
Chapter 4

*** Nick ***

Would you like to go out with me ,I ask her as I'm looking into her eyes I see hurt ,sorrow ,anger ,and so much more pass through her eyes. But then I blinked and it was gone her face was blank I couldn't read what she was thinking in that moment, I was starting to think she was never going to answer my question. When she spoke I almost didn't hear her. because in a whisper she said..

 It was nice that you find my wallet but it would be a mistake for us to go out but thank you anyway !!! Too say I was shocked would be and understatement  I couldn't believe she said no. Dammit I was shocked and I couldn't tell what she was feeling at that moment so It was no use to push the issue. But I'm not giving up... well that's cool I tell her, could we at least be friends I would like to get to know you, she looked a little unsure but shook her head yes before closing the door in my face.

As I was About to walk away the door open and she shocked me again by saying .You say you want to be my friend, she asked  Why do you want to be my friend? Why do you even want to be around me when no one else does? you seem like a nice person and everyone needs someone to be there for them. And I want to be that person for you to be me if you will let me...


*** Andrea ***

I don't know what made me open that door, I don't know what made me asks the questions I did but I Knew one thing for sure I didn't want to be alone anymore and I did want a friend. I guess you could say god does answer prays !!!!


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