

On the night this tale begins, Charles Brannley, usually known as Chas, was watching porn videos, and idly fingering his cock. This was a regular Friday event, caused by his mother going out with a neighbour who had taken his mother Joyce under her wing to help her get over the loss of Chas' father. The point of their evening was to have a few drinks in a local pub and "pull" a pair of likely men for something a little more satisfying. To Chas' knowledge they had managed this several times, but somehow his mother always came home early whilst her friend Jane had vanished into the night with one of their 'conquests'.

Some background here will help. Chas is 29 years old, mother is 51, and his father had been a very high flyer in the finance world until he had died in the 9/11 event in New York. For several weeks they had been uncertain if he had been in the Towers at the time, but eventually his body was identified and for Chas and his mother their future was assured. The 5 bedroom house in which they lived was theirs, free of any mortgage, and there was more than enough money so that Chas' mother need never worry. Chas was a janitor at a local secondary school for girls, and his mother had long worked, from home, as the illustrator for a London publisher of children's books. Thus he got out and about on a daily basis, whilst his mother was a homebody, with few friends in the area. Hence the neighbour, Dawn, who was trying to bring Joyce, his mother, "out of herself" and assisting in making local friends. This she thought should involve sex, but Joyce was not sure of herself - her husband had not been too interested and therefore sex was not really her "thing".

Joyce Brannley was 5 foot 6 inches tall, had a bust of around 32-34 inches and always dressed in clothes which seemed to do their utmost to hide her body shape. Chas thought that the only thing he really noticed was that her bottom always stood out a little, a fact he appreciated.

Charles, meanwhile, was just over 6 foot tall, with a lean body, who enjoyed sex and had had many relationships, or flings, which he relished. Watching porn was what he did when between lady friends. His mother would have been embarrassed if she knew that he understood her situation, but her lack of success had never been mentioned, and he saw no need to bring it into their conversations.

So, back to this particular Friday night. There was nothing on TV to interest Chas, so he had put on one of his collection of porn DVDs, and fingering his cock was just because it seemed natural - he wasn't actually horny. Suddenly, earlier than expected, he heard the front door closing. Chas muted the sound on his film and allowed his hands to rest in his lap, hiding his cock.

As Joyce came into the room Chas could tell that she was upset, which was unusual as she normally took these foreshortened nights out in her stride. Tonight seemed different.

Joyce didn't even notice what the tv was showing, but collapsed on the sofa next to Chas. "Chas, what's wrong with me?"

Her son couldn't immediately think of a sensible answer to that, so took her hand and gently squeezed it. "Mum, I don't really know what to say. When you say 'wrong' what exactly are you referring to?"

Joyce sighed, and Chas thought she was going to change the subject. He held her hand a little more firmly and quickly said "are you talking about your nights out with Dawn? What do you expect from them?"

Joyce was silent for a moment, then half turned towards Chas and said, in a small voice: "Dawn said we'd find ourselves a couple of men, and hopefully we'd..." She stopped. Looking Chas in the face now she continued.

"Since your father died I haven't... I haven't...oh Chas I need a man! Your father and I didn't have too much of a sex life but we did have one."

Chas was taken aback. He'd never had such a conversation with his mother before. He was literally lost for words. Joyce swallowed hard and continued "I'm sorry, this isn't your problem. I'll...I'll go up to bed and everything will feel different in the morning.' and she started to stand up.

Chas held tightly to her hand, and Joyce was forced to stay sitting. "Mother, you're going nowhere. Sit here, next to me, and tell me exactly what's wrong."

With her eyes cast down, away from Chas, Joyce spoke softly. " I have the same needs as any other woman my age. Dawn is an easy person to be with and she diagnosed my problem straight away - hence the nights out. We were to meet... no, we were to pick up a couple of young men, let them buy us a few drinks, and then go...oh dear this sounds so dirty...and then go somewhere, a hotel or one of their homes... for sex" She literally only breathed the last word as she was so embarrassed.

For a second or two Chas was silent. Then: "tell me what happens, please, mom."

"Well, take tonight as the example. We went to the Orange Tree, it's a good pub to meet, er, people, and sure enough after a while these two men started to chat to us. Both were younger than us, bit this didn't seem to bother them. Hey, perhaps they prefer older more experienced women!" At this she seemed to relax into herself, and Chas took her hand again and squeezed it. 'And then, mom?"

"Well, we had sort of split into two couples, Dawn with Peter and me with Jack. He was telling me about his job, as a postman, when he suddenly whispered, right in my ear, that he wanted to..."

Joyce stopped, and looked at Chas. "This isn't right, Chas. I shouldn't be having this conversation with you." Chas, in his turn, felt the same, but was by now too intrigued to let things end.

"Go on, mother. I'm a big boy!"

She paused, then continued. "He told me he wanted to...'give me one'. I had no idea what he meant, and it must have showed on my face. Jack sat back and stared at me for a moment, then said that he thought I was acting coy. However, it must have been at once obvious that I really didn't understand him. Chas, what did he mean?"

"In a minute, mum. Tell me first what actually happened."

He took his hand from mine, and stood up. Turning to Dawn and Peter he told them I was a fraud - I didn't want sex I wanted to trick them into being labelled rapists. Well. by now Peter and Dawn were really getting close and they just laughed and told him to sit down. Jack went bright red and then just stormed out. Dawn simply glanced at me and asked quietly if I could find my own way home."

Chas was not shocked at the callousness of Dawn, he could see that she and her man were about to leave anyway. Looking down at Chas holding her hand, Joyce asked again "what did he mean by that ... what did he want to give me?"

Chas was amazed she hadn't yet worked it out for herself, but smiling said "he wanted sex with you. He was telling you he was up for it."

"Oh my! What an idiot I am. Oh!"

Chas slipped his arm around his mother's shoulders and hugged her. "Mum, oh mum, I didn't ever guess you were that naive. Is that the sort of thing that has brought you home earlier than you wanted when you've been with Dawn before?"

She nodded. "Oh Chas, what am I going to do? I must seem like a silly teenage girl."

As she said this, two thoughts flitted through Chas' mind. One was to wonder what his mother would look like as a teenaged girl, the other was an idea that quite shook him. But before he could put it into words his mother noticed what was playing on the tv.

"Chas, what the hell is that?"

"It's... it's an aid to... oh hell, mum, it's porn," Joyce stared at Chas, then back at the screen. "Turn the sound on, perhaps I can learn something."

For a second Chas reached for the remote, then remembered his idea.

"Better than that, mum, why don't I teach you how to talk dirty to these men you pick up? If you know what they're saying you can react more appropriately."

"You mean... you want to say smutty things to your mother? I don't think so!!"

"Ah come on, mum, you're looking for sex, right?" At this statement Joyce turned head away to avoid Chas seeing how embarrassed she was. She looked at the tv again. "If I agree, does that mean I'll be able to watch that video?" She smiled at Chas, and he realised she was going to fall in with his plan.

"Yes, mum, I've quite a collection you could work your way through." Joyce looked delighted and half turned towards her son. "Can we start now?"

Chas looked her up and down, then suggested she took her jacket off so that he could point out things to her. Joyce was puzzled. "Point things out? What things?"

Chas didn't answer directly, he simply started to help her to remove her jacket, revealing a pale blue blouse buttoned up to the neck. Just as he had expected. Now came the tricky bit.

"To start with, when looking for...e.. sex, it's a good idea to put a little bit of yourself on show. May I?" and without waiting for approval he deftly unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse, and spread the neckline open so he could see the top of her breasts. Joyce simply sat there, listening to her son.

"Now, mum, I'm going to teach the name of body parts, as a lusty young man might describe them. I will say them, you will repeat them in order to learn them. OK?" She simply nodded. "I might also touch them to underline what I'm referring to."

Joyce nodded again, and Chas smiled to himself.

'Inside your blouse, what are you wearing?" For a moment she just looked at him, then, in a Very quiet voice replied. "My brassiere." Chas gently slapped her arm. "Mum, in today's world it's a bra. What is it?'

"It's a bra" said his mother.

Taking a chance Chas began to unbutton the rest of the buttons on her blouse. "Let me see what type of bra you wear, mum" he said. Joyce was a little surprised by his action but just nodded her understanding. Reaching the last button Chas took hold of the blouse and opened it. There, displayed for his hungry eyes, were his mother's breasts. No reaction from her as he ogled her. Then he got serious again. 'Mother, that bra is so old fashioned. It's like armour plating. Now, what's in your bra?"

Joyce hesitated, then "my breasts."

"No, no, when sex is involved they're tits, or titties. sometimes referred to as boobs or bristols."

"So they're my tits," Joyce swirled the word around her tongue. "I like that. Tits, titties, boobs, or, what was it...bristols."

Chas was becoming quite excited, and wondered how far he could go with this. "And what is the most, er, prominent part of your tits?" Joyce looked puzzled. Chas wanted to pull her bra up and reveal those tits, but the bra was too robust for that. "Let me show you" he said and so saying he pushed her forward slightly and began to ease her blouse from her shoulders. There was no comment fro, his mother as he took her blouse from her, and then pushed her forwards again and began to unfasten her bra.

At this Joyce became alive. "What are you doing, Chas. You can't see mummy without her bra!"

"mum, surely you want to know what a man will want from you? Here, let me take this bra off you and show you."

"This isn't just teaching me to talk dirty, is it? You want to demonstrate what I'm letting myself in for if I go along with one of these Friday night beaux?"

"Precisely', he said as he removed her bra and sat back to admire her plump tits, noticing that as he did so she unconsciously thrust her chest out. "Mum, these are your nipples, and this is how a man fondles your tits". Before she could react Chas has cupped her tits and was fondling them and tweaking her nipples, which immediately went hard. He pulled on them till Joyce let out a cry of pain, then he leant forward and took her left nipple in his mouth. "Oh mummy, I'm suckling your tit. What am I doing?" No reply, and as he looked up at her face her eyes were closed and her mouth was open.

Chas sat back and slapped her right tit, not too hard. Joyce opened her eyes and asked him to repeat himself, though Chas could see her breathing was becoming faster. He repeated his words, and reapplied his mouth to the nipple. She stammered out his words, music to his ears.

"What, mum? Am I turning you on?"

"I don't know what that means. Oh, Chas, don't stop!"

"It means that your whole body is beginning to react to what your man is doing to you. It's a good feeling, isn't it?"

"I...I think so. Oh!!"

Chas had stopped touching her tits, and was watching her face. He guessed she was ready for what he wanted next, and he shifted his position slightly. His cock, which had been exposed all that time but which his mother had not noticed was erect, and he took her hand and guided it down. Joyce was still breathing hard as her son rested her hand on his cock. "Mother, doing what we've just done is exciting to the man too. Look at my cock." She looked down, and her eyes opened wide. "My God, Chas, what..." She got no further as Chas told her very loudly "Wank your sons cock!"

Without a word Joyce wrapped her hand around his thick erect cock and began to wank him. Gently. "Did my dad like this?" he asked quietly. Joyce nodded, and Chas started to fondle one of her tits again. His mother gasped and yelled "yes, yes, touch my tit, excite me!!"

Chas was only too pleased to oblige, and let his hand roam from one tit to the other. Joyce was beginning to writhe a little, and Chas knew he had to move on before it became too late.

"Tell me, mum, what do you wear under your skirt?"

She briefly stopped moving, and then answered "my knickers."

"And if I asked you the question...are your knickers a little wet?"

She squirmed beside him and just nodded. "Out loud, please" demanded Chas, and she reluctantly said "yes, my knickers are sort of... damp."

Then it's time to move on. Stand up."

His mother released the cock she was still wanking and struggled to her feet, then turned to stand in front of her son. Chas eyed her tits, still heaving with her heavy breathing, and said "lose the skirt."

She put her hands behind her to pull down the zip, and then let her skirt fall to her feet. Chas was delighted - her knickers were almost as out of fashion as her armour plated bra. "Oh mum, tomorrow I'm taking you shopping, You need sexier underwear than that. And we'll be buying you panties, not knickers. Repeat that."

"I'm going to buy panties, not knickers."

"And a suspender belt and stockings, You have no idea how the sight of a woman in suspenders and stockings can turn a man on." Joyce looked please at the prospect.

"Turn around, please, mother, I want to see your bum in those knickers."

A fractional hesitation, and she turned her back to her son. "Just bend forward a little" he asked, and Joyce thrust her bum out. Chas leaned forward on the sofa and grasped a handful of each beautiful globe, then allowed his hands to wander all over them both. His mother simply stood still.

"OK, mum, turn back" and she straightened and turned to face her very aroused son. "Do you know what part of your body is making your knickers wet?" Joyce stared at him for a moment, then almost whispered "my vagina." Chas burst out laughing. "No, rather like your tits, when sex is involved it's called a cunt. Sometimes a pussy or a clit, but for you and me it's a cunt. Repeat."

Silence for a moment, then, chest still heaving, his mum said "it's my cunt."

"Mother, take your knickers off, I want to see and excite your cunt."

There was no hesitation now as Joyce pushed down the old fashioned knickers and stood totally naked in front of her son.

"Come here" he told her, and his mum walked right up to him. She obviously knew what he was going to do. Chas slipped his right hand between her legs and for the first time fingered his mother's cunt, finding it very wet and hot. Joyce groaned as he slipped first one, and then a second finger into her hot cunt. "Lean forward, mother, and wank my cock again, I'm very close to cummin."

Obediently she did exactly as ordered and found a cock which was, if possible, even harder than before. As she started to slide her hand up and down her son's cock, her son put the hand not involved with her cunt up and began to fondle a hanging tit. Joyce began to make a noise, somewhere between a moan and a sob. Chas knew time was up.

"Stand up, mum, next lesson coming."

Joyce stood, only letting go of his cock as it became out of reach. Chas stood also and, taking his mother by the arm, guided her around the end of the sofa. "Bend over the arm, and then spread your legs." Obediently she did, and Chas again took a handful of her bum, fondling it until he could take no more. He then quickly undid and removed his trousers, pulled his cock back out and stood behind her. "This is what all this has been leading up to, mother. Just stand still, and enjoy."

Without pausing Chas guided his cock between her legs and up to the entrance to her cunt. His mother gasped as she felt him feeling for the hot lips to part, and he entered her. Joyce screamed out, though whether in pain or joy he couldn't tell. Or care. He was in his mother's cunt, and was about to fuck her.

With absolute abandon Chas began to pump his loaded cock in and out of Joyce's cunt. After a couple of minutes he was about to cum, and he reached forward to take a firm grip on her right tit as it bounced and swung with her ecstatic movement. Joyce had her first orgasm in years, and Chas had his first inside his mother. Without stopping he continued to fuck her, his cock having lost none of his erection from that first delicious orgasm. Two minute went by, and he came again, and his mother continued her excited reaction to his pumping, occasionally groaning and murmuring "yes!"

Two more minutes went by, and he began to feel his cock wilting. Without removing it from her he leaned back and gave her left buttock a hearty slap. His mother yelled at this, and actually moved faster, helping her son to cum yet again.

Four times Chas stopped fucking her to allow himself time to regather his lust.

However, time took its toll on Chas, and he slowly came to a halt, though ensured his cock remained embedded in mummy. "Tell me, mother, what do you think just happened?" and he gave a none-too-gentle thrust to remind her.

"Um... I don't know. You made love to me?"

Chas laughed. "Oh dear no. Mother, you're naked in front of your son and he has just fucked you! So, repeat this, please: I'm a slutty mother. I've been fucked by my son."

There was a delay and Chas was about to slap her bum again when: "I've been fucked by my son."

"Say it all" he ordered.

His mother was very conscious that her son's cock was still buried deep in her cunt, so with obvious reluctance she said: "I'm a slutty mother. I've been fucked by my son."

"Good girl. Next time you go on the pull with Dawn you stand a chance of getting what you want. Meanwhile what you can feel sliding down your legs is my cum mixed with yours. And tomorrow we're going shopping for sexy underwear for you, panties, bras, suspender belt and stockings, and when we get home I'm going to show you what to do with your mouth." and with that Chas pulled out of his mum's cunt, picked up his trousers and left the room.

Joyce sat down on the sofa. Her son was right - he'd fucked her. And this made her a slut. She knew that was wrong but still - what an introduction to lusty sex!

She gingerly touched her wet, sore cunt - oh how she liked that word - and decided to sit there till the cum had stopped running down her leg.

Tomorrow - who knew?!

Chapitre suivant