road was too smooth as if I had something sealed inside me. Well, I still died at their hands, though. Encountering Emea had been one of the happiest moments of my life back then. I managed to get her to accept dinner with me after numerous attempts. She was too stubborn and too hard to approach back then.''

Thinking about how I encounter her, how many times I had harassed her until she accepted to have dinner with me, I couldn't help but smile, however, my smile soon vanished because when I recall the recent events I couldn't help but feel a bit of fear, fear because out there, there's someone powerful enough to alter this world.

'What if everything that happened to me was somehow predestined?' I started asking myself this question after waking up, Ethernasia's change was somehow beneficial to me, I'm talking about the purple stones, there's also that castle, Brünhild who seemed to know the past me, a past I had no memory of.

I'll be an idiot if I don't start asking myself some questions.

''Tell me Black I've got the feeling that you know what going on. So, can you please tell me?" suddenly I asked Black some answers, something I was sure he wouldn't say.

〖I dunno what you're talking about.〗Black replied exactly as I was expecting.

''Forget it, let's not dwell on the matter for the moment, there's a chick waiting for me and I'm gonna visit her, maybe we will enjoy ourselves who knows.'' shrugging my shoulder I said.

〖That's all you know, So, go fuck.〗Black commented sarcastically.

Rolling my eyes at him, I disappeared.


When I reappeared I was inside Jasmine's room, the latter was looking at me as she was expecting my arrival.

Chuckling, I studied her, she was dressed in a lascivious negligee! She lay face down and send me a smile once she saw me. A see-through cloth that made heavy use of lace! The white skin is slightly seen underneath it! And black underwear! The hem of the skirt that anxiously moved down from the bent knee seemed it would be turned up at any moment!. What a beautiful sight to behold.

Flicking my fingers a chair appeared in front of me and sat on it. Finally, Jasmine talked,

''Welcome, I was expecting you.''

''I bet you are considering how you're dressed,'' I said teasingly while observing her, Jasmine rolled her eyes before sitting down in a lotus position.

I could caught glimpse of her Black underwear, smiling I asked ''How was your talk with Brünhild?"

''Oh? Big sister Brünhild? Our discussion went well.'' Jasmine replies with a smile.

My smile couldn't help but widen when I hear the way she started referring to Brünhild,

''You women are sure interesting, just because you have common interests you became this close. Congrats on the creation of your faction.'' I said.

Jasmine's eyes widened, she was surprised by my statement, chuckling she replied ''I wouldn't be surprised if you already know about the existing factions, what is your thoughts on the matter?"

Shrugging my shoulders I replied ''You're free to do as you wish, just I don't want any fight.''

''I see, tell me Kyle while are you hiding your true cultivation level? Why are you playing the students when you could get all you want? Kill whoever you want?" Jasmine asked switching to another subject.

Crossing my hands behind my head I replied,

''I could have done as you said however that wouldn't have been fun, I want to live leisurely not act as though I'm the mightiest. Besides someone asked me to lay low and enjoy my student life, something I'm doing.''

''I see, I bet it's Emea. I wonder what is your story, I'm particularly interested in knowing it.'' Jasmine said while looking at me in the eyes, seeing that I don't plan to entertain her she continued,

''Well, I wonder how those fools of princes would react knowing the truth you. They will all stop trying to get your women. Ah! Ignorance is bliss some like to say.''

''Indeed, Ignorance was actually a kind of happiness, just like how some people believed that they weren't brainwashed, but they were always accepting the intelligence of the brainwashing. Some people believed that they were the ones who controlled their fate, but weren't aware that everything they did was predetermined in their lives.'' I stopped talking and smiled bitterly, thinking maybe it was my case.

''I don't know what you are thinking but be sure I'm here for you and I'm real. I don't care about the rest. I'm simply a woman that wants to be with you. There is no need to think about complicated stuff that would dampen your mood.'' Jasmine comforts me.

''I'm lucky to have you. Truly thank you. However, you ought to know that everything is not as black as you think. Some of them are not as simple as they appear, Hell, you'll be scared if you knew the truth.'' I said with a smile.

Jasmine's eyes widened, she wants to ask more questions on the matter, however, she decided not to because she was planning to unreveal the truth by herself, that would be more fun, she thought.

Looking at Jasmine lost in thought I decided to tease her.

I disappeared and reappears on the bed with Jasmine sitting on my lap.

Surprised she looked at me to see me grinning, ''What are you doing?" she asked trying to hide her embarrassment.

Chuckling I said ''Nothing, I'm just trying to have a good time with my woman.''

''Who is your woman? Since when I became yours?" Jasmine asked expressionlessly, however, the corner of her mouth couldn't help curled into a pleasing smile.

Caressing her I replied ''It's you, of course, I've claimed you and earlier you just said that you want to be with me. Or our headmistress is a liar who can't follow what she just said?" while saying this my hand traveled underneath her negligee, Jasmine's body trembled, she gasped as she felt my hand going toward her breasts.

''I- I didn't say that. Yes, I want to be with you, to know more about you, to love you, to share my life with you. I want you.'' Jasmine declared, for a moment I was surprised so my hand stopped, however, I quickly regained my cool and in flash, I pinched her nipple that had started to harden.

''Mnmmh'' Jasmine moaned.

''I'm truly happy to hear that. I'm indeed lucky to have you. Don't worry I'll make you fall completely for me. It will be ungrateful for me to say that I love you, it will not be true, still, I like you, the first time I saw you I've already wanted you in my life. I promise I'll try to know more about you, to come to love you. I want my like to transform into love, and I'm sure it will. You're too precious for me after all.'' I declared sincerely.

Jasmine turned her head and with her moistened eyes she said ''Thank you, I'll make sure you will fall for me and says you love me one day.''

''I will'' I replied, immediately she sealed my lips.

'Time for some physical activity I guess.' I mumbled.


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