
34 Points/Cannibal Suit

;)Miss me?

"Oh..hey voice where have you been why didn't you warn me about the scam?" Mu asked the voice.

;)I was muted for being an asshole.

"Huh..well that kinda makes me feel better," Mu thought to the voice.

;)I'm sure it does.

"So do you know what's going on?" Mu asked the voice.

;)Yeah your being carried by some goons to a place called the hole and you got your ass kicked.

"Well not in that order but yea..wait do you know anything about this place?" Mu asked the voice.

;)No I don't but if I had to guess it would be a hole where they put people they don't like.

"So it's a prison?" Mu asked the voice.

;)Why don't you ask these guys.

"Alright I mean what's the worst that could happen," Mu thought to the voice.

;)They kick your ass again.

Mu was already conversing with the goons however so he didn't hear the abyss.

"So what is the hole?" Mu asked the goons.

The goon holding his left leg looked up and said," It's a hole where we put people we don't like."

"So is it an actual hole?" Mu asked the goons.

The goon holding his right leg smiled and said," Yeah but don't worry it won't be deep enough to kill you."

Mu looked shocked and asked,"What do you mean by that?"

The goon holding his left arm looked up and asked,"Why do you think all of us came to escort one person?"

Before Mu could answer the goon holding his right arm said,"Because it's really fun to throw people in it..oh here we are."

Before Mu could register what was going on he had been thrown and instead of hitting the ground he just kept falling.

The last thing he heard from the goons was,"That was a shit throw 34 points."

Mu didn't know how long he fell but when he landed he didn't feel anything break but all the air rushed out of him and he was left dazed.

The first thing that hit Mu was the smell even before he turned around to see what he was on he nearly threw up.

As he turned around the first thing he saw was a caved in torso and then lifeless eyes.

"Oh god it's a body!" Mu screamed to the air.

;)Calm down its not like you haven't seen a dead body.

"Yea but I've never been this close to one," Mu thought to the voice as he stumbled away from the body.

As he backed up he tripped and rolled down a small "hill" when he hit the ground he looked up and noticed the "hill" was made of dead bodies.

"Holy shit!" Mu screamed.

;)We might wanna leave.

"Yea,"Mu thought to the voice.

Before he could run away though Mu heard a voice behind him yell,"Why are you touching our supply!"

Mu looked in the direction of the voice and saw a crazy looking man in surprisingly good clothing pointing a bone spike at him.

Mu immediately put two and two together to figure out that the bodies were his supply and this man was most likely a cannibal.

Mu started to bolt until he realized there were people all around him.

The crazy man, who was most likely the leader, licked his lips and said," The prey just comes to us now boys..time to hunt."

The entire group of about fifteen people started running at Mu.

The techniques Mu learned from his beating immediately kicked in and as the fight continued they got better and better.

(What I mean by this is that he got more used to using the techniques he remembered)

When it finally came down to just Mu and the lead cannibal the crazy man came at Mu swinging his bone spike.

Mu got hit a few times before he learned the leaders pattern and from there it was easy to disarm him and shove the spike through his skull.

;)Goddamn Mu.

"Yea..I'm done with this shit I'm gonna get out of here and probably just leave." Mu thought to the voice.

;)I told you this was a bullshit kingdom...but does this mean I won.

"No I haven't left Ezriels Thiefdom yet and I haven't used my power so who knows what could happen," Mu thought to the voice.

Mu will never admit to what he did next but he stripped the cannibal leader of his clothing and started wearing it.

It was a bluish suit that was torn in most places.

The abyss nicknamed it "Cannibal Suit" in honor of the man who most likely stole it from another dead body.

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