

After Kiritsugu was cured, Izayoi re-entered and saw buffed up Kiritsugu completely different from before apparently after healing Kiritsugu's both physical and magical circuit quality increased by a big margin.

Baron: "So, Mr.Kiritsugu how are you feeling?"

Kiritsugu clenched his fist and said, "Better than ever"

Kiritsugu now filled with hope couldn't wait to invade Einzbern and rescue his daughter. Izayoi looked at Baron and said with a bored look, "I am leaving, I have to meet...someone."

Baron: "Someone, I didn't know that you started dating."

Izayoi just left without hearing a word. Izayoi went roaming around the city. He went to a place near the school where he saw Rin and Shirou together.

Rin: "What do you mean by, you don't know?"

Shirou: "Tohsaka, I really don't know about Izayoi.He is just my new neighbour."

Rin: "So, why didn't he came to school for the past few days."

Izayoi then interrupted their conversation by saying, "What are you guys doing here?"

"Izayoi!" shouted Shirou&Rin in unison.

Izayoi: "Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

Shirou: "Nothing, it's just... Tohsaka wanted to ask you something."

Tohsaka: "So here you are, avoiding me for all this time. Emiya, leave this doesn't involve you."

Izayoi: "No, stay.. by the way, Shirou is a magus."


Shirou was now in a turmoil of mixed feelings that if someone had to describe it would be 'What the fuck just happened?' Tohsaka was shocked, she didn't notice that Emiya was a magus for so long.

Rin looked at Shirou and exclaimed, "You are a magus!"

Shirou coming out of the turmoil said, "I am qualified enough to be a magus, I don't even know the proper basics."

Izayoi hearing and sighed, "I don't even know this and you were accusing me of being a magus for days."

"What should I suppose to guess with all that amount of od in you?" Tohsaka shouted at both of them.

Izayoi looked around and then said, "Let's talk this over some coffee, people are thinking you are crazy."

Rin's face got red by embarrassment and she with Shirou just quietly followed Izayoi to the nearby cafe.

Inside the cafe,three of them were sitting together sipping coffee.They now started their conversation for which they came here for.

"So,ask the question i am missing my sleeping time." Izayoi decided to start the conversation.

"So,you both are magus" Tohsaka said with a serious face as Izayoi face palmed himself again.

"I already told you that i am not a magus,he is" Izayoi said while pointing at Shirou.

"How did you find out about me?" Shirou asked with a little embarrassed face.

"Magus could sense mana simple but often don't don't use magecraft so your magic circuits are sealed," Rin said with her chest puffed out.

Izayoi decided to have some fun.

"But I could maybe be because I have better senses."

Rin got little angry but she calmed down and looked and Shirou, "So, you are a magus and you didn't even report to Tohsaka household despite living here for so long."

Shirou with a confused face said, "I don't know anything about rules like these."

Rin sighed and continued, "Of course you don't, by the way, who thought you my magecraft?"

Shirou replied, "My father, ah his name is Kiritsugu Emiya if you want to know."

Rin folded her arm and started thinking 'Kiritsugu Emiya... Emiya Kiritsugu, I have heard this name before but where.' and then she opened her eyes and asked, "Can I meet your father then?"

Shirou's face darkened as he said, "No.. you can't my father is currently very"

"Nah, he is alright" Izayoi interrupted Shirou and after looking at his confused face he continued, "Your father was affected by a curse which was going to die, but one of my friends cured him just a few hours ago."

"Dad.. i need to go now" Shirou didn't comprehend what Izayoi said just knew that he was dying and he ran out of the cafe.

"I am going after him and ojou-sama pay our bills, we can continue this conversation tomorrow at school." After saying Izayoi lazily followed Shirou and left before Rin could say anything.

-an hour later-

Emiya residence, after Shirou, reached his home and confronted Kiritsugu about the curse and asked him about everything that happened despite the pain in his heart Kiritsugu told Shirou truth about everything the Fuyuki fire, Holy grail war, his family everything.

"There are many things I have done in my life that I regret. I always chose to save moreover a few even if the few contained my loved ones." Faces of all the people he sacrificed were flashing in his mind but Kiritsugu somehow continued.

"I was reckless when l was young. I educated myself by cursing the heartlessness of the world. The world was cruel- so I made myself more heartless and used that as a weapon, trying to follow through on my ideals.

There was a time when even if I had to carry all the evils of this world, it won't matter. If that can save the world, then l would have gladly accepted it.

I wanted to be a hero but unfortunately... being a hero is a limited-time thing. When you grow up, it becomes harder to call yourself one. I wish it hadn't taken me so long to realize that. In the end, I just failed everyone you, my family, my ideals everyone. Do you hate me for all this?"

Kiritsugu had tears in his eyes and was prepared to be hated by Shirou but it didn't happen and Shirou just cried and hugged him.

Shirou: You are a hero dad, you claim you didn't save anyone but here I am you saved me.

Izayoi who was listening to their conversation from outside the room smiled and entered and asked, "Then when are we going."

Kiritsugu while wiping his tears asked, "Going where?"

Izayoi smiled and said, "To rescue your daughter"

Chapitre suivant