
Chapter 18

Chapter 18


____________ Two weeks Later_____________

Dear diary,

Well I'm finally finish with unpacking and I'm settled in and I must admit that I'm really happy. That house was really dragging me down , with all the sadness and hate that I realized that it was no wonder, I was so depressed and unhappy and always wanted to be alone. But now it's like my eyes where finally open and I can see everything so clearly.

 I can see my mother for whom and what she really is an that's a hateful, vindictive, monster. And I'm glad that our disaster of a relationship is over no more hurtful words, no more abuse of any kind because I am now free!!!

 Gawd it's been great especially hanging out with nick has been so much fun he is so good to me.  he asked me out on a date last week and I asked him why so far in advance and he said if a guy ask you at the last minute then they aren't worth your time to say I was impressed would be an understatement …

I keep asking where his taking me but he won't tell me saying it's a surprise, I can't believe I even went to be honest. Because I'm still not really sure of Nick, yes I think his a good guy and yes he is sweet & caring but it could be all a lie.

 He could be a wolf in sheep's clothing and that just plain scary if you ask me. Because my mother was the same way towards my dad but along the way she changed to the evil bitter woman I know today.  But diary I think I will give him a chance. He might be my prince that sweeps me off my feet who knows what life my bring ….

Oh yeah I forgot I had dinner with nick and his family it was great, just looking at them and the way they interacted together. Made me miss my daddy so much that I ended up crying right there at the table. I would have been embarrassed if Mrs. Angel hadn't came and held me then the rest of family came and we ended up in a group hug with everyone giving my word of encouragement even Mikey's adorable self.

 I remember him saying (Don't cwry drea pwlease!!) that almost broke my heart so just for him I pulled myself together and held him the rest of dinner. After that we all settle down and watch a movie then I came back to my new home and here I sit now… I so can't wait till the big date!!!!

Yours truly,




I know what you're thinking real man don't write in journals well I'm a real man and I do ( So Suck it !!!)

__ Nicks journal__

Well here I go this new for me I've never done this and well I since I don't feel comfortable telling my best friend Jaxs !!!  This is my only options so here goes nothing. I think I'm falling for her fast and hard. Just in the little time I've known her. I have had so many emotions I almost feel like a girl…

 Gawd help me she is wonderful, smart, funny, talented, I could go on all day but I'm not. so anyways now I have to plan this date of ours and I didn't know what I want to do ,going out to dinner has been done to death, I'm diffidently not taking her to the movies, I mean who does that !!! So as of now I'm going to figure out what she likes. Then maybe just maybe I'll be able to plan something and if that doesn't work then I'll just ask my mom…


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