
EPISODE 10: Ditto, oh no!

Proud! Yes... I was proud and fascinated with Riolu's attacks. You might think that I was being over confident about Riolu, well he only knows two moves... But even with two moves, we defeated Marley and his glaring Sceptile! Even sir Copper enjoyed our battle!

I may have angered Marley, but that battle will teach him a lesson he'll never forget!

"Good afternoon children of the Citrus home for the lost!" the headmaster Beatrice spoke with elegance during our lunch break.

"Today we are visited by a Kahuna from no other than Mele Mele island in the Alola region!" headmaster Beatrice added.

"A Kahuna? No way!" one of the children shouted in awe. But I was confused, what in the world is a Kahuna? Is it a person dressed as a Kakuna?

"Hey Glade, what's a Kahuna?" I asked.

"A kahuna is a person who specializes in a certain pokemon type-"

"So a kahuna is a fancy name for a gym leader!" I interrupted.

"No no no! Listen first, interrupt later!"

"Fine!" I said, with an expressionless face.

"A kahuna, like I said, is a person who specializes in a certain pokemon type but! instead of giving a gym badge, its called a Z Crystal-"

"But what's a Z-crystal is it a fancy name for a gym badge?" I interrupted again.

"You'll know if you will listen and not interrupt me!" Glade said with an annoyed expression in his face.

"A Z- crystal is a proof that you have defeated a Kahuna in a Grand trial. A grand trial is similar to a gym battle. A Z-crystal is used to launch a Z-move using a Z- ring" Glade added.

"Wait... Wait... what? slow down, I'm having a hard time processing all this Z stuff!" I baffled.

"Alright, let's keep things simple, a z crystal activates a z move. A Z-move is a special move wherein the wishes of trainers and Pokemons combine to unleash a powerful attack!" Glade expounded.

"Oh... I want one!" I gushed with excitement.

"In order to have a Z-crystal, you must take part in an island challenge where you have to battle a Totem Pokemon, a Pokemon 2x its size! Then you have to challenge the Kahuna or take part in the grand trial, in order for your wish to come true."

"So... What are we waiting for?" I gushed again.

"Island challenges only happen in the Alola region, so basically you can't" Glade expounded.

"Aw... and there I was, wishing to have a Pokemon Z-crystal right Riolu?" I sighed.

We continued to listen to what the headmaster has to say.

"The kahuna, will be staying here for two days only, within those two days... me and staff of the Citrus home for the lost are allowing you to talk or socialize with the Kahuna... You may ask any questions about battling or increasing your bond with your Pokemon... Now we introduce you to no other than... Kahuna Hala!"

The children clapped their hands as they were excited to meet the kahuna, I on the other hand sighed... I wanted to battle the Kahuna.

"Good afternoon children of the Citrus home for the lost..." Hala introduced.

The kids started to shout in awe as they watch Kahuna Hala and his Pokemon Hariyama walking through the stage.

"I am Kahuna Hala... and this is my Pokemon Hariyama. I am so eager to meet and socialize with you all within my two days of visit" Hala explained.

"We want everyone to please proceed to the theater house once you're done eating your lunch. There you can begin to ask questions to Kahuna Hala... just follow Ms. Cherry to the theater." the headmaster ordered.

"Come on Glade! Let's go!" I rushed towards the theater house as I pulled Glade's arm.

"Wait... Wait... You don't have to pull me! I know how to walk!"

While rushing towards the theater we rushed into Zhery.

"Huh why are you guys in a rush?" Zhery questioned.

"I've got to arrive at the theater house early! I want to ask a question to the Kahuna!" I replied.

"Then follow me, I know a shortcut!" Zhery instructed.

"A shortcut? You really are familiar with this large orphanage are you?" Glade asked.

"Well of course, my mother is the headmaster," Zhery replied.

We took the shortcut that Zhery showed us, and we've arrived in time before everyone started to rush in.

"Phew... just in time!" I said as I became calm.

We arrived before the other kids have. People rushed towards the seats and filled the entire theater house. The Kahuna arrived early as well, together with the headmaster and her staff.

"You may now ask the Kahuna anything you wish! Each child will only be given two minutes to ask the Kahuna. Let's start... just raise your hand to ask a question." the headmaster proclaimed.

The first kid went in front and asked...

"Hala sir? May I ask what is the best thing to do to increase Pokemon attack power?" the kid asked.

"Well young child, just train harder and harder, battle with your friends and always remember to strengthen your bond with your Pokemon"

"Thanks so much Kahuna!"

The second child asked... then the third child asked... the fourth and fifth and so on it goes... I kept on raising my hand but the Kahuna couldn't see me until the headmaster called my name.

"Kalem do you want to ask something to the Kahuna, please come on stage?"

I rushed as quickly as I can towards the microphone and there I saw Hala smiling at me and Riolu.

"You look like an energetic kid. May I know your name?"

"My name is Kalem and this is Riolu."

"Then my dear Kalem, what would you like to ask?"

"Can me and Riolu participate in the island challenge and in the grand trial?" I asked.

Everybody laughed and one kid even shouted "You are not in Alola!" he shouted.

"Oh no... I guess Kalem got embarrassed again." Zhery said.

"Those people who laughed are so rude!" Glade said.

"Hmmm... island challenge you say?" Hala asked.

I ignored what the crowd said at me. I ignored every single laugh. I was talking to the Kahuna not to them.

"Y.. Yes, sir, me and Riolu wanted to have Z- Crystal"

"Hmmm... impressive. You're the only kid to ask such a question."

"So... can I take the island challenge kahuna?"

"Hmmm... Ok then, I accept your challenge. You shall take on the island challenge and the grand trial here in this region, but will allow me to prepare the island challenge here?"

"Yes! Yes Kahuna!", I said with excitement.

"But kahuna, shouldn't island challenges be in islands like those in Alola? That's why its called "Island challenge" right?" one of the kids asked.

"Island challenge can be anywhere as long as there is a totem Pokemon, since I have a totem Pokemon, all I have to do is to prepare the island challenge for Kalem. " Hala answered the kid.

"So... young Kalem, prepare and train hard so that you may defeat the totem Pokemon, and so that you can have my Z-crystal," Hala said.

Everybody stopped laughing. As I walked back to my seat, everybody was in awe. "Did Kahuna Hala just approve Kalem's request?" the people questioned.

"I guess this means you're going to have a Z-crystal" Zhery said once I returned to my seat.

"That's if, he wins" Glade added.

"Me and Riolu, are up for the challenge, besides... we have one day to prepare," I explained.

The question and answer activity ended around four o clock. Me, Glade, and Zhery were heading back to the lobby when suddenly we saw a cute pinkish violet blob walking and jumping.

Then we saw the kahuna chasing for the pinkish blob, we asked what that Pokemon was.

"That Pokemon is called a Ditto. It can shapeshift into any Pokemon!" Hala said.

"I was trying to catch that Ditto, when it suddenly rushed out of the room!" Kahuna Hala mentioned.

"Well can we help catch Ditto, Kahuna?" Zhery asked.

"You're offering to help me? Why thank you young children!" Kahuna felt happy and pleased.

The three of us followed Ditto into the lake. When suddenly Ditto transformed into a Caterpie.

"Oh no! Ditto mixed up with those Caterpies!" Zhery said.

"There must be something we can distinguish from Ditto and those Categories," Glade suggested.

"Umm they all look the same!" I said.

"L... Look at the eyes! That Caterpie has dots as eyes just like those of a Ditto!" Zhery observed.

"So that means that Caterpie is a ditto!" I figured.

Ditto transformed back into a blob and ran again.

"Come on we have to chase it before it transforms to another Pokemon!" Glade instructed.

"Over there! Ditto transformed into a Weedle!" Glade saw Ditto transforming into a Weedle.

"Look for the Weedle with dots!" Zhery instructed.

"The fifth Weedle! It has dots!" I said as I jumped towards that weird-looking Weedle. But just before I caught it Ditto transformed back to a blob and ran for the second time.

"Stop playing hide and seek Ditto!" Zhery said.

"Over there! I see Ditto transform into a Jigglypuff!" I pointed.

"Shynx use Thundershock! on that Jigglypuff with dots!" Glade commanded.

Ditto ran again towards a group of Growlithes before being hit with thundershock!

"This game is getting annoying Ditto!" Zhery was so frustrated with Ditto.

"Roselia use Petal storm on that Growlithe! The one with dots to be specific!"

Ditto ran again this time towards a group of Quagsires.

"Those Quagsires, one of them must be a Ditto!" I guessed.

"Riolu hit the Quagsire with dots!"

"But Kalem... All of them have dots as eyes!" Riolu said.

"Y... You're right!" I spoke towards Riolu.

"What did Riolu say Kalem?" Glade asked.

"All those Quagsires have dots as eyes!" I translated.

"This is going to be a tough one, how can we determine which one is a ditto?" Glade asked.

"Look, that Quagsire is trying to run away!" Zhery mentioned.

"So that means... Riolu uses quick attack on that Quagsire!" I commanded.

*Riolu's quick attack hit!*

*Ditto turned back to his original form*

"Gotcha!" Zhery pounced and grab Ditto.

"Come, we have to bring this Ditto back to Kahuna Hala!" Glade said.

We knocked on the Kahuna's room, the room where he'll be staying for two days.

"Oh my... You were able to catch that Ditto! Impressive... very impressive." Kahuna Hala said.

We returned Ditto to Kahuna Hala, the Kahuna Hala looked so happy.

"Now don't run off again Ditto! Aether foundation will scold me if I lose you.." Kahuna Hala said to Ditto.

"Wait, so that means that Ditto doesn't belong to you?" Zhery asked.

"This Ditto belongs to the Aether Foundation. I just figured out that it would be nice to take this naughty Ditto for a vacation as well!"

"Alright Kahuna, we'll be going now," I said.

"Oh right I almost forgot Kalem!"

"What's wrong Kahuna?"

"Train hard for your island challenge... Or should I say, Region challenge?" Kahuna teased with laughter.

"I will Kahuna! I promise." I said with full and sincere affirmation.

One day... I only have one day to train for the Island challenge or just like what Kahuna Hala teased, "Region challenge"

"Alright Riolu, lets train hard tomorrow!"

"I'll make you proud of the island challenge and the grand trial!" Riolu said with determination.

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