
EPISODE 206: Goldberg and the Gold Rush!

Another day has arrived in Meteor Town. The golden flower blooms its petals once more over the azure sky, giving light and brightness to the fertile horizon while the shadows and silhouettes slowly fade away, returning back to their deepest chasms.

This morning, we have been contacted by no other than professor Goldburg, one of Laurenburg's leading scientists. What could be the reason behind all of this?

"Oh, there you are! I've been waiting for the four of you to arrive." Goldberg greeted us after passing through the doors of the Meteor Trainer House.

"Excuse me, professor, I was wondering why you called us this early?" Kira questioned with a drowsy voice.

"Haha! My adventure bone tickles once more, I figured that it would be best if we go on an adventure today! A fieldwork, with a pinch of exhilaration!" Goldberg beamed with exuberance.

"Fieldwork?! Count me in professor!" Camellia concurred with a passionate soul. Her soul was able to remove all the sleepiness conquering her body.

"Fieldwork... not again," Glade uttered with a sleepy and woebegone voice as if the sun's galore has suddenly disappeared.

"Oh, this fieldwork isn't like the other fieldwork out there! You see, deep in the Meteor Mines lies the Dragon Amulet. Legends says that this Amulet has the power to boost a dragon's speed and attack.

If you come with me, I'll give you the Amulet for your Dragonite!" Goldberg explained while showing a picture of the amulet. It has a black pigment with a glowing violet stone in the center, small pebbles shroud the amulet while it spreads out a very luminous glow.

"Fieldwork? I haven't been to one yet but it sounds fun, so I'm going to say yes." Kira beamed with joy while concurring to the quest.

"Well if it benefits me and my Pokemons, then I'm going! What do you say Lucario and Shaymin?"

<Shay! Shay!>Shaymin leaped with excitement while beaming with exuberance.

<Lucar!>Lucario nodded his head with a fiery passion of will and enthusiasm.

"Then what are we waiting for?! It's off the Meteor Mines!" Goldberg uttered with exhilaration and euphoria.

The tunnels in the Meteor Mine were as the arteries of the earth, blackened by the abuse of years. They went on and on into the black without and end in sight or possibility of sunlight, tracks to nowhere that lead only to the cold. Our voice vibrated through the lustrous walls, while finding the so-called Dragon Amulet.

"Now, all I need to do is to turn on the Item Finder. A device created back in my days at the Kanto region, it has the power to detect nearby items scattered across jagged, or even dark terrains like this." Goldberg explained. The screen located on the center of the machine suddenly turned on, sending out radio waves throughout the area.

Slowly, thousands of items were detected throughout the cave, but the question is, which of these items is the barren Dragon Amulet?

"This place gives me the creeps as usual." Glade complained with a very unsatisfied face.

Everything seemed fine at first. Our flashlights were working, the item finder is functioning properly, and the sounds of danger couldn't be heard anywhere at all, or could it?

Out of nowhere, a beast suddenly attacked the four of us. Druddigon, the cave Pokemon.

Druddigon is a large, blue, draconic Pokémon with medium-sized wings shaped like thistle leaves. Its bright red head is harder than rock and is very rough. It has a set of glaring, ferocious pale yellow irises. Its arms are longer than its legs, giving it the appearance of a hunchback. It has a thick, moderately-sized tail and sharp claws on both the hands and feet. It also has tall, conical, red spikes; three on each arm, one on each shoulder, two on each leg, and four on its tail. It has a blunt, brutal snout, bearing a maw with no discernible teeth; instead, small fang-like protrusions sprout from its jaws. It has a series of olive, ellipsoid scutes running across its belly.

Druddigon warms its body by taking in sunlight with its wings; if its body temperature lowers, it becomes immobile. It has savage physical strength; it nimbly chases prey around its den, using its outstretched claws to catch them, or charging into them face-first. It infiltrates the tunnels of other Pokémon, such as Diglett and Dugtrio, and waits for its prey to pass by. Druddigon lives in caves, and is carnivorous.

<Drud! Druddigon!>Druddigon sent out an uproar, causing the whole cave to tremble. With fear on our grasp, we had no choice but to run, attacking the dragon Pokemon will only make things terribly wrong.

<Druddigon! Druddigon!>The Pokemon continued to shout, causing the opening to the cave to collapse, leaving the four of us prohibited from sunlight. With a scared sanity, the four of us didn't know where we were heading. The deeper we went, the more troubles we faced, now looking for a new exit is like finding a needle in a haystack.

The whole Mine started to collapse, boulders fell down, while large obnoxious shards pierced through the ground. Due to all this havoc taking place, the five us got trapped inside the mines.

<Noi! Novern!>Another dragon greeted us on the left, causing us to run on the opposite direction.

Noivern is a large, draconic Pokémon that resembles a bat. It is primarily black with a purple underbelly and blue-green wing membranes. It has a purple lower jaw, a red, V-shaped growth on its snout, two fang-like projections on its upper lip, and yellow eyes with blue-green sclerae. Its large, teardrop-shaped ears have alternating rings of blue-green and black on the interiors and resemble loudspeakers. Around its neck is a fluffy mane of white fur that is longer in the back. Its wings have three red claws on the middle joint and are divided into segments by two black wing fingers. On the back of the wing, the final segment is purple. Noivern's feet have two toes each and a red, claw-like growth on top of each toe. It has a long, whip-like tail with a blue-green underside and two spines near the tip.

Noivern is known for its violent temper, but becomes tame if approached with its favorite ripe fruit. From its ears, it can produce ultrasonic waves strong enough to shatter large boulders. It uses these waves to freely navigate through darkness. Noivern is also known to be cruel, ruthlessly tormenting enemies that cannot see in the dark. It uses ultrasonic waves and its fangs to finish off enemies.

"Turn Right!" Goldberg instructed in the same time when Glade said "Turn Left" This led the five us into a sudden turn of events. Kira and Camellia followed the professor, while stubborn me followed Glade. What turns out to be a normal quest is now prolonged just because of two rampaging Dragons. Although, what could be the reason behind all these rampages? What made the Dragons extremely vicious and malicious? Only time shall reveal the answer as the journey continues...

Next chapter release will be on Monday. I've been really busy lately...

NotUsecreators' thoughts
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