
EPISODE 119: When Light and Dark Collide!

"I'll be waiting for you on top of the Tower of Blessings!" Murdock uttered while flapping his black eerie cape.

"Alright Murdock it's on! I'll be going to your gym immediately!" I beamed with excitement and determination.

Murdock left the Pokemon center and went back to the tower, this is the day I battle Murdock! A ghost type specialist.

"Are you sure you're ready to battle Murdock? He's strong, even Arc lost." Zhery warned.

"Me and Arc, are two different persons, if I lose, I'll try again if I win? I'll be humble."

"That's the spirit, we'll be cheering for you!" Camellia beamed with excitement.

"And as for Mawile, I want you to watch with my friends, I might use you on future battles," I uttered with determination.

<Maw! Mawile!>The Pokemon smiled pleasantly and nodded her head.

the Tower of Blessings is located on the east side of this city. It is the tallest tower in the city, and the oldest one too. It's only a matter of time, to know if I will be receiving my fifth gym badge!

"Welcome to the Tower of Blessings!" Two boys welcomed us with warmth as we reach the doors of the tower.

We were instructed to go inside the tower. It was filled with golden walls and large griffins which symbolizes the ghost type category. There will also be no crowd, except for my friends and Kira.

"Please enter the last floor, Murdock will be waiting for you." A girl wearing old fashioned Japanese clothing instructed.

It's a long way up the tower, my hands were shivering while holding on to the railings. My mind was filled with strategies, I have an advantage since Zoroark is a dark type. I have my Shuppet, which could use a Destiny bond.

"Welcome to the Fantasma City gym! Trainer Kalem, and the rest... please enter the room!" the referee instructed.

Two golden doors opened majestically as a gong sounded from the top. A sign, that a gym challenge is about to take place. Murdock was standing in front of me, he had a confident smile, while his cape flapped.

My friends were tasked to sit and watch the gym challenge. To my surprise, there was also no commentator. Only me, a referee, the gym leader, my friends, and Kira.

"I've been waiting for you Kalem!" Murdock uttered with a smile on his face. He held his cane tightly with his hand covered with a black glove.

"I'm ready for the gym challenge Murdock." I beamed with excitement and determination.

"Is that so? We have a special guest today Kalem..." Murdock uttered.

"A special guest!?" I uttered with shock.

"He wants to observe our battle, it's no other than your uncle!" Murdock uttered.

"My father will be watching!?" Kira uttered with shock.

"Kalem... Kalem's lucky to have an uncle who ranks number one." Zhery uttered with shock.

"This is the first time my father will be watching a trainer battle in this gym except for me," Kira uttered with shock.

A man came out from the shadows, he walked slowly towards me.

"Prove to me..." Zedrick uttered softly.

"P...Prove to you?"

"Prove to me, that my decision was worth it."

"Your decision?"

"I made you win remember? I used ground instead of dark type Pokemons. Prove to me, how strong you are, I may not have fame anymore, but I can evaluate a trainer's Pokemon." Zedrick uttered softly.

"Of course Zedrick, I'll make you proud."

"Please call me uncle, I know you're not used to it, but it sounds better! Defeat Murdock to prove if the Ketsueki blood flows through you. All the Ketsuekis have defeated Murdock, will you be one of them?" Zedrick uttered and queried softly as he walks to his seat.

I may not have a crowd, but I have rank one, watching me. This is going to be an intense battle.

The golden doors slowly closed, and the referee stood up.

"The Fantasma Gym Challenge between Trainer Kalem and Murdock is about to begin!" The gong struck once, and the referee explained the rules.

"Each shall use three Pokemons each! The match ends when either side no longer has a Pokemon to battle with!" The gong struck twice, and the referee added some rules.

"Sleepy shadows awaken once more, a challenger has come to take thy badge. Sleepy shadows of darkness and twilight I beg for custody over the light and glow. Sleepy shadows come forth to Earth, Shadow Veils, assemble once more!" Murdock chanted with a creepy voice. Candles began to light up, and lanterns turned luminous.

"What in the world!?" I uttered with shock. This is no ordinary gym battle, I've never seen a gym battle with people chanting.

"(...)" Kira uttered with shock.

"English please." Glade teased.

"The chant of the Shadow Veils, it's been a long time since I've heard it," Kira uttered.

"Shadow veils? What's that supposed to mean?" Zhery queried.

"It means (...), or (...) or even (...) and (...)" Kira explained.

"Sorry, but we don't speak Japanese," Camellia uttered.

"In English, the shadow veils pertain to events which cause havoc, tragic, evil, or wickedness. A person who chants for the Shadow Veils are said to be guided by evil and tragic." Kira uttered.

"So that means, Murdock is evil?" Camellia hunched.

"No... the shadow veils can strengthen wicked bodies, just like ghost type Pokemons. Murdock chanted towards the Shadow Veils for strength and power. He knows Kalem is strong, he doesn't want to lose." Kira uttered with worry.

"Please send out your first Pokemon!" the gong struck thrice, and the referee instructed.

"Come on out, Dragonair!"

"Trevenant... it's showtime!"

"Battle begin!"



"Dragonair, use Hydro Pump!"

"Trevenant, dodge the attack then use Shadow claw!"

*Trevenant dodged the attack! Shadow Claw dealt maximum damage!*



"Alright Dragonair, we won't give up yet! Use, Dragon rage!"

"Use Phantom force Trevenant!"

*Trevenant became invisible! Dragonair's attack missed!*

"Phantom force? That's a new one on me." Zhery uttered.

"Phantom force turns the user invisible for the first turn, then on the second turn, it attacks the foe!" Kira explained.

"Oh no, where could Trevenant be!?" I uttered in my mind with worry and distress.

"Dragonair, surround your self with an Ice Wall!"

*Dragonair creates an ice wall using her Ice beam attack!*

<Trevenant! Trev!>The Pokemon appeared in front of Dragonair and unleashed a powerful attack!

"Phantom force can be used even if a Pokemon has a shield or even if the Pokemon is using the attacks, protect or detect," Kira explained.



"Come on brain cells! Work!" I uttered to myself.

"Trevenant, use Shadow claw!"

"Dodge the attack then wrap Trevenant!"

*Dragonair dodged the attack! Trevenant was wrapped with Dragonair's slithering body!*

"Now use Ice beam and freeze Trevenant!"

<Draggooonnnnaaaiiiirrrr!>The foe has been frozen with Ice beam!

"Trevenant! Oh no..."

"Great, Dragonair, now use Dragon rage!"

*Dragon rage dealt maximum damage!*



"Follow it up with another dragon rage!"

*Dragon raged dealt maximum damage once more! Trevenant has been defrosted!*



"Alright Trevenant, use Phantom force again!"

*Trevenant turned invisible!*

"Alright then, Dragonair... take the attack!"

*Dragonair allowed herself to be hit with phantom force!*



"Trevenant, use shadow claw!"

"Dragonair dodge the attack then use hydro pump!"

*Dragonair dodged the attack! Hydro Pump was ineffective though.*



"Trevenant is also a grass type Pokemon... Hydro pump will only do minimal damage." Kira uttered slowly while observing the battle.

"Dragonair follow it up with Ice beam!"

"Trevenant, dodge the Ice beam... then use shadow claw again!"

"Use Ice beam to create a barrier!"

*An ice barrier was created by Dragonair's Ice beam!*

"Trevenant, use shadow claw and break the barrier!"

*The barrier has been broken down!*

"Great! Now use dragon tail!"

<Dragonnnaaaiiiirrr!>The Pokemon's tail turned violet and pushed Trevenant to the side!



"Dragonair, use Ice beam again!"

"Trevenant, dodge with Phantom force!"

*The foe turned invisible!*

"Dragonair, use dragon rage everywhere!"

*Dragonair was unable to detect the attack!*



"Trevenant, use shadow claw and finish Dragonair!"

"Dragonair, wrap that Ice shard and throw it at Trevenant!"

*Dragonair threw a broken ice shard towards Trevenant! Trevenant's attack has been cancelled!*

"Amazing..." Kira uttered with shock.



"Great, now use dragon rage again!"


*The Pokemon was unable to dodge right away!*



"Trevenant is unable to battle, Murdock... please send out your next Pokemon!"

"Dusknoir, I'll be using you next!"

"Does the trainer wish to substitute?"

"No thanks, I'm fine with Dragonair!"

"Alright then... battle continue!" The gong was struck again and the battle began once more.



"Alright Dragonair, now use Ice beam!"

"Dodge then use Shadow punch!"

*Dusknoir dodged the attack swiftly! Shadow punch dealt maximum damage!*



<Maw! Maw!>The Pokemon cheered for me and my Pokemons.

"That Dusknoir, is strong. I know what to do! Dragonair, use Dragon Rage!"

"Dodge it then use Shadow Punch!"

"Create an ice barrier again!"

*An Ice barrier was formed out of Dragonair's Ice beam attack!*

"Break the barrier with shadow punch!"

*The barrier shattered into pieces!*

"Now use Dragon tail!"

"Disable the attack!"

*Dragonair's attack was disabled! Dragonair was unable to use Dragon tail*

"Disable is a move which deactivates a foe's move for a limited amount of time," Glade uttered slowly.

"Finish this fight with Shadow punch!"

<Dsukkkkknnnooooiiiirrrr!>The Pokemon dealt maximum damage!



"Trainer Kalem, please send out your next Pokemon!"

"Alright, Shuppet... you're up next!"

"Battle continue!"

"Shuppet is curious, is this a gym battle?"

"Yes it is Shuppet! And we're going to do our best!"

"Shuppet will do her best to win!" The Pokemon beamed with determination.



"Alright Dusknoir, now use shadow ball!"

"Shuppet, dodge the attack then use night shade!"

*Shuppet dodged the attack!*



"Shuppet, now use Sucker punch!"

"Dodge the attack Dusknoir, then use Shadow Ball!"

*The attack was dodged!*



"Now use Hyper Beam Dusknoir!"



"This is our opportunity Shuppet, now use Sucker punch again!"

*Sucker punch dealt a critical hit!*



"Dusknoir, use shadow ball!"

"Shuppet dodge the attack!"

*Shuppet was unable to dodge!*



"Oh no, Shuppet... use Sucker punch!"

"Dusknoir, counter with Shadow punch!"

"I don't think so, switch to Night shade!"

*Dusknoir blasted back!*



"Dusknoir, finish Shuppet with hyper beam!"

"Oh no, Shuppet!"



"Shuppet is unable to battle, trainer Kalem... please choose your last Pokemon!"

"Shuppet, have a nice break! Zoroark, you're up next!"

"I see, you're going to use a dark type against my ghost type. Alright then!"

"Battle continue!"

"Dusknoir use shadow punch!"

"Zoroark dodge the attack then use night daze!"

*The Pokemon dodged the attack swiftly! Night Daze was super effective*



"Murdock, please choose your next Pokemon!"

"Alright, then... Gengar! You're up next!"

"Oh no, it's Murdock's strongest Pokemon. Gengar!" Zhery uttered with shock.

"Kalem has the upper advantage so far," Kira uttered with worry.

Murdock tapped the Pokeball in his cane, a silhouette of Gengar appeared on the floor. The silhouette opened its eyes. It was red and gloomy. Slowly by slowly, Gengar rose from the ground, with a Murky and dark look!

"Not yet... Gengar, it's time for a power boost! Mega evolve!" Murdock's Gengar began to grow bigger and better! A large ring formed on Gengar's forehead.

"Battle continue!"


Gengar [1000] MEGA EVOLVE!

"We shall end this in three moves. You can no longer substitute anyways! Gengar, use Perish song!"

*A chant surrounded Zoroark, in three moves time... Zoroark will automatically faint!*

"Oh no... we only have three shots Zoroark!"

"Don't worry Kalem... Nothing can perish our bond!" Zoroark smiled with determination!

"Zoroark, Use Night Daze!"

*Gengar was unable to dodge the attack! Super effective. remaining moves? (2)*

"Gengar's perish song makes a Pokemon faint automatically after three turns. Since Zoroark is Kalem's last Pokemon, Kalem can't substitute Pokemon... Meaning, Zoroark has no choice but to defeat Gengar in three moves." Kira explained.



"Gengar, use Shadow claw!"

"Zoroark dodge the attack then use Night Daze again!"

*Zoroark dodged the attack swiftly! remaining moves (1)*



"Zoroark, it's time to use a Z-move!" I beamed with excitement and determination. I switched out my Z-crystals and followed the step.

"Astounding..." Zedrick uttered.

"Sleepless nights, sleepless horrors! Zoroark, master of illusions... Black whole Eclipse now!" I beamed with excitement.

<Zorroooaarrkk!>The Pokemon beamed with determination.

"I've never seen such a bond before. How could this be!?" Zedrick wondered with shock.



*Zoroark's last move has been launched! Zoroark fainted as well, it's a draw!*

"A draw!? What now!?" Glade uttered exclaimed.

"Both Pokemons are unable to battle. No one is the winner, which means the decision falls to the gym leader!" the referee instructed.

"The gym leader gets to choose, if he'll be giving the gym badge or not..." Kira explained.

"Hopefully Murdock has a warm heart." Camellia begged.

"Kalem Ketsueki... Your bond with your Pokemons astound me. Incredible tactics and strategies lie deep in your mind, so... as gym leader of Fantasma town, I hereby declare you a winner-"

"Wait!" Zedrick stood up and interrupted Murdock's statement.

Zedrick walked closer to the battlefield with a serious face.

"Kalem, since this match is a draw, I challenge you to a Pokemon battle. A three on three. If you win, you shall have your gym badge. If you lose, you'll have to challenge Murdock again." Zedrick bargained.

"Why would father want to battle him again?" Kira uttered with shock.

"Oh no, Zedrick's not going to fake the match for sure this time," Camellia uttered with worry.

"It... It's fine by me Zedrick! Battling the number one is an honor!" I beamed with excitement.

"Kalem thinks he could win? You're talking about the top one here!" Zhery uttered with worry.

"Zedrick's trying to find answers, that's why he challenged Kalem," Glade uttered.

"Alright then. In two days time we shall battle here, train for now and tommorow... and in two days time, the match will begin. Train hard Kalem Ketsueki, you're up against your mother's brother!" Zedrick warned.

"And by the way, I think you should open up the box I gave you. You'll need it for sure!" Zedrick uttered and left the room slowly.

"Oh no... What have we down Zoroark, we're definitely going to lose." I uttered with fear.

"Don't worry Kalem. We'll (Pokemons) win it for you!" Zoroark uttered with determination.

"That was a shock. Zedrick challenged you to a battle. He saw something in you, that's why." Murdock uttered.

"Saw something in me?"

"Yes, something he saw in you and your Pokemons. Here's a hint, Zedrick has sharp eyes." Murdock warned.

Alright, it's time to train!" I beamed with excitement and determination.

Now, I have to face the rank one. He may not be the regional champion, because he stopped participating in leagues, he may not be the world champion, because he never joined the World Championships, but still, he is the strongest trainer known to mankind.

My heart is pounding louder than before, now? I'm worried... I'll surely lose this time, because I'm sure he won't be faking the match this time.

As the journey continues...

If you see the symbol (...) that means I replaced the Japanese text because my novel got black listed. Just pretend that (...) are Japanese symbols.

NotUsecreators' thoughts
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