

Naruto looked at Limka, "So this Rappiccini has him?" he asked. Seeing Limka nod he continued, "Where are they?"

"They took him to their base in Sokovia, they're currently funding the rebellion going on there."

"Busy people." Naruto said. Looking at Illyana he said, "If you don't wanna go I understand. Just drop me off and I'll meet you back here."

Illyana nodded slowly, "I'm not going anywhere near that woman…but I'll drop you off I suppose." She said reluctantly.

"Now wait a minute!" Limka said getting up from his seat, "Are you going to let me go or not? I told you what you want to know!"

Naruto shrugged, "Sure. You can go." Limka looked at Naruto with strong suspicion in his eyes, only for Naruto to look back at him with a face as straight as a ruler. Taking a few testing steps back, he slowly picked up his pace to a frantic walk towards the door, "But before you go, there's something you might want to know."

Limka stopped right at the door, his hand on the knob as he spoke softly, "And that would be?"

"From the moment I attacked the camp, to now, I've had a score of Shadow Clones fighting your men in Aniana. I've also had them killing off any politicians that were backing your upbringing, and have talked to your king and given him the proof that it has been you in charge of the rebellion all along." Naruto spoke in a calm matter, leaning back in his chair as he looked at Limka over his shoulder.

Limka's face began to grow red, hoarse with rage as he spoke, "You…YOU BASTARD!" The man then charged at the seated Naruto, with the blonde extending his leg out at the last minute, his foot slamming into the charging man's crotch, causing the man to slump over in pain, clutching his package as he fell to the floor.

Getting up, Naruto spoke, "See yourself out Prime Minister whenever you wish, my friend and I must be leaving." With that, Naruto made his way to the door, Illyana hustling after him.

As the door slammed behind them, Limka got up from the floor, tears forming in his eyes, "Everything…He took everything from me. My men. My rebellion. My country…My pride." Slamming his hands against the table top he sobbed, "I have nothing!" As his hands slammed into the table, the gun clinked and clanked as it rattled from the vibration. Looking up, Limka saw the gun in front of him, the silver steal gleaming in the light. Reaching a shaking hand out towards it, he picked the gun up and brought it up to his face for further inspection. Twisting the gun around, tears continued to flow as he looked at the small hand gun in his hands. His face relaxing into one of absolute acceptance, Limka pulled back the cocking handle with an audible 'click.' The gun shaking in his hand, he placed the barrel of the gun under his chin, the bottom of the gun resting on top of his quivering Adam's apple. Slipping his finger against the trigger, he took a moment before firmly pulling down on it.


"Huuugh!" Limka breathed out shock, nearly dropping the gun after hearing the sound of the gun not going off. Hurriedly pulling the magazine out of the gun, Limka was shocked to find that the magazine was empty.

"No…" Throwing the gun away he screamed, "NO!"


Naruto and Illyana were standing in the mountainous countryside of Sokovia, the two looking down at what looked to be a military base/research facility, with a fifteen-foot barbed wire fence keeping out anyone not wanted, and several guard towers sporting lookouts and searchlights littered all along the fence line. Several living barracks were littered throughout, along with a good handful of vehicle garages. The research building was three stories tall, and was the size of your average high school. Several people were walking in and out, most wearing strange hazmat suit-esc attire that was yellow in color and covering their entire bodies from view. Even the visor going to the masks were tinted a dark blue, keeping you from looking anyone in the eyes. At first Naruto thought these guys were all scientists, that was until he saw the various assault rifles most of them were sporting.

"So…what's the plan?" Magik whispered, the two crouched down behind a massive boulder, keeping them out of view from the soldiers below, not that they'd be able to see them considering night had just befallen the area, "Please tell me you're not gonna pull the same stunt as last time."

"Don't worry, this will be way more subtle." Naruto said calmly.

Illyana smiled nervously, "Are you even capable of subtle?"

"Not really." Naruto shrugged, "Worth giving it a shot though."

"Alright well I'm out of here. This place gives me the creeps." With that, Illyana sunk into one of her white portals, "Good luck." She said just as she disappeared.

"Right. Thanks."

Getting up from behind the boulder, Naruto put his hands up behind the nape of his neck. With a slow, calm walk, Naruto made his way towards the base. As he came into view, it only took a moment for him to be spotted, the crack of gun fire splitting the air as the ground in front of him exploded in a tiny burst of dirt and grass. The spot light had shifted on his being, covering him in a thick beam of white light, forcing him to cover his now squinting eyes with his hand.

"Halt!" The man in the guard tower shouted out in Sokovian, "Do not move, I will not miss twice! This place is off limits to all civilians, state your business or you will be placed under arrest!"

Naruto, not able to speak Sokovian quite yet just understand it, shouted out in English, "I've come to surrender myself! My name is Nathan Ulrickson!"

The guard looked at Naruto for a moment, obviously understanding him from the lack of confusion in his face after hearing a language he hadn't spoken earlier, before pulling on the radio strapped to his vest and speaking into it in a hushed voice. It only took a moment before someone responded, with the man lowering his gun as he spoke, "Stay there!"

With a loud rattle, the double fence doors opened up, with four men all dressed in the same yellow hazmat suit marching out towards him in a simple diamond formation. The man upfront made his way behind Naruto, grabbing his wrists aggressively before slapping a pair of hand cuffs on, clamping them tightly, the metal digging into the blonde's wrists. One of the men then began to pat him down, checking for any weapons he may have had. His hands making their way to his wrists, he quickly found and confiscated his concealed kunai. Pocketing them the man that searched him gave the squad leader a nod.

"Move." The man behind Naruto ordered, pressing his gun into the Shinobi's lower spine.

Naruto obliged, walking forward at a fast enough pace so that the gun was no longer in his back, but slow enough that the man wouldn't pull him back if he got too far ahead. The walk was brisk, the five of them heading straight towards the research facility. Walking inside, Naruto had to squint his eyes at the florescent lights as the temporally blinded him. His vision cleared, the blonde made sure to keep track of each twist and turn the five of them made towards the destination, his eyes sharply collecting as much info as he could.

Finally, the five of them arrived at a pair of thick steel double doors, with the squad leader walking towards the panel to the side. Naruto watched as he put in the numbers 476-954 before the doors opened with a resounding 'whoosh.'

Walking inside, Naruto couldn't help but be a little disappointed by what was in front of him. Nothing. The large room was completely empty, with the only thing being a single woman. Suddenly, lights turned on, revealing the room to be some sort of arena. Inside the arena, Naruto could see a rather pretty woman with long thin black hair. She looked to be of Hispanic or Italian decent, going from her complexion, and had very womanly figure that was being shown rather well by her form fitting green dress. The dress itself didn't reveal any skin, completely covering her chest, shoulders, and arms, with yellow gloves covering her hands and forearms. The skirt to her dress went down to her ankles and was black in color, with her yellow boots peeking out from bellow.

"Hello Mr. Ulrickson. My name is Monica Rappaccini, it's quite the pleasure to meet you." Monica said, introducing herself with a kind smile, "I've heard quite a number of things about you."

"I'm sure you have." Naruto said, his face dead serious as he looked the woman in the eye.

Monica continued to look at Naruto for a moment before looking at the man behind him. Giving the man a slight nod, he then began to unshackle him. His hands now free, he gingerly began to rub his chafed wrists, even if the chafing had already practically healed.

Monica hadn't taken her eyes off of him, though she was paying more attention to his healing wrists now more than anything, "Self-Regenerative as well." Monica said, "My, aren't we just full of surprises? First that buffoon's men say you had control over metal and could melt the guns with your hands, and now you can heal yourself, even if said wounds were minor? Impressive." Walking forward she continued, "Almost as impressive as our friend Magik. Or the boy, Herald. Truly, those two's capabilities are endless. I can only imagine the things I would do if I had either one of their powers."

Naruto didn't say a word, allowing the woman to circle him, her eyes raking over him appraisingly, "I've always had an admiration for those gifted with such powers. The things I've seen that I once thought impossible. Pyrokinesis, Cyrokinesis, Telepathy, Trans-dimensional Teleportation, Flight, Aquatic Resperation. And don't get me started on these Inhumans, those that have figured out a way to gift themselves with superhuman capabilities, and are too selfish to share said knowledge with the rest of humanity." Now only a few feet away she stopped in front of the Shinobi, "So, if they will not share the next step towards evolution, I have made it my mission to find it myself."

"Even if that means kidnapping these Inhumans, and experimenting on them?" Naruto asked, "Even if that means kidnapping innocent children, who have no stake in your stupid bid towards power."

Monica's smile grew, "But of course. How else am I to discover how it is done? I need to see what it is that makes them different, the X-Factor that makes gives them their power. Once I find that, I can replicate it." Her smile then fell for a moment, "Believe me when I say that this was our last resort. All other methods have ended in failure and death. From trying to replicate the serum that created the Captain America, to trying to copy the method of which Bruce Banner became the hulking monster that he is now. We've even attempted to use cybernetics in an attempt to at least mimic superhuman abilities, both attempts while succeeding, failed in meeting the bar set by the Inhumans."

"Human experimentation should be a step at all." Naruto said firmly, memories of people like Orochimaru and Kabuto coming to the forefront of his mind, "What you've done is unforgivable in every sense of the word." His eyes narrowed as he began to leak out chakra, "If you've done anything to that poor boy, I will kill you."

"And how are you gonna do that, hmm?" With a snap of her fingers, four doors around the arena opened. Monica began to walk backwards as she spoke, "Allow me to introduce you to my 'Acquired.'" With a wave of her hands, a figure began to walk out of each doorway. The first to appear was a middle aged looking mad with combed back brown hair and a thin beard wrapped around his jaw line. The second was a woman that looked to be in her late fifties, her greyed hair tied back in a tight bun behind her head. Third was a girl that was in her mid-teens, her curly red hair reaching her shoulders. And finally, came out Herald himself, bags under his eyes and his pupils dilated and unfocused. All four were tight yellow body suits, the elastic material hugging their bodies tightly.

Naruto took a step towards Herald, "Herald! Hey-"

"He won't respond Mr. Ulrickson." Monica said. "Remember when I told you about our 'failed' cybernetic experiment? Well, while his body had become horribly grotesque and crippled, his mind is still as active as ever. Which is good, because his control over the mind is incredibly useful when dealing with our super powered…guests. Keeps them a bit more mild mannered then they would be otherwise, that and when you find a Metahuman, who better to capture one than another of their kind?" Looking at Herald she said, "This is your field test dear, so if you would, please sedate our friend."

"Yes ma'am." Herald drawled out. It didn't even take a second for Naruto to suddenly feel Herald break threw his mental barriers, entering his mind scape as he did. Naruto followed after him, finding himself before the caged Kurama, Herald standing just a few feet in front of him.

Naruto quickly tried to walk towards the boy, only for him to a sold force of psionic energy to his him in the chest, sending him tumbling backwards as it did. Looking up, Naruto said, "Dammit Herald, I'm trying to help! Fucking snap out of it!" Not wanting to attack the kid, Naruto hoped to get through to him mentally, "Your mom is worried sick about you Herald. Come on, let me help you. Let me take you home."

"Why should I, huh?! Because of you my daddy's dead! You-you could've taken us away; you could've done something!" Herald yelled out, his dilated eyes watering, "I HATE you!" With a yell, Herald threw his arms out, another blast of psionic energy heading towards Naruto's direction. The blast blew Naruto away, the force of it shaking Naruto's very mind scape.

"Dammit kid." Naruto muttered, getting up with a slight sway, "You're right. I should've done something to help you guys. Nothing I can do, not even saving you from these people, can make up for what happened to your dad. And if you wanna hit me some more, I'll let you. But dammit kid, can we please do it after I get you away from these psychopaths?!" He yelled out.

"No." Herald said, "I'm not going anywhere with you."

Naruto sighed, "Fine." Then, in a burst of speed, he appeared behind Herald before chopping him in the side of the neck, effectively knocking him out. Catching him just before he hit the ground, Naruto watched, remorse in his eyes, as Herald's mental avatar faded away. Looking over at the attentive Kurama, Naruto said, "I'll probably need your help in a bit."

"Right." Kurama said, standing at attention as he watched his battle partner disappear.

Snapping out from his mind scape, Naruto saw that barely a second had gone by outside. Looking over a Herald, he watched as the boy collapsed in on himself. Once again appearing next to him in a burst of speed, Naruto caught the boy. Creating a clone, Naruto put Herald in its arms, "Take him to his mother. Stay with them until I return." The clone nodded, hugging the boy tightly to his body before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

"Well well." Monica said, "You're getting more and more interesting by the second."

"I don't really care." Naruto said, his body straightening out as he looked Monica in the eye once again, the three Metahumans surrounding him in a triangle as he spoke.

"Firstly, you obviously have some sort of mental blocking ability to be able to keep a psychic of that boy's caliber out of your head and knock him out from the backlash. He had to keep him under constant sedation just for MODOK to get in his head. But just then, Superhuman Speed, Self-Replication, some form of Teleportation? Just what can't you do?" Monica didn't seem to care that this man had left with one of her acquired metahumans, only carrying about the fact that he showed more of his abilities, "I have to see just what else you can do. Perhaps you are the key." Looking at her three acquired she ordered, "I want you three to go all out, but don' kill him. Understood?"

"Understood." The three said at once, their voices echoing after each other's. Then without warning the three charged forward towards the blonde. The bearded man pulled his hand back, his hand enveloped by fire. The older woman didn't actually come at him at all, instead levitating upwards a couple dozen feet about them all. The girl was open him first, her body now completely enveloped by ice, her hand and forearm forming into a spiked club. Swinging her ice club towards his face, Naruto ducked the swing rather easily, sending a quick jab towards her face that she swerved out of the way of. Naruto was then forced to skip to the side to avoid the flaming fist heading towards the back of his skull. Giving a donkey kick back towards the fire guy, Naruto caught him in the stomach. Swiftly twirling around, Naruto caught the ice girl in his foot, sending her sprawling back. Naruto wasn't expecting however to be bum rushed by the flying bat, the woman flying him up, more than likely to give him a pile driver from up in the air. Naruto wasn't having any of it, cupping his hands together as he beat his hands into the woman's back like a drum, causing her to let him go from the sudden blow. Naruto, in midair, then gave a backwards kick into the woman's chin, more than likely shattering her teeth in the process. The woman officially knocked out, Naruto quickly grabbed ahold of her, steadying himself in the air as he did. Creating a Shadow Clone, Naruto handed her off to him.

"Take her away, then create a handful more of yourself and scour the building of innocents. When your done let me know." Naruto ordered, with the clone giving a mocking solute before Body Flickering away. The blonde was then force to dodge as a torrent of fire soon came his way, nearly swallowing him whole.

Looking down, he saw the fire guy was now completely covered in fire. The man began to gather more fire, probably gonna try and shoot him down again. Naruto, not wanting to play a game of fire tag, Body Flickered towards him. Now behind him, Naruto quickly went through several hand signs thinking, "Wind Style: Expanded Vacuum Sphere." Extending his hands out towards the fire guy, wind quickly began to surround and envelope the man, quickly rotation around him, creating a sphere devoid of all air around him, thus cutting off any oxygen he might need to breath or produce his fire. The man quickly losing the ability to breath, he quickly lost consciousness, and was quickly arriving on Satan's door. As the jutsu had been going on, Naruto was dodging around the arena, doing all he could to keep from being touched by the ice girl, seeing that everything she seem to touched froze on contact. Releasing the jutsu, the Shinobi created another clone to get the man before it too disappeared. Looking over, he saw that Monica hadn't left the arena for some reason, more than likely still wanting to see for herself what he could do.

"Fine." Naruto thought, "If she wants a show, let's give her a show."

His attention now fully turned towards the ice girl, Naruto allowed himself to enter his Six Paths Sage Mode, the shroud of chakra covering entirely. The sudden shift in his power level caused the wind around him to displace for a moment, and the ground bellow him to crack under the pressure that was his power. Seeing no point in running any longer, Naruto came to a stop allowing the ice chick to take a swing at him. The club of ice made contact, only it did nothing. The force of it, while usually strong enough to crack concrete, didn't even cause Naruto's head to budge an inch. And while usually, anything she touched froze over on contact, this time, she herself began to melt, her arm peeking out now that her ice armor had been melted.

"So you don't actually turn yourself to ice, you just cover yourself with it as an armor." Grabbing ahold of her he continued, "Then I don't have to feel bad about his then." With that, a blue ball of fire surrounded his hand, before in a quick burst in covered the girl completely, effectively melting the ice covering her and giving her a bit of a sun burn while he was at it. Then similar to what he did with Herald, Naruto gave the girl a swift knockout.

Creating a final clone, Naruto allowed it to leave with the girl. Turning around, Naruto saw that Monica was still there, a look of absolute admiration on her face.

"If only I'd known. If only I knew that I was in the presence of such a…such a superior being." Monica said, "This…this power is suffocating. I can barely stand it!" The woman finished her sentence with a mad cackle, an unhinged look in her eye as she looked at Naruto, "Just image what I could do with you!"

Once again, the feeling of someone trying to invade his mind was felt by Naruto, the being once again making its way to his mindscape, forcing him to return to confront this person. Once again in front of the caged Kurama, Naruto looked over to see a strange sight in front of him. The being before wasn't like anything he'd seen before, which was saying a lot. From what he could see, it was practically a massive body sized head with arms and legs. The head was covered by a strange helmet/armor, it's yellow motif matching that of what was worn by every AIM member he'd seen so far. The arms and legs were covered as well by a purple exoskeleton looking armor, with the only skin showing being the creatures face, which was a sickly greyish purple.

Its wrinkled face looked Naruto up and down before speaking in a raspy tone, "So…you are the creature Dr. Rappiccini is so fascinated with. From what I saw threw the Metahumans, you're much more powerful than we could have ever expected. It's a shame you will be forced to become that wretched woman's slave. Given your appearance and the gleam of attraction I got from her when I entered her brain, it wouldn't shock me if she forced you to mate with her." Turning towards Kurama he continued, "But perhaps just as strange is the creature you keep within you. Is he the source of your power, or merely a small factor? I can't seem to enter your mind, this being the final blocker. It's truly impressive that you've been able to keep me out the way you have, it truly is, but it's inevitable that you will fall under my power, for I am MODOK."

Naruto didn't say a word, only allowing one of his Truth Seeking Balls to extend outwards in the form of a spike, striking the creature in front of him directly between the eyes.

"That guy was annoying. He was blabbering like since he got here." Kurama grumbled.

Naruto chuckled, "I was honestly tempted to just open up the cage and let you go to town on the asshole."

"Now that would've been fun." The Biju said excitedly.

Opening his eyes once again, Naruto looked Monica in the eye, the woman obviously thinking MODOK had succeeded in his mind control attempt, "Good work MODOK. Send him to the Rehabilitation Room, oh and tell him to have his replications bring back the Acquired." Monica then got up into Naruto personal space, bring her hand up to his face in a gentle caress, "Such a handsome man." The woman was shocked however when Naruto then grabbed ahold of her by the neck, the air effectively knocked out of her, "AAAHck!"

"I want you to watch." Naruto growled out, his chakra causing the room to shake, the ground and walls to buckle and crack, and the observation glass to break. The lights above them began to burst, sending glass and sparks flying down below as the room was once again enveloped in darkness, the only saving grace being Naruto himself, his Chakra Shroud light the room in an eerie glow, "I want you to watch, as I burn this place to the ground. As I make sure, that your every ambition, that your every desire, becomes dust beneath your feet." Explosions began to rock around the building, followed by various screams and gunfire, "I want you to watch as I make sure that no one will be forced into your depraved experiments, you greedy, narcissistic, monster of a woman!" Then, with a burst of chakra, the two were surrounded by the avatar of a massive nine tailed fox. The two finding themselves in the avatar's head, Monica looked around frantically as the avatar straighten up, it's massive body having already destroyed most of the building upon arrival.

Looking at Naruto, her grip grew tighter, "Please Naruto, please! DON'T DO THIS! This is all for the good of man kin-"

"How did you know my name was Naruto?"

"Wha-what?" Monica asked in shock.

"How do you know my real name!" Naruto yelled, "The only person I told was Hera-" Realization struck Naruto, a dangerous look of rage on his face, "What did you do-"

Realizing where he was going, Monica screamed out, "We didn't hurt him I swear! MODOK found out when he entered his mind, he saw all his memories! That's all I swear!" Her voice was overrun with panic, preying the blonde believed her.

Naruto, sensing that she was telling the truth looked away, looking down at the destruction he had caused, "Good."

"You ready kid?" Kurama said, his voice booming over the sounds of the screaming soldiers below them.

Naruto nodded, "Yeah. Let's do this." The blonde had been meaning to try this out for a while but just hadn't had the chance. Well, might as well now. His face scrunched up in concentration, Naruto jumped out of Kurama's avatar head, Monica in tow. As he jumped out, he quickly began to levitate above Kurama, looking down at him as he spoke, "You good buddy?" He yelled down.

After a second, Kurama looked up at him, giving him a thumbs up, "It's official kid. We can fight separately now. We're gonna be so badass." He bellowed out, a large smirk on his face as he continued, "And I so know how to celebrate this achievement." Extending his arm out, two other arms sprouted from his shoulder and rib cage. His original arm forming a massive Rasengan, the other two began to channel a massive amount of wind chakra into it, "Better get back kid…Wind Style: Ultra-Big Ball Rasenshuriken!" With a heave, Kurama hurled the massive Rasenshuriken towards what was left of the AIM base.


The massive explosion of wind and chakra completely engulfed the entire base underneath them. In classic Rasenshuriken fashion, it didn't take long for it to dissipate, leaving behind a massive crater the shape of a perfect circle, dust and debris still not having settled.

"I've always wanted to do something like that." Kurama said proudly.

"Thanks for the help Kurama. You can go now."

Kurama grumbled, "Yeah yeah, I'm going. Jeez, I'm only ever allowed out once a year nowadays, you'd think I'd be allowed to enjoy myself a bit longer." With that last complaint, Kurama's avatar flickered away. His partner now gone, Naruto slowly began to descend down to the ground, his destination crater his tenant had just created. Finally landing smack dab in the middle of it, Naruto allowed the still gob smacked Monica go, the woman falling to her knees as she looked at what was left of her life work.

"This isn't the first time I've ruined someone's life today, taking away their very reason for living. In fact, I drove that Limka to the point that he tried to take his own life. It didn't work obviously; the gun was nothing but a Shadow Clone transformed. And I didn't do it because I thought death was too good for him. I did it because that was something I wanted to take from him too. Took away his life, and I took away his death…if only for a moment." Looking down at the still form of Monica, he could see that she wasn't crying, or begging. She was just sitting there, staring down at the ground. Reaching into the back of his jeans, Naruto once again pulled the gun given to him my Gabrielle, "But you though…you treasure your own life. I can see it now, your trying to figure out how you can recover from this, how you can continue your great work." Looking down at the gun in his hand, Naruto pulled back the cocking handle. Pointing the gun towards Monica, his steady hand making sure that the bullet would go right between her eyes, his finger slipping up against the trigger.

"I won't let that happen."



Chapter Complete


Holy God damn shit guys that took a while to write. Now, I'm probably going to have a shit ton of people complain about this, because there was a lot in this chapter that was OOC for Naruto. To you people, why are you reading fanfiction if you have such a boner for whatever character people are writing about to be perfectly in character? Whether someone is writing a fanfic about Harry Potter, Fairy Tale, Naruto, or Star Wars, the character/characters they're writing about will never be one hundred percent in character, that's the whole point. Never have I ever read a Naruto story where Naruto actually acts like Naruto. That would annoy the shit out of me. I like smart Naruto stories. I like strong Naruto stories. Naruto being strong and smart are both totally out of character for him until the end of the series, and even then he could be a fucking idiot. I'm sure I'll have someone disagree and say that they've read one that one time, and if you have GREAT! Tell me, I'll skim through it, and then I'll PM you so I can tell you just how OOC he is. I will nitpick the shit out of you. Now, to those that say that it doesn't make sense for Naruto to be so focused on going home when he's already acknowledged that it's a lost cause, let me ask you this. What other moments in Naruto's history has he stubbornly obsessed and persisted in completing a task that most would call pointless/stupid, even if he would eventually point out that he's aware of the just how stupid it is? Hhhhmmm let me think…Sasuke, his thing for Sakura, his Rasengan training in both part 1 and 2, his dream to become Hokage, the list goes on. His very character is that he obsesses with things to the point that harm befalls on himself and at times others. The last chapter was an eye opener for him, showing him that he needs to stop obsessing with things, and realize that some things are a lost cause. I'm sure I've blown some minds with my slightly in-depth reasoning for Naruto's behavior in previous chapters, but I felt it was time to tell people because I'm seriously sick and tired of all the complaining. To those that said they loved it, and to the few that have pronounced their eternal love for my writing you have my eternal thanks, especially to SoldierOfTheSea-1775, who had read this story and my first story The Way, and has claimed both as "masterpieces" which seriously made my day. So, as a thanks, I'll let you in on a secret…Chapter 19 will be coming out with the next month! Yaaayyy! I'm excited to get back to it, I'd taken a bit of a break so I could write this and I haven't had time to really think of anything. The chapter will be titled: Always Dirty Never Clean. For those that are fans of my writing style, please do check out The Way, the plot revolves around the Ninjaverse where Obito never "died" and the effects that that would have. It revolves around Naruto and is about his adventures. That means that there are a lot of characters from the original story that were dead but are alive, (cough Minato, Kushina, the entire Uchiha clan) and a few people that are dead but were alive in the original (cough most of the original villains). The main villain is a character I created and he's totally bad ass. A bit of a warning though, the first couple chapters are a bit raw, what with The Way being the first story I'd ever written, but I get my stride pretty quick. Anywho, please check it out and up my review count, it needs some love. It would seriously make my day. Well after that shameless plug, that's pretty much it. I love you guys! REVIEW, FOLLOW, FAVORITE! Fucking love me dammit!

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