
Fake Love/Mu’s Nightmare

After Mu and Clit Oris left the training hall they walked back to Well Hung's mansion in silence.

When they walked in Clit Oris had her head down in what seemed to be shame.

Well Hung was waiting on them with eyes that screamed "What the fuck are you doing here."

Mu was weirded out by these stares and got curious so before he went to bed he made an invisible clone to follow them around and listen to everything they say.

So after Mu got to his room he tuned in to what his invisible clone was hearing.

Well Hung-"Have you failed?"

Clit Oris-"I don't think so but it's weird with him."

Well Hung-"What do you mean weird he's a or he seems to be a young male and your a beautiful female what's so complicated."

Clit Oris-"Well...I think he might like men because every time we start talking normally it's like a nagging voice tells him not to go on or something."

;)I take offense to that.

"Who Cares! Did you hear what she said," Mu thought to the voice hysterical.

;)I...I know Mu but stuff like this can always happen, and if you want to we can ummm...

"She thinks I like dudes!" Mu shouted to the ceiling.

;)That...that's your fucking problem! Not the fact that it's all a sham.

Mu heard what the voice said and thought for a bit before saying,"Well I mean I wasn't going to love her anyways so I don't really care if it's fake."

"But imagine if she spreads this rumor I mean it could haunt me for the rest of my life," Mu thought to the voice.

;)I'm...I'm fucking done somebody else come take over Ohh shit the mic is still on.

Mu was weirded out by the voices weird sentence but that was just the start of his night.

He eventually went to sleep however he didn't sleep well that night, but then again he never slept well on his invisible bed with invisible blankets and invisible pillows.

But that wasn't the main problem, no that goes to the fact that he kept having the same nightmare.

Mu would find himself back in the abyss with the voice screaming at him saying things like.

;)The voice you've been hearing is fake In fact it's all fake your trapped inside of a giant illusion by the warlocks.


;)They are trying to sign a contract with me by holding you hostage inside of this giant illusion.

And the last one was.

;)This is not a nightmare all of this is actually happening how much clearer could I spell it out to you.

Mu just didn't know what to make of his nightmare or what it was trying to tell him but he was going to investigate the next morning.

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