
EPISODE 69: Keep it Shiny, Keep it Tidy

The region is panicking after hearing about the sightings of Chaos grunts. Both the Pokemon Police Department and the Pokemon Government are now helping each other to stop the Chaos grunts. What bothers them is, "Why would the Chaos Regime be active all of a sudden?" It's been eight years since the first Chaos grunt sighting, why would they reappear again?

Deep in the Emerald Woods, a forest filled with swamps and marshes, a forest filled with hollow trees and thick fogs lie detective Looker and his officers, but what is their purpose in the emerald woods?

"Detective, they must've left the forest." Officer Jenny hunched while searching the area.

"They're here, I can feel it! Search the deeper parts of the forest." Detective Looker commanded.

"About you detective? Won't you search with us?" Officer Jenny and the other officers wondered.

"I... I'll search this area, you three go ahead and I'll catch up later." Detective Looker uttered softly with a brooding face.

"Alright detective, we'll be going now, take care." Officer Jenny uttered as she and the other officers left the area to find the Chaos grunts.

Meanwhile, Detective Looker and his grave face, walked slowly around the area.

"Show yourself Zylon! I know you're spying at me." Detective looker shouted and ordered.

Behind a small shaggy tree, a man with a white tuxedo and his two grunts came forth towards detective Looker, the man had a roguish face as he walked towards the detective.

"Well... well... well, if it isn't my little brother?" Zylon uttered slowly while walking towards the detective with his two men.

"Stop this none sense! Tell your grunts to leave this region! You are making the region panic!" Detective Looker ordered.

"Sorry brother, but the king commands it... and when the king commands the kingdom submit!" Zylon uttered slowly.

"Stop this Zylon! Come back to the Pokemon Police Department with me! You were once a great detective! What happened to you?" Detective Looker taut.

"Thanks for the offer, but no... I am not coming back to the PPD! I submitted it to the PPD! I worked for the PPD! And what do they give to me in return? Nothing! Not even the slightest respect or admiration. They would prefer you over me brother! But when I joined the Chaos regime, I found greatness. I was respected and admired by many! And in return, I will serve my king." Zylon explained with a villainous tone.

"Brother, do you think this is what mother and father wanted you to become?"

"Mother and father hated me, I was always left alone! They wouldn't feed me, I was like a slave! I would clean for them, cook for them! Cook for you!"

"Zylon, please return... Mother and father didn't hate you... they disciplined you, they trained you to become the very best version of yourself!" Detective Looker convinced.

"And I am, the very best version of myself! I'm sorry brother, but you'll have to be our prisoner!" Zylon uttered with a hesitating face.

"P... Prisoner!? Don't tell me you're here to capture me are you? Why would you do that to your own brother?"

"What the king demands, the kingdom submits! I am sorry brother... I don't want to hurt you but I have too! Grunts! Tie him up!" Zylon uttered and ordered his grunts.

The two grunts with their heavy armor electrocuted the detective with the use of their Electro-guns.

"You'll regret joining the Chaos regime one day! Capture me brother, I won't hurt you... Because I love you, even if we're on the opposite sides, you're still my brother." This was the last word of the detective before being unconscious due to the grunt's electron guns.

"You can't change my mind Looker, I won't hurt you... It's the king who will burn you." Zylon uttered unto the detective's ear.

Suddenly from the north, the officers went back to the area only to see Zylon and his grunts.

"Let the detective go, Zylon!" Officer Jenny commanded.

"You're too late! The detective is our prisoner now! There'ss nothing you could do about it!" Zylon uttered and laugh as their autopilot helicopter came to pick them up. The officers tried to stop Zylon by attacking their helicopter with their Pokemons but the helicopter was too high, and just like that... Zylon and his grunts left the area.

"Officer Jenny, what shall we do now? The head of the PPD has been kidnapped!" One of the officers panic.

"Alert all available officers! Imprison as many grunts as you can and we'll know the location of their headquarters." Officer Jenny commanded.

First thing's first, and that's to alert the Citrus Home For The Lost since it's the closest building to the forest. Officer jenny quickly rushed to the orphanage and alerted the headmaster, Beatrice.

"Grunt sightings?" Beatrice reassured with a shocked and panicking face.

"Yes Ms. Beatrice, we want you to alert everyone in this facility about the grunt sightings, implement laws that will protect the children from danger!" Officer Jenny suggested.

"I'll do what I can..." Beatrice uttered with a worried and anxious face as officer Jenny left the room.

Beatrice went to a small room and uttered to herself as tears flowed through her eyes. "Lyra... you're son is in danger."

The region continued to panic! Their general has been kidnapped, what would be the government's next step?


Meanwhile at route eighteen:

"Kalem, Zhery, Camellia! There's another announcement from the Pokemon News." Glade called.

"Another announcement? The region is over panicking about the Chaos grunt sightings." I uttered slowly as I walked closer to Glade.

The four of us decided to watch what the Pokemon News has to say.

"Good afternoon citizens of this region! Here are the updates about the ongoing sightings! Detective Looker, the head of the Pokemon Police Department has been kidnapped! The route two officer Jenny shall take in charge of the whole PPD for now. We urge you to stay in your houses until no more grunts have been spotted! We are warning you that team Chaos is no ordinary evil organization, they could destroy a city in one night! The Pokemon League will not be postponed until further notice! This is me, signing out." The news anchor warned.

"Phew... The Pokemon League isn't postponed! Great!" I jumped with joy while Camellia started to worry as sweat fell off her face.

"Seriously!? All you care about is the Pokemon League! What about detective Looker? We still don't know the reason behind the sightings so it's best to stay low and aware instead of jumping like a little kid!" Zhery wried.

"Heh heh... Sorry..." My eyes downcasted.

Before we left the camp, I had to make sure that everything is in my bag. I might forget something or leave something behind.

"Potions? Check! Vitamins? Check! Badge case... Badge Case? My Badge Case is missing!" I shouted with worry and quickly removed everything from my bag.

"No... No... No! I'm not going back to Norva City and repeat the whole gym challenge Arghh!" I said with frustration as I looked everywhere throughout my tent.

"Riolu! Give back my badge case!" I ordered and assumed that Riolu was playing another prank at me.

"Um, I didn't get your gym case Kalem."

"Then where is it!? If it's lost, I'll have to repeat it from square one! I don't want to do that!" I panicked with frustration.

"Have you checked your whole bag? the tent? Or your pocket?" Riolu reassured.

"Of course I did! You have to help me find my badge case Riolu! If Camellia knew that I lost my badge case... She's going to teach me boring lectures about organizing thigs!" I feared and panicked.

"Well, you're the one who lost it!" Riolu smiled and laughed.

"I swear I placed my badge case inside the bag before leaving the restaurant!" I recalled.

"If I were you, I would just listen to Camellia's lectures, you'll know a lot of things about organizing! Isn't that fun?" Riolu teased.

"Organizing stuff is never fun! Help me find my badge case Riolu, this is a life or boredom situation!" I pleaded when all of a sudden Camellia came inside my tent.

"Hey Kalem, why are you shouting?" Camellia wondered.

"Um... I am totally fine!" I answered with worry and anxiety.

"You answered the wrong question Kalem," Riolu whispered in my ears.

"I'm not asking if you're fine since you look fine, my question was why are you shouting?" Camellia queried with suspiciousness towards me.

"Just tell her the truth Kalem..." Riolu whispered and suggested.

"I may have... lost something which is surely not important." I excused.

"Now that's a lie." Riolu teased and smiled.

"If it's not important then why do you seem to be worried about it? Hmm?" Camellia wondered with suspiciousness towards me.

"Ok fine... I accidentally lost my Badge Case, nothing much. heh heh..." I uttered worriedly.

"B... Badge Case!? You call that unimportant!?" Camellia uttered as her spirit boiled like water in a kettle.

I swallowed my saliva as I watched Camellia's head boiling with anger. "You lost your badge case!? Now how can you participate in the Pokemon League without a badge case!?"

"Me and Riolu are trying to look for it... It's probably somewhere in the tent." I uttered hoping that Camellia won't teach me how to organize my things.

"You deserve that! I told you to organize your stuff everyday by separating the important from the unimportant! Before you we left the restaurant I asked you to check your things didn't I? Next time, organize your things properly!" Camellia burst with frustration.

"Yes... Yes we promise!" I answered with fear.

"What do you mean we? You're the only one who doesn't organize his/her stuff!" Riolu teased.

"Whose side are you on Riolu!?" I queried with frustration.

"Alright, now let's go find your badge case." Camellia's mood suddenly changed as she face-palmed herself.

"Really? Thanks Camellia!" I beamed with joy.

"Where did you last put your badge case?" Camellia interviewed.

"Let's see... I remember putting it in my bag before we left the restaurant." I thought deeply.

"Then if it is in your bag, then probably someone stole it! But who?" Camellia wondered like a detective.

"Um, maybe a Pokemon did it?" I hunched.

"It's investigation time! Our first suspects would be Zhery and Glade, since they're the one closest to you aside from me." Camellia uttered like a detective.

"Just pick one Camellia... A detective or a professor?"

"In order to become a professor, one must-have skills like those of a detective!" Camellia uttered as she stood up with her magnifying glass.

"Do you really need a magnifying glass?" I queried.

"Of course! It makes me look like a detective."

"But I thought you want to become a professor?" I queried.

"Didn't I just explain to you why I need to look like a detective?"

"Nope, you explained to me why you need to have the skills of a detective."

"They're technically the same, so call in the two suspects!" Detective Camellia ordered.

I went outside the tent and tried to call Zhery and Glade. "Zhery! Glade! Camellia's calling you, go to my tent!" I called.

Zhery and Glade went inside my tent, there was a small table in front and three chairs around it. From the corner lie Camellia who hid in the shadow just like what detective Looker would do.

"Please take a seat,"Camellia uttered.

Zhery and Glade didn't hesitate to follow Camellia's command. They took a seat looking worried and scared. From the corner, Camellia showed herself and walked slowly towards her seat.

"Now... Tell me, where did you put Kalem's badge case?" Camellia uttered.

"Badge case? I don't know anything about Kalem's badge case except that it's dirty." Zhery explained with worry as sweat fell off her face.

"Stop trying to look so innocent!" Camellia uttered as she slowly tapped the table.

"Um Camellia, I think you're overdoing the detective skill. Detective Looker doesn't tap a table like that." I uttered with worry, Camellia looked like a detective from an old the detective movie made in the 90s or 80s

"You seem to be suspicious Kalem, why are you protecting the suspects? Hmm?"

"Fine, I'll keep my mouth shut and you can do your detective business," I uttered.

"Can we go now?" Glade queried.

"No... Show Kalem's badge case then you can go." Camellia uttered.

"For the love of Arceus! We didn't steal anything!" Zhery explained with frustration.

"Hmm? Hmm?" Camellia looked closer at Zhery and Glade's eyes.

"We're innocent, we promise!" Glade played along.

"Alright then! Both of you may leave, but I'm watching you..." Camellia whispered to their ears.

"Camellia lost her marbles!" I whispered to Riolu.

"Well... Your lack of organization turned Camellia into a detective. Not my fault." Riolu teased.

"Pick a side Riolu!" I teased sarcastically.

Zhery and Glade left my tent while Camellia walked in circles and thought like a detective.

"Hmm... Hmm... If Glade and Zhery aren't the robbers, then that means the culprit is no other than you Kalem!" Camellia pointed.

"Me!? You completely lost your marbles Camellia!" I uttered in surprise.

"Don't try to act all innocent Kalem!" Camellia badgered.

"How in the world could I steal something I own?" I wondered.

"Simple! You stole it from your bag."

"Impossible!? Are you saying that the badge case is with me all this time!?"

"Yes..." Camellia hunched.

Then all of a sudden, a white furry Pokemon went close to me, it was holding my gym badge case and it was giving it to me.

Minccino was the name of the Pokemon!

[Mincinno! The Chinchilla Pokemon! A normal type. A clean freak that will not allow even the slightest mess, it uses its tail like a mop to thoroughly clean any and all filth.]

"Wait so you were the one who stole my gym badge case?" I hunched as Mincinno nodded its head and handed me my gym case.

"WHAT!? I guess I'll never be a detective..." Camellia uttered as she knelt with disappointment.

"Of course you won't be a detective because you were born to become a Pokemon professor right?" I smiled.

"I guess detectives and professors are different. But why would Minccino steal your gym badge case and hand it to you afterward?" Camellia wondered.

<Min... Minccino! Min!> The Pokemon explained.

"Kalem, Mincinno said that she saw your dirty gym badge case that's why she stole it. All she wanted to do was to clean your case." Riolu translated.

"Oh really? You made me worried Minccino, but since you stole it for a good reason, I'll forgive you this time!" I knelt as I smiled and uttered towards the Pokemon. Minccino gave my badge case back and smiled at me.

"Well what do you know? Minccino is a Pokemon of order!" Camellia smiled.

"Yeah... Thanks a lot Mincinno!" I greeted as Minccino left the tent and went back to her normal business.

"You should learn from Minccino! A Pokemon which organizes her stuff!" Camellia suggested.

"From now one! I'll be like Minccino! I'll organize my stuff and clean my bag!" I beamed with joy.

So... It was time to move to the Silvent Desert, with Team Chaos lurking around after hiding for eight years in the shadows... Who could know what would happen next?

As the journey continues.

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