
EPISODE 49: Rock Blasting the Mountain!

Mind dropping events happened yesterday in the canyon! After Riolu, winning against Zozo, the leader of the Mightyena turf in a duel, Zozo got embarrassed and sought for revenge. Before we left, Zozo rushed towards me and bit my arm! But Zozo's bite was more powerful than Zorua's bite causing my hand to bleed.

Kirlia reacted quickly and used Psybeam to knock off Zozo from the mountain, it is still unclear if Zozo survived the fall, or did he meet his deathly faith? My arm was injured badly, but Scyther helped me by lifting my arm and placing it around his nape. The other Mightyenas kept searching for Zozo, but found nobody nor clue.

It was time to move, even if I had an injured arm, I cannot lean on the past. I cannot seek for revenge against Zozo, since I don't know where he fell into. All I can do is keep moving forward!

We have arrived at route ten, which was still a rocky and jagged terrain, who knows what Pokemons will be lurking there?

"Are you feeling better Kalem?" Camellia comforted as she walked closer towards me.

"Yeah, my arm is getting better... Last night it stopped bleeding." I explained.

We were climbing up a vertiginous mountain, it had large eroded rocks, and large boulders in the side. I was able to move my arm a bit as it slowly recovered.

Camellia was getting worried sick about my arm, as we traveled through the steep mountain she kept on observing my injured arm. Minutes later, Zhery came up with a mischievous plan since boredom took over her body.

"So... Still looking at his arm eigh?" Zhery whispered in Camellia's ear with a mischievous tone. "What? No, I was just checking if Kalem's arm if it was recovering." Camellia excused.

"So in short, you're observing his arm." Zhery laughed and teased. "Umm, what's wrong with that?" Camellia queried. "Come on, don't be scared. Touch his arm." Zhery teased and pushed Camellia towards me. Camellia accidentally pushed and bumped me.

"Is there anything wrong Camellia?" I queried as I looked behind.

"Um, nope no problem at all! He he..." Camellia excused as a sweat droplet fell off her face. Camellia aggrieved and badgered at Zhery.

"You're going to pay for that!"

"Come on, you should be thanking me. If I didn't push you, Kalem wouldn't have noticed you. At least you were able to touch his back right?" Zhery teased and charmed as she winked her left eye.

We all decided to take a break from hiking. We still have a long way to go but our legs were getting tired. Just from the other side of the mountain, two strange individuals were watching us.

"The target is locked in hehe!" Cyra, a suspended grunt of team Chaos uttered with a villainous voice. "We're just one button ahead on blowing up this mountain! And when the twerps and twerpettes fall to their doom, we'll steal their Pokemons and the boss will be happy!" Nate added.

We were unaware of Nate and Cyra's plan, we just continued to eat lunch peacefully and happily! "Thank you for the food!" We beamed as we started to dine in on Camellia's specialties.

Our Pokemons except for Kirlia, love to eat together. Kirlia prefers to be isolated beside an eroded rock. She loves to eat berries while watching over the beautiful horizon, while Squirtle on the other hand loves to steal food.

"Can I have some of those?" Squirtle pleaded unto Petilil. "Umm, sure you can have one berry if you like," Petilil ordered. "About everything? Can I have everything?" Squirtle pleaded as his saliva drool down his mouth. "That's too much, only take one berry!" Petilil instructed with a slight change of voice.

Squirtle got angry since Petilil didn't agree, so Squirtle quickly grabbed the bowl and ate all the berries at once! "Ha! Now I ate all the berries! Thanks." Squirtle teased. Petilil started to cry because of what Squirtle did and Squirtle felt guilty. "Shhh, stop crying... My trainer is going to scold me if he hears I stole your food." Squirtle comforted.

"Serve you right thief!" Petilil badgered as she cried louder. Riolu heard Petilil's cry and went to them to fix their argument. "What did you do this time Squirtle?" Riolu queried with one eyebrow lifted. "Well, I might have stolen a few berries from Petilil." Squirtle admitted his mistake and uttered in a guilty voice. "What do you mean a few berries!? You stole all my berries!" Petilil badgered and cried louder.

"Don't cry Petilil, I'll just give you my food instead." Riolu comforted as he handed over his Pokemon bowl. "Thank you so much Riolu!" Petilil smile and wiped her tears away. Everything was going well, the Pokemons played together, Kirlia observed and watched over the horizons, while me and my friends spent some time together. Then, a large explosion occurred in the mountains, large boulders were descending towards us, but Kirlia reacted quickly and lifted all the boulders using her Psychic powers.

She threw the boulders sideways and there, we saw Nate and Cyra. They were the ones who rock blasted the mountain! Moments later, the ground started to shake. Camellia lost grip of the rock she was holding to and fell. I quickly grabbed her hand before she fell. "Hang in there Camellia!" I shouted as I tried to pull myself up. Camellia couldn't move because of fear, I saw her eyes, it was crying as I tried to lift her up.

"K... Kalem!" Riolu shouted as he tried to find me through the dust which scattered everywhere around the mountain due to the earthquake. Scyther tried to clear the dust using his wing attack but he wasn't successful. The dust kept coming back. I was about to fall as well, but I never gave up. I tried to lift Camellia as hard as I can but she's hand was starting to lose grip on my hand. "Hang tight Camellia!" I instructed as I gave all my strength in pulling her. The other Pokemons started to panic, while Glade and Zhery were looking for everyone.

"Camellia! Kalem!" Glade and Zhery shouted as they walked through the dust. The dust was starting to irritate their eyes. Kirlia used her Psychic powers again, her eyes turned violet and the dust began to follow her command. The dust swirled around Kirlia like a tornado, then Kirlia floated upwards and threw all the dust towards Team Chaos with her Psychic powers.

The surroundings got clear and Glade saw me trying to pull Camellia. Glade quickly pulled my leg and lifted the two of us. After that tragic event, all of us started to gasped for air while team Chaos badgered at their failed plan.

"That's it, its time to switch to plan B!" Cyra shouted. "But... Do we have plan B?" Nate whispered worriedly. All of us glared at team Chaos.

"You never stop do you!?" Zhery badgered. The Pokemons got mad, especially Kirlia and all of them unleashed their anger and wrath upon team Chaos! Dozens of Pokemon attacks were heading towards them.

"Cyra, I think we should just run," Nate suggested as the attacks were incoming! "We'll be back! Just you wait!" Cyra badgered. They were unable to escape easily, the Pokemon attacks were able to hit them and sent them blasting into the azure blue sky.

"Were blasting off again!" Nate and Cyra badgered. "I'm glad that's over," Glade uttered with relief.

"Is anybody hurt?" I queried to the Pokemons. Everybody seemed to be ok, they were all traumatized by that surprising event. I got mad at Nate and Cyra, they're always out there for trouble! They prove that you're never too safe wherever you go. I remembered what Detective Looker warned, "The world is filled with unexpected dangers. You're never too safe..."

After those events, it was time to forget and move forward. I looked to the sun and to the white feathery clouds. "I'll get you soon team Chaos, you'll pay for all your troubles," I uttered into my mind. Team Chaos, isn't like any evil organization, they don't have giant Meowth robots like team Rocket, they don't have orbs, they don't have stones for their goal. Team Chaos is really unpredictable, and when I find their headquarters? I'll surely end them.

"So... I guess you were able to touch Kalem's hand." Zhery teased. Camellia smiled and blushed as she looked back at me. I could already see Photia-heart city down the mountain, three more routes left as the journey continues.

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